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2� 1 ���� 11 <br /> UN�FC7�M C�V�ENAI�'I"S. Borro�er at�d Lend�r cov�i�ar�� a�d agree as fo�Iows: <br /> 1. Paymen� of PrYz�cxpa�, Interes�, ���rnw Items, P�•epayme��� Char��s, a��d La�� ����rges. Borxow��r <br /> shaii �ay v�hen due �he pr�z�cxpal of, and i��eres� on, tf�e debt evidet�c�d by �he 1rI��e and any �repaym�r�� <br /> charges and iate charges due und�� �he No�e, Bo�rz°owet- shall also pay funds fot• �scxow ��ems �ursuan� �n <br /> S��t�on 3. Payrnen�s du� und�r the No�c and thxs Sec�.tri�y Tras��•u�-nen� shall be made in U.S, cux•rer�.Gy. <br /> �oweve�•� if any checic or o�hez• i��s�rutn�nt receiv�d by L��de�• as �aym.ez�� undex• �h� N�te or �hi� Se�urity <br /> zns�xum�z�t zs r��urned �o L�nde�� unpa�d, L.en.der may require tha� at�.y o�� aii sub��quenx �aymen�s due und�r <br /> ���e Note and this Securi�y :�ns�rumen� be��.ade in ❑t�e �r mare af�he fallawing fat•Ix�.s, as selec�ed by Lendez�; <br /> �a� cash; �b� �x�on�y or�e�•� �c� cer�if�ed cheGk, baz�k �heGi�, �z�easu�•�z,'s chec� or cashi�r's ����Gk, provicled arzy <br /> such chec�� is dt•awt� upoz� an.inst��u�z�t� w�aose deposits a�re insuxed by a fed�ral a�ency, x�astrumen�ali�y, or <br /> en�i�y; o�•�d�El ec�ronic F��r�ds Tratasfer. <br /> Paym�n�s are deemed �•e�eiv�d by L�nde�• wheri �•ecei�Ed a� th� locatiotl desigt�ated in t�7e No�e or a� su�h <br /> othc�• 1Q�a�ion as may be dEsxg�a�ed �� Le��der in ac�ordat��c wi�h �he no�ic� pro�isions in S�c�ian 15. Lend�x <br /> m�.� re�urn atay paymen� or par�iai pay�nen� if�he paym.en� or partia� paym.ents ar� insu�`C�cien� �o l�r�n� �:he <br /> Loan current, �.a�nder rna� a�c��� any paymen� or pa�tial �ayr��en� insufficien� to bring the Loaz� curren�, <br /> v�i���ou�vv��ver af�.n� rz�h�s he�•eunder az• prejudic� ta �ts �igh�s to r•efuse such ��.y�x��n�ar p��•t��.l pa�ments in <br /> 1:he fGxtua•e, b�,�� Lender is no�ob�ig�.t�d�a �.�pl� such paym�nts a�;th��im�sucl� payz�a�n�s are �ccep�ed. �f ea�h <br /> pet•i�dx� Paym�n� i� ap�l�ed as of its sc�aedu�ed due da�e, �hen Lendet� ����d t1o� pay in�ex•�st n�� unappxz�d <br /> � funds. �ender may hold sueh unappli�d funds until B�xr�wer maltes paymen� �o bring the Loan cu�ren�. �f <br /> �arrow��r does noi. do so withi�a �. �•easonable per�od of'�ime, Lendoz� s17a11 either a��ly such �'unds or re�uz�z� <br /> �herri�a �3arrowEr. If no����lied eazRlier, suGh funds v�i�l �e applied�❑�h� ou�sta��dzt�g princxp�l b�la�acc uzader <br /> �he No�� immed�a��ely }��-xar to fo�e�losuz-e. No offset ax claim which B�r�•o�v�r n�igh� ha�e now 4r zn �he <br /> �`uture ag�.inst L�nder shali relieve Borrawer from ma�c�n� paymen�s due under �he Note and �his Securi�y <br /> ��.s�rum���a��performing��x�cov��.an�s at�d�.green��n�s secur�d by�h�s�ecut•i��r zns�ru��n�n�. <br /> 2. A�ap�i�atian of Paym�nts ❑�• ProGe�ds. �xcep� as ��h�rwise d�scri�ed in this Se��ion �, a�l pa�m��ats <br /> accep�ed and applied l�y Lender shall be appi�ed in �he f�llawing c�xder of�t•io�,��y; �a} in�eres� du�ur�der ���e <br /> Nate; �b} princi�a� due under �he �o�e; tc� amaun�s due under Sec��an 3. Such payments sha�l �e �.pplied �� <br /> eac�. P�ri�dic Payrr�e��� an �he orde�y in whi�h �� be�ame due. Any ��t�nain�ng amoun�s shall bc app�ied f�rst �� <br /> late charg�s, se�a�ad to any othe�� amoun�s due under this Secur�ty zns�rum�z�t, and t�ez� to reduce �he pxincrpa� <br /> balar�ce of�he 1�Iote. <br /> �f Lender receives a pay�nent from Bort•awer fa�• a det�nquent Pe�•iodic Pa�men� which inclu�es a suff�cren� <br /> amoun1:�o pay any �ate cl�a�rge due, ��e pa�ment� may be appl�ed to t�ae d�Xxnqu�nt payna�nt and �he Iat� charge. <br /> If marc t�ha�� �ne I'eri�dxc Pa�rne�at is orx�standt��g, L�nd��• may appl� any payment z�eceive� from F�or�•awe� �� <br /> �he repaymen� of the Peri�dre Paytner��s if, and �a �he extien�that, �ach paymen� �an �e ��.i� in full, Tfl �he <br /> exten� tha� any exGe�s exis�s after �he paymen� is appl i�d �o the full p�yrnen� of on� o� more Perzodic <br /> Payment�s, such excess may b�a�plied to any �ate cha�rges due. Volun�arY pr�paymen�s shall !�E appiied fi�s�to <br /> �ny p�e�a�r�aent chaxg�s�nd�her�as des��•ib�d in thc NQ�e. <br /> Any a�p�ica�ian of paym�n�s, insurance pzo�e�ds, nr Mi�c�ilan�aus Pro�eec�s �❑ prxncipal due under the <br /> N�i:e shall n��ex�end or pos�:pone tihc due date,ot•change the amout��,of the l�erxodi�Payr��en�s. <br /> 3. Funds far �sG�-ow I�ems. �3orrowez• sl�all pay ta �ende� an the da� P�ri�d�G Payrr��nts a�r� due uncie� <br /> the N�t�, uta�il ti}a� Nfl�e is paid in full, � sum �t�e "Fu��ds"� to pro�id� fat• paym�n� af arnaur��s due for; �a} <br /> ta�es and assessmen�s and o�her ��.ems which can attain priarity ��e� �his �eeur�ti� rnstrumen� as a Iien or <br /> ,, encumbr�nGe an the Propez�ty; ��) I��se�aol� �aym�n�s or ���ou��d z�en�s an �l�c Pro�ex•�y, if an�; ��� premiums <br /> foz• any and all insu�ran�e requir�d by L�rad�r under Se��xo�a 5� and ��� Mor��age Znsut,ance pz�emtums, �f any, <br /> ar any sums payable by Borro�ver �o Ilender in Iieu of �he payment of :Mortgage Insuran�e pr�n�iums in <br /> ac�ordance with the provisions of SeG�iota �0. Tl��se i��rns are called "Escrow rt�nls." A� o���gir�ai:iata o� �� <br /> a�y �irne during the term of th� �.�oan, La�nd�r rx�a� �•e�ui�•� �ha� ��mmu�nii.y As�ociatioza I�ues� �e�s, az�d <br /> .A.ssessm�nts, if any, i�e escrowed by Bo�rz•awer, and such dues, f�es ��ad ass�ssments sha1� be an Esc�•avv I�em, <br /> Borrowex shall p�-Qmp�ly furnish to Lender a�I natic�s of amounts �o be paid ur�d�r �his Sec�ior�, Bo��rowe�� <br /> s��a�� pay Ler�der the Funds fo�•Escrow I�ems unless Lender vvai�es Uorrowez•'s obligation ta pay �he Fua�ds foz• <br /> any or aIl �sc�-aw Ytezxas. Le�c��r n�ay r�vai�� Bor��owe�•'s ob�iga�:zon t� p�y to �e�d�r Fu��ds fo�• any �r �.�1 <br /> Escrow Irerns �� any �ime. JAny such �aive�r may on�y be in v�ri�ing, In the even� of�uch wai�er, �a��t•ow�r <br /> shall pay dxrec�ly, vvhen and �he�•� payablex the amo►,�nts due foz, any Esc�row I�ems for which payrnent of <br /> Funds has been w�axve� by Lender at�d, �f Lendex ��equxres, sha�l furnish �o Lende�• receip�s e�idencing suc�� <br /> payment wi�hin suc�ti�n��er•rod as Le��der may z•�qu2r�e. F�o��r•Q�v�r's obli�a��on to m�.l�e such. payment� ar�d�o <br /> NEBRASKA�5ingle Family -Fannie MaelFrsddie 11�ac UNI�QR�U!INSTRUMENT <br /> Form 3��8'�1D'I <br /> Laser Forms lnc.�8�Q}446-3555 <br /> L.FI#FNMA3n28 9J1� ��'���o�1� In ifiial�: � � <br />