2� 1 ���� 11
<br /> p�•a�vzd� rcc�i�ts �hall for aI[ purposes be c��e�ned �� be a covenant an� a�x�eGmen� �an��.in�e� in thi� Security
<br /> �ns�rument, as �he ph�ras� "cov��a�.n� and agr�eme�a�" is used in Sectio� 9. If �a����aw��• is obli�a�ed to pay
<br /> Fscraw Ttems direc��y, pu�•suant to a �vai�rer, and �3or�awer fails �a pay the amoun� due far an Escrow �tem,
<br /> �end�r �n�.� exer�ise ��s x°ights u�der 5ec�ian 9 �.nd pay s�xcl� a�naur�t and I3ar�•avv�t• s�all then be obliga�e�
<br /> u��er Sec�ion � �o repa� �a I�end�r any su�i� amount. I���adex may xe�ol�e �k�e waiv�r as �o at�y �r aZl Esct•ow
<br /> ��ems at any tirne by a no��ee gi�en i� accardance wi�h 5����on 15 and, upoz� such r��roca�ian, B�r�rawer shall
<br /> pa��a Len�er all Fr�t�ds,and in suc17 amaun�:s,tha��.r��hen t,equired under�his Secti�t�3,
<br /> L�nd�r may, a� any �i�a��, cnlle��a�c� hald Fu�.ds in an arxaout�� (a� suffic��nt�o ��e�•mi� L��ndex �a app�y t�e
<br /> Funds a� �he ti�e sp�cified unde�• RE�P1�., and ��a� aac�t to e�ceed �he n�axirx�um �.rn.�unt a Iender �an re�uiz•e
<br /> under RESPA, L,ender shall es�in�ate �h� �.mou�.� af Funds due on �he basis of cuz•ren�: dat�. and reasanab�e
<br /> est�xx�.a�es af e�p�nc�i�ut•��af futut����crow�tctns ar o���erw�se in acGordance with Applic�bl�I�aw.
<br /> T`he F�nds s�xa�l be h�ld �n ax� instit�.�tion whas� depnsits a�e ia�surec� b� a fed�r�l agency, ins�rumenta�r��,
<br /> o�r en�i�y ��nclud�ng L�nder, if Lender is an in�ti�u�:ion wha�e depasits ar� sa �nsured} or in atly Federal Ho�ne
<br /> �o�n Lanlc, Lend�r shall apply �he Fux��s �;a pay �h� Escr�w I.�Ems taa la�er ��aan �he �ime specz��d unde��
<br /> RE�PA, Lend�r shall no�charg�e�3�x•�ow�r fo�• h�ldin� �.�.d apply�n��he Funds, a�anua�ly analy�in��he�sc��aw
<br /> account, ❑r v�rifyir�g �11� Escr�w �texra�� �a�.�es� �_.P�1�PI• pays �orra��r in��rest �n �he Funds and .Applicable
<br /> La� permits Lender �o �nal�e sucla a cha����. Unl�ss an �gt�eezxa�i�t is nraade in wri�ing ar �.pp�ic�.ble L�w
<br /> x•�q��ire� int��•es� �o Ue paid on �h� Funds, LE�der sha�l x�ot b� xeql�ir�d �o pay �arrower any in�te�•�s#� a�•
<br /> earnings �r� the Fu�ds. F3o�•r�v��r and I..ender �an agree in �x•itii�g, h�v�eve�r, �ha� �n�ere�ti shaiZ be pa.id on �he
<br /> Fu��acls. Lender shall gzve to Bar��ovver, wi�hou� charge, an annual accounting of 1:he Funds as requ�red �y
<br /> RESPA.
<br /> �f th�x�e is a surplus of Funds he�d in escrow, as de�in�d undez- RESP.A, Lendez- shall accoun�to Borro�uet•
<br /> fnr the excess furlds zn a��ordat�ce with �SPA, �f thex•e �s a shortage of F'unds ��eld �n escrovv, as de�iz�ed
<br /> unel�r k�SPA, L,�tlder sha11 n�ti�y Borro�nr��r as r�qui��ed l�y RESPA, and �a�rr�w��• sha�l �aay to ��t�der �he
<br /> atnoun� necessat•y �o rn�k� up the sh�r°�a�� �n a�Ga�dance with R�SPA, bu� in no more ��aan 1� manthl�
<br /> �aymen��s. If thexe is a def�cienc� of F�nds he�d in escx,ow, as def�ned under RF�PA, �..;ender �hali notify
<br /> �3o�rz:aw�r as required by RESPA, and BorrQv�re�• s�1a�� pa� �o L���de�r the amoun� �aeGessaz•y �o makc up ��a�
<br /> d��'�cienc� in acc�rdan��with�LSPA,bu1:in no mo�re than 1�monthl�paytne�ts.
<br /> Upo� paymen� in full af a�� sums secured by �hi� �ecuri�y 7ns��ument, Lend�r sha11 pz�omp�ly refund to
<br /> Lorrower a��}�Funr�s helc�hy Lender,
<br /> 4. �har�es; :�.��ens. �or•row�� �hal1 pa� ali ta��s, assessmen�s, chat•ges, f�nes, and �mposi�ions a�tri�u�abl�
<br /> �a �he Proper�y which can attait� prio�ity a�er �hYs Secux��y 7nstirument, �ea�sehold payment� or �ra��nd ��ntis on
<br /> �he Pra.per�y, if any, and �ommuni�y As�ocza�ion Dues, �{ees, a�c� Assessn�en�s, if an�. Z"Q �he extent �ha�
<br /> thes�i�ems are Esc�•�w ztexns,Ba�•�owe��sha.11�ay�h�m in tlae manza�r provzded in Se�ti�n�.
<br /> Borr�w��, sha�l p�amp�ly d�sc�aarge �tay ��e�7 w�a�ch h�.s p�•iority over this Security Ir�s�rument unless
<br /> �arrawer: �a� agt�ees �n v�ri��r�g �a the payrr�en� af�he obl�gation secured by the lie� in a mann.er acc�ptiabl� �Q
<br /> Lender, llu� on�y so lang �s ��rt•or�er is perrarrning such agreem���; ��� �ont�s�s �h� lien in �aod fai�h by, o�,
<br /> defends agains�: enforce�x-�e�nt �f�lae lien �n, legal px ac�edings which i�a Lender's ❑pinzoz� �p�rate�o p��event�he
<br /> en�orcement of the lien whxle�hose proceedings a�e pendin�, b�.i�only until su�h proceedings are concluded� �r
<br /> �G� secuxcs from the h�Id��r' of�he �ien a� agre�m��� sa�isfac�ory �a L���d�r subnrdiMatix�� the lien �o thas
<br /> Se�uri�y �nstru�l��n�, If L��a.d�r de�ermines t��at any �art o�the Pt•ap�r•ty is subj�ct �❑ a lien vvhich can a��ain
<br /> pr�flrx�y over th�s Seeut•��y �ns�xumen�, �.�ender may giWe Bor�row�r a not�ce zd�ntif��ng �he �ien. Within ��
<br /> d�.�s of �he dat� on whic�. �taa� no�ice �s grv�n, �3nrrow�r sha�l satisfy �he Iien or �aI{e one �r mar� of�h�
<br /> actians s�1:for�h a�o�e in�h�is Sec�ion 4.
<br /> Lender may z�equire I�ox•rowe�{ to pay a one-�ii-ne charge for a �•eaI est�.te �ax vcri�"icati�n a�adlor repar�ing
<br /> service used�y Let�d�r�x���nnectiQn wi�h�his Loan.
<br /> 5. P�•aperty �nsurance. Barraw�r shail ��eep th� im�rr�vements z�ow �xist�ng at• h�reaftcr er�c�ed o�a ���c
<br /> �'�aper�y ��.sur�d a�ains� Ioss hy fiz•e, haza�•ds xnGlud�d �vithin the term "ex�ended caver�t�e," �nd any o�hex
<br /> ha�ards i�ciudYn�, �7L1� �]nt �1Ii11��C� �q, eax-thquakes and flo�ds, fQr whi�h Lenc�er requires in�uraflGe, This
<br /> insuranc� shall �e marn�aiz�ed in �.��e amounts �in�luding deductib�e levels} and f`or the �erio�s ��.��: �end�r
<br /> requires, �hai. Le��der z•equires pu�•sua�lt to �he p��ecedzng s�n�ences can ch�z�ge during tihe te��m of�h�Laan,
<br /> The insurance carrier pra�iding the insuran�e shall be chosen by B�rr��ver �u�b3ec� to �ender's right �o
<br /> disappro�e Borr�wer's GhO1C�, whz�h ri�ht sha11 no� be exerc�sed unx•easona�ly. Lender znay z•equir� �3a��rower
<br /> t� pay, in �onn�ctian wx�h this �aan, either: �a} a onc-1;ime charg� for �.00d zone c�etermina���n, cez•taficatia��
<br /> and tra��cing ser�i��s; �r �b} a ane�-�xme charge for flooc� zone d�termtraa�ion and cex��if�ca�ia�z ser�i�es a�d
<br /> N�BRAS�CA-Single Family -FannieMaelFreddie llilac UNIF�RM 1NSTRUIVIENT
<br /> Form 3�Z8'�14�
<br /> Laser Farms fnc.�soo}�44�w3�55
<br /> LF I#F NllllA3�28 91�� 1��xg�.5 of 13 1n ixia�s;
<br /> � �
<br />