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2� 1 ���5�� <br /> . . . <br /> �EED �F TRUST <br /> ��antirru�d� Page 7 <br /> bound b�the a�tecation or amendment. <br /> Annual R�parts. If th� Praperty is us�d for purpases �ther th�n Trust�r'� residence, Trustar sha�l furnish to <br /> Lencler, upan rsque�t. a c�rti�ie�d statement o� net op�r�ting �n�ome re�eive� trom t�e Praperty r#uring T�ust�r's <br /> pre�iaus fis�ai year in su�h farm end detail �s Lend�r shall require. "N�t oper�tin� incvme" shall maen s�l cssh <br /> receipts fr�m the P�operty less al1 cesh expenditures made in cannectian w�th the operatian o�the Propsrty. <br /> Caption Hsadin�s. �eptiQrr heaalings in this De�d �f Trust are for c�n��nience purposes anly and ars not ta be <br /> used t�intarpret ar define the provisions of#his aeed a�Trust. <br /> M�r+��r. There shal�be no merger�f the int�r�st or estat�cr�a�ted by this Daed af Trust with eny oth�r�nterest ar <br /> e�t�te in th�Praperty at any time held by or f�r the b�nefit of Lender in ar�y capacity. uvithaut the wri�ten consent <br /> of Lender. <br /> ��verning Law. This Qeed af Trust wdl be ga�arned by federa� iaw sppNcable to Lendar and. #o th� axtsnt not <br /> praamptsd by fad�r�l�sw.the�aws of the Stat��f Nebraeka w�haut��rd to its conflic�a af�aw pr���s�on�. This <br /> Qeed vf Tru�t hss besn a�csptad by L�nd�r irr th�State��N�ebrask�. <br /> �hai�a of Venus. If#here �s a lawsui#, Trus��r sgrees upon Lsnder's request tv ��bmit ta the furisdict�Qn ot�he <br /> caurts af Buffalo��un�y,�t�te of hiebraska. <br /> Joint end SeWer$� Lia�iH�y. A�I obl�geti�rts �f i3orrower �hd Trustor Under this Desd oi Trust shall be joint �nd <br /> �e�re�al, and a�!ref�rencgs ta Truator shali m�err each and�very Trustor, and eli references t�Borrawer shall m�an <br /> e�ch and�►►ery Bar��wer. This mesns that e8ch Trustor signing below is respon$iale for al�vblEgstians in this Deed <br /> of Truat. <br /> No Vllai�ar by Lender. Lend�r shall n�t be deenied to have w�i�ed any right�und�r this#]aed of Tru�t Unless su�h <br /> waiver is�ia�n in writing�nd sigrred b�L�nder. N�dels�ar amissi�n vn the p�rt vf Lender in e�cercisin�any right <br /> sha�l vper�t$�s a waiver o#$u�h ri�ht or�ny oth�r right. A w�iW�r by L�nder�f�pr4�ision of thi$D�ed of Trust <br /> shefl n�# prejutlice �r const�tute a weivsr a� L�nd�r's right otherw�se t� demand �trict cvmpli�nc� with tha# <br /> pravision or any othsr prv�ri�ian o�f this Deed vf Trust. No �r�or waivar by Lender� nor an� course af dgaling <br /> between Lender and Trustor� sh�l� c�nstitute � wairrer a�any of L�n�er's rights or�f any of Trustar`s ot�lig�t�ans <br /> a$ to any futur��ransactians. Whane�e�the cansent Qf Lend�r is r�quir�d under#his aeed of Trust, ths granting <br /> of such consent by Lender in a�ny instance sh�ll nat canstitute�ontinuing �ar�s��t to subsequ�nt instances where <br /> �uch consent is required and in all cases su�h consent may be gr�nted or withheld in the svle discreti�n of L$nder. <br /> Ssvara�i�, 1f� caurt af�vmp�tsnt�rrisdi�tion finds any pro�i�ion�f this Dee� c�f Trust to he ��4sga�, inv��id� ar <br /> unenfarcaeble es to eny person�r�ircum�#ance. thet finding sh�ll nat rn�ke the offending pro�ision ill�gsl, in�aiid, <br /> or unenfarceabEe a�ta any other person ar circumstanc�. If fe�sil�i�� th�Offendin�pr�vi�ion ahall be c�nsid�red <br /> madified so that it be�om�s leg�l� �alid �and�nf�r���bl�. i�tha a�ferxi�n� �rovision cannot be s�m�d�fied. it shsll <br /> be consider�d dal�#ed �ram this �eed of Trust. Unl��s oth�rw�s� r�quir�d b� law� the �Il�ga�ity, �nvalidity, ar <br /> unenforceal�ility af any pr�►�iaion of this Deed Qf Trus�sha�� not affec�the iegeiityr r►alidity or enfor�eebil�ty of an� <br /> other pro�ision of thi�D�ed of Trust. <br /> Suc�ess� and A$signs. SubjeGt t� �ny limitstian�stated in this Deed of Tru�t�n tr�nsfer of Trus�ar's interest, <br /> thi� Deed of Trust sheli be bir�ding upon and inure to #he benefit a�the p�rtie�, �heir successors �nd assigns. If <br /> orhn�rshi�af the Proper�y �ecam�s v�sted in a p�rson ather th8n Trust�r� Lender, wtt�aut natiGe ta Tru�tor, may <br /> d�af with Trustor's success�rs with re�r�nce to this Deed o#Trust and the�nde�t�dness by w�y a�forbear�nce or <br /> ext�r�sian without re�easing Trus#or from the ob�igations��this Deed af Trust ar liability ur�der ths�n�lebtedness. <br /> Time is 4f tha Ess�nce. Time is of the�ssence En th�perfarmence of�r�s Deed of Tr�st. <br /> Wai�e Jury. Afl partias#a th�s Daed af Truat he��by w�ivs the righ�to�ny jury tr�al in�ny e�t�on, p►a��d�ngr or <br /> caurster�laim brought by any p�rty a8ainst any�ther partY. <br /> Wa�ver of H�mes#ead Exempt�an. Trustor herea� releaeea end waiwes all rig�rts snd ben���ts o# the hQmes�esd <br /> exemptian iaws o�the State ofi lVebrSsk�as to eil Indek�tedne�s s�cured hy th�$Deed o#Trust. <br /> DEFiNIT10NS, The�otlow��g capit�li�ed words and t�rms sh�l�h�rve the f���ow�+r�meen�ngs►n►h�n used in�his Deed of <br /> Trust. Unless speCific�lly st�ted t�the��ntrary, all ref�rsn�e�to dollar amQunt� shal� rnean emounts in I�wfui m�n�y <br /> �f th� Unitetl Stst�s of Americs. Words and terms used in tl�e singular sl��l! in�tude'the plural, and�he plurel sha�l <br /> incl�de the singular, as the context ms� �equire. Words and tsrms not �theruvise defined �n this Deed af Trust �hall <br /> ha�e the me�nings attribu#ed ta su�h terms in th�Uni#orm CommerciaM�ode: <br /> Benef�ci�ry. The w�rd "6�nefic�ary" m�ens Exch�n�e 6�nk,and�ts succ�saors�r�d as�igna. <br /> 8orrov�er. The word "Borrarnrer" means DaUGLAS F PETERS and in�lud�s al1 ca-signers snd Ga-makers si�ning <br /> the Nvt�antl all th�ir suc�essors��d essigns. <br /> Qeed af Trust. The word� "Deetl of Trust" rnean thi� D�ed of 7�rust among T�ustor, Lender, and Trustee. and <br /> includes withaut limitetian all assi�nment and s��utity intersst pr��isians re�atin� ta #he Persanaf �r�perty and <br /> R�nts. • . <br /> D�f�uft. The word"Default"maans the D�fauit set forth in this Desd of 7rust in the s�cti�n t�tRed "D�feult". <br /> En�ironm�ntal Lews. The wards "En�ironm�nt81 Laws" mean eny and all stste. feder�l �f��l I4C�I statu#es, <br /> regulatians and ordinan�e$ ��lsting io the p�ate�tion �f human heelth �r t�e enu�r�nment, inc��din� without <br /> . �imi�etian the Camprehansi�� Environmantal Response, �ompe�s�t�r�`..� , t'�JB��~a�+amende�, �2 <br /> lI.S.�. Section ���'f, �t seq. {"CERCLA"j, ths Superfund Ame#��ments��nd R� �fK�r_���'�`'�Cut Qf �985� Pub. L. <br /> Na. J9-49��"SARA"� the Ha�ardaus Ma#erials Tran$ ortatian►�ct;��U:S.:C:S�`�io.�i� 8fl'I�.et seq..=ths Resau��e <br /> � <br /> C�nservetion�nd I�ecauery A�t,42 U.S.�. Section G��1. et s�q:�.:�lr..o� r �'�t�t►e or#�de�r��Isws, rul�s, <br /> or regu��tions�dapt8d pu�suant iheret�. <br /> Ev�nt af Dsfau�t. Ths wards "E�ent af Default" mean any of th�e�snts of def�ult s�t farth�n this Da�d af Trust in <br /> the events af�lefaul�secti�n of th�s Deed o�Trust. <br /> Gurrenty. The ward "�uaranty" m�ans the�uer�nt�fr�m gu�rantor,endocser,aurety, or��corx�modation party to <br /> L�rtder�incle�ding without limita#�on�guaran#y o#�il ar peri of the Note. <br /> Ha�ardous Substencss. The wards "H�z�r�ous �ubst�nces" maan mat�rials that, because �f th��r quen#ity, <br /> ��n�entreti�n or physiGal, chemica! v�infectiou$ cheraGt�ris#iGs, msy cauae ar pose a preser�t 4� p�#ential h�zsrd <br /> � ta human health or the envir�nment when�mprop�rlY�ated. atvred�dispased of�gen�retad, msnu#actur�d� <br /> tr�nsparted or otherwise hendlad. The words "He�ardaus Subs#ances" ars uaed irr thei�very broadest sansa Snd <br /> includ� without limit�tivn �ny and ��I h�zard�us �r toxi� sub�tsn�es� matgrials �r waste �� de�ingd b� or I�sted <br /> under the Environmental Laws, The term "Ha�ardaus Substances" also includes� without I�mit�tian, pe#raleum and <br /> petraleum by-pr�ducts or e�ry fr�Gtion thereaf and asbestos. <br /> �mpravemse�ts. Th� ward "lmpra�ements" meen� a!I existing ar�d future impro�ements. buildings, structures, <br /> mobile hvmes aff�xed an th� Reel Prop�rty. feciiities, add�tians. repl��ements antl other constru�tion an ths Reel <br /> Rr�perty. <br /> Indebte�lnsss. The word "Indebtedness" mesns all pr�ncipel, interest, and other am�unt�, �osts end expense� <br />