2� 1 ���5��
<br /> []EED �F TRUST ` � `
<br /> �Continued� ���e s
<br /> � separ�te lots or�arcels or items as Truatse shall deem�xpedient,�nd in such arder as it rnay determine�
<br /> s��ublic eu�ti�n ta the hi�hest hidd$r for ca$h in lawiul money of th�Uni#ed S#e#es p�ysble et the tirne
<br /> of sale. Trustee shali deliver to su�h purch�ser �r purchasers thereo� its g�od and �ufficfent dee� or
<br /> deeda can�►e�ing the propert� sa �ald. �ut withou# any covenant ar w�rranty� sxpre$s or impli�d. The
<br /> recitals in�uch d�e� of any rnatters or fScts sh�ll Ive c�nclusiv� proaf o�th� trut�rfu�n�ss #h�rao�. Any
<br /> psrsa�� including�nrith�ut limitation Trustar� Trusxe�,ar Len�er. msy purChBse at su�h sele.
<br /> �b} A� may be psrmitted by �aw. �fter deducting a�l casts� f�es �nd expensss af Trustee sn� Qf this
<br /> Trust�including casts of�r►idenc��f ti#le in connection with sale,Trustee�hal��pply tha pr�ceeds�f sale
<br /> ta peyment Qf tif ell sums expend�d under the ter�ns o#this Deed of Trust�r under the terms of the N�te
<br /> nat then repaidi in�luding h�t nat #imited t� �cGrued interest and late ch�r9es, {iif all other sums than
<br /> secured hereby,and ��ii�the rerna�nd�r,if any,ta the person or pers�ns�egally entitlsd thsrsta.
<br /> R�y Trustee may in xh� manne�pro�idgd by law p�stpan�sa�g af afl ar�rry portian af the Propert�.
<br /> R�medi�s IVat Exck�snr�. Tr�s#ee snd Lender, �nd each of them. shsll b� entitled to enforc� pa�yment and
<br /> perf�rmance af sny indebtedness or obligat�ons secured by this Deed of Trust snd t��Mercise ail rights and powers
<br /> under this �ee� of Trustr under ths IVote, undsr�ny ot the Related Documents, ar und�r sny ather egreem�nt or
<br /> any lauvs naw or hereafter in farce; notwithst�nding, �vme or al!of suc� indehtedne�s end ol�li�s#�ons sa�urad by
<br /> �hi� I�eed of Trust mey naw or h�r�after be vth�rwi$e se�ur�d, wheth�r by mortgage, deed of trust, pl�dg�� li�n.
<br /> ass�gr�ment ar aiherw��e. Neithe► th� accept�nce af this Deed of Trust nor it� enfnrcem�nt. whether by ��urc
<br /> actinn or pursuant ta the pvwer�f sale�r other power�cantained in this Dead of Trust, sha�� pr�jud��e or in Bny
<br /> m�nner �ffe�t Trust�e's �r Lend�r's flght to realize upon �r�nforce any Qth�r security now ar here�fter held hy
<br /> Trustee�r Lender, it being�greed tha#Trust�e and Lender, and eech af them. shall be entitlsd ta en#orce this aeed
<br /> af Trust and anY ather security now or h�reafter held by Lender or Trustee in such Qrder snd mannar as they or
<br /> either af tham may in their a�bsalute dis�ret#4rr determine. No remed�► conferred upvn �r re9erved to Tru�t�� o�
<br /> Lender. is int�nded to be exclUsi��o#sny other�reme�y in#h�s Deed�f TrUst ar by�ew pr�vided or permittad, but
<br /> eech sh�ll be cumula�ive �nd sha�il be in additian to e�ery other remedy giW�n in this Deed of Trus� or n�w or
<br /> hereafter existin�at law or in equity or by st�#�#e. Every p�wer�r remedy giv�rr by the IVote ar�ny af the Related
<br /> Documents t� Trust�e ar Lender or to whi�h ei�har of them may be otherwise �ntit�ed� mey be exercised.
<br /> �ancurrently ar�ndep�ndentlyr from time to t�me and as o'ften a� rrtey b�d��rned expedi�nt by Tru$tee or Lender,
<br /> and either of them may pursue inconsis#ent rem�dies. Nothing in this Oee� of Truat s#�all be cons�rued ss
<br /> prohibiting Lendsr fr�m se�king a deficien�y jUdgm�nt�gainst the Trus��r to th�extent such a�tian is pefmi#t�d by
<br /> law. El�ction by Lender ta pursue any rem�dy shall not ex�lude pursuit of any other remedy, sr�d �n �lect�on to
<br /> make expenditures or to teke act�an �Q p�rforrn an oaligetian af Trust�r under th�s Deed Qf Trust, �fter Tru$#or's
<br /> f�ilure to perfarm, shs�l not Sff�c#Lender's right to declare a d$fau�t snd exercise its reme�ies.
<br /> R�quaat fa Notice. Trustar,on behalf of T�ustor and L�ndet,hereby reques���hat a capy�f any N�tice o#De�sult
<br /> an�e copy of any Natice of S�le under this Dsed Q�Trus#be mai#�d t� them at the addr�sses��t fvrth in tha tirst
<br /> p�r��raph a�this De�d af Trust.
<br /> Att�rn�ys' Fees: Expenses. If Lender institut�g sny suit or �ctian t� enfarce a�ny of �h� terms of this �]eed ai
<br /> Trust, Lender sh��l be en�itled t�recover such sum as the court mSy adjudge reasanat�le���tt�rneys' �ees et tri�i
<br /> and upon any app�a�. INhather or nvt any �aUrt action is in�al�ed. and to the extent r�ot pr4hibited by law� all
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs thet in Lender's opinivn �re necesss�ry �t any time far the protectian �# �ts
<br /> interest or th��nforcement of i#s r�ghts�hall became a p�rt of the Ind�btedness payabla an demand and shal!hesr
<br /> interest at the Mate r�te from th�dste of the expendit�r�until repa+d. Expenaes covered by#his peragraph include,
<br /> without limitetion. hawe��r sub��ct ta any limi#s under appl�csb�e Isw, L�nd�r's attorn�ys' fees and Lencler's I�gai
<br /> expenses, whether ar not there is � lawauit, including attarn��s' �ees and expenses for �ankrupt��r pro�sedings
<br /> tincluding e#farts to mtxl�fy or Wacate��y�utomatic stay or injunct�onf,appeels�and any anticipated post-judgment
<br /> colleciion ser�ices, the c�st af se�rching records� obtaining titls rapQrts �in�luding forsclasure reportsy. sUr�eyors'
<br /> reparts� and appraisa! f�s, title insur�n�e. �nd fees for the Trustee, to the ex�ent pe�mitte� by app�icabls 1�w.
<br /> Trustor elso wilE pey�ny court c�sts.in sdditi�n to a�l oth�r sums prouided�y i�w.
<br /> Ri�hts af Trustea. Trustee shall havs ell oi the rights and duties a�Lender�s sef forth in thi�section.
<br /> �
<br /> P�WERS AND aBLIGATI�NS��TRUSTEE. The f�llawing pro�isions relating to thg pawers�nd obligations o#Trustee
<br /> are pa�t of this Deed of Tru$t:
<br /> Powsrs af Truatae. In additi�n to al!powars of Trustee ar�sing�s a matter of law,Tru�t��s#�all ha�e the prrwer t�
<br /> take the�ollowin���tians with re�pe�t#o the Prop�rty upon the v+rrittsn requ��t af Lgnd�r�nd Trustor: tay join in
<br /> prep�ring and filing a� map ar plat af th$ R�al Property, incEuding the dedication �f streets �r athar rights ta �he �
<br /> puhli�; �b� jain in gr�nting any e�sem�nt or �reating any restriction an the Rea�l Property; and [cf j�in in any
<br /> subor�iinatiar�ar ath��egr�ement affecting thi� D��d of Trust ar the interest of Lender under this Dee�!o�Truat.
<br /> Trustse. Trustee shall m��t a!I qu�lific�tions required �ar Trus#ee under appliCable law. In addi��ar� to th� rights
<br /> snd remedies set farth above� with respect to all or any ps�rt af the Property, th� Tru�tee sh��l hs�� the ri�ht ta �
<br /> for�class by nvtice and safe, and Lend$r�h�ll have the right ta fore�los� by judi�ial�oreClasure, in either case in �
<br /> accordance uvEth and tu tha ful�axtent pr��rided by applic�l�le law.
<br /> Succsssor Trustee. L�nder, at Lender'a apt�on�mey fram time t4 time sppoint a succe�sor Tru�t�e t�eny Trustee
<br /> appointed under�hi� Deed a#Trust by an �nstrurnent exe�ut�d and acknowledged b� Lend�r and fecar�ed in the
<br /> nffice af the recurder of Hal� �ounty, St�t� of IVehraske. The instrument �h�il ��ntein� in addi'tivn t� all other
<br /> mattgrs required by stat� I�w, the n�m�s ort the �rigina� Lender, Trus���, ar�l Trust�r� the book �nd pege {or
<br /> computer aystem r�ference} where this Dssd of Trust is rscarded, and xhe name and addres$ �f the successar
<br /> �rustee,and th�instrUment sF�all bs�xecutsd snd acknowledged by alf the banefici�ries under this�e�d af`frust ar
<br /> their�uc��ss�rs in�ntefest. The successor trusts�, without con�eyence of�he PrQperty, sha�l �ucc�ed ta all the
<br /> title, pawer, and�uties confarred up�n the Trustee in th�s Dee�!of Trus#end by epplic�l�le I�w. This pracedure far
<br /> subst�tution of Truste�shall govern to the ex�lusian o�all o#her pro�i�ivns far substitutian.
<br /> iV�TiCES. Any natfce r�quired ta be gi�en undar this Desd��Trust, including without limitation �ny notice o# defSu�t
<br /> and any natice of sale shaN ae girrQn in writing, and shall be effective whsn a�tually delivered, when actua�ly recei�ed
<br /> by te�eiacs�m�lg �unless otherwise requir�d hy law�, when deposited with a nationally r�Cogni�ed QveRnight courier,��,if
<br /> mai��d. when depo$it�d in the United St�tes mail� as#irst cl�ss. ce�iiied or regist�red mai! pastage prepaid� directed�o
<br /> the address�s shvwn near the b�ginning af this Deed of Trust. All cvpies of notices of fvreclosur� frQm the hvlder of
<br /> �ny lien which has priarity o�er�h�s De�d af Tru��sh�l�be sent t� Lender's address. a�shown near the beginnin� ot
<br /> this Deed af Tru�t. Any p�rty may chSnge its address f�r notices under thi� Deed �f Trust by giving formal writt�n
<br /> notice tQ the v#her pa�ti�s, specifying that the purpose �f the n�ti�e is ta change che psrty's address. F�r notE�s
<br /> purpos�s,Trustor sgrees tQ keep Lend�r info�med et ell times of Trustnr's curr�nt s�idr�ss. Uniess a#herwise prQ��ded
<br /> vr required by law� if there is mare than on�Trustor� �ny not�ce giv�n by Lender#o any Trustor is deemed to be noti�e
<br /> given t�all Trus�ors.
<br /> MISCELLANEDUS PR�YISi�NS. The fa�i�wing miscellsn�aus proWisi�ns a�re�part af�his Deed a'F Trust:
<br /> Amendrrtsn�s. This aaed of Trust� togeth�r with any Related�ocuments� canstitut�s tha entire understanding and
<br /> �gr��ment of the parties a�s tv the mstters set forth in this aeed o�Trust. iVo alt�rat�on of�r amendment to#hia
<br /> ��ed vf Trus�shall be effe�ti�e unless gi�en in writing and signed by the perty ar perties sought to be ch�rged or
<br />