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2� 1 ���5�� <br /> f � <br /> �EE� �F TRU�1` <br /> ���ntinusd� Pa�e � <br /> Deed af Trust, the Nate or in any a#thg Releted Dacuments. <br /> �efauf�on�ther Raymsnts. F�ilure�f Trustar within the time r�quirad by this Dee�of Trust t�meke eny p�ymant <br /> �ar t�xes or insuranc�, �r�ny other payrnent nacesaary to pre�ent#iling o'f or to e#fect discherg�o�any lien. <br /> Qsfault in Far�or a# Third P�rti�a. Sh�uld Borrow�r ar eny �rant�r daf�ult under any loan. �xtension of cr�dit� <br /> security agr�em�nt, purche�e or�eles��r�emant,or any o�her agreem�nt, in favor of an�other areditor or pers�n <br /> #he# mSy m8teriel�y sffect any vf BorrQw�r's or eny Grantor's propert� or Barrowar's ability to r�pey the <br /> Indebtedness�r Borrower's vr Gr�ntor's sbilit� tv p�rform their rsapectiv�o�ligstions under thia Qeed o�Trust or <br /> any af the R�lated Documenta. <br /> Fals�Staten��nts, r�ny w�rrenty, representetion or statement msde or furnished to Lender iay Borrower�r Trustvr <br /> or❑n Burr�wer's �r Trustor's behalf und�r this Deed �f Tru�t or th� F�alstec! Dacuments is fal�� �r rnisleadin� in <br /> any mata�iai respect, either now or at the time rnade or furnish�d or becamQs felse or misle�ding et �ny time <br /> the�safter. <br /> Dafective Cal�ralisa�tian. This Qeeal of Trust or any of the Relat�d a�cuments ceases to be in fu11 forc� end <br /> ef#ect tinclu�ing failure of ar�y coll�ter��dacument#o Greate a �a�id end perfect�d s�curit� intsrest ar lien} et an� <br /> time and fo�ar�y reaaon. <br /> a��rth ar Ins�lvency. The death�f Borcow�r ar Tru�tor,th� insol�ency of B�rrvwer o�TrU�tQc,the appaintment of <br /> e re�eiuer fo��ny pert�f Borrowe�'s�r Trustar's property,any essignment far the b�ne#it o#credi#ors, any type of <br /> cred�to�workout, ��'the commencem�rtit of�ny proceeding under sny bankruptcy vr ins�lvency 18wa by�r ag�inst <br /> Borrower or TrustQr. <br /> �r�d�tar�r Fori�iture Procsedings, CommenGem�nt of fore�lasu�� or forfeitur� pr�aeed�ngs, whe�her by judicial <br /> proceedingR aelf-hQlp, repas��ssion �r eny o#h�r method, by sny �r�ditar �f Barrower Qr Trustor or by Sny <br /> go�emmenta! a�en�y aga�nst any property aecuring the Indebtedn�ss. This incl�ci�s a garnishment a� en� af <br /> Borrower's�r Trustor's ��c�unts, including�eposit �Gcvunts, w�ih Lend�r. Haweve�, th�s Event vf DSfau�t shall <br /> nat 8p�l�r if there is a aQod feith dispute by Borrower ar Trustor as to th�We�idity or rees�nab�eness�f the cleim <br /> whi�h is th�besis of the creditor or�arfeiture proca�ding�nd if I3orrawer ar Trustor giWes Ler�der w�itten natice af <br /> the creditor or f�rf�itura prace�ding and depa�it�with Lender monf�s ar a surety band far#f�e cr�d�t�r�r f��feiture <br /> �ro�aedin$, in en smount det�rmined by Lender�in its s�le di�cr�tion, as bein�an sda�uate re�erv�or band far the <br /> ds�put�. <br /> 6reach of�th�r Agrserrt�rrt. Any breach by Borrawer or Trustar under the terms of�n�otl�er s�reement between <br /> Borrawer ar Trustar en� Lender#het �� n�t rernedied wi#h�n any grsc� period pro�ided ther8in� �ncluding without <br /> limitati�n �ny ag�eement �4n��rnin� �ny ind�btedness �� a#her obli��tion tif 8�rrower or Truator xo �ender, <br /> whether�xisting nQw or later. <br /> E�errts A1�f�cting Cuar�ntar, Any af the pre�eding ea�nts ocGu�s wit� re�pe�t ta�ny guarantor, endars�r, �urety, <br /> or accommod�t�or� party of �ny of the Indebte�#ness ar sny gusrsntor, endorser, suret�, or s�cammadation ��rty <br /> dies or becames incampstent, or re�Qke� �� disputes the validity o�, �r lieb�l�ty un�er, ar�y �uaran#y af the <br /> Ind�btedness. <br /> Adv�rs� Chang�, A material adverse change o�curs in �rr�uver's �r Trust�r's financiel �onditian, or Lendar <br /> b��ie�es th�prospect of��yment o�periorm�nce vf the lndebte�nes�is imp�ired. <br /> lnsecurity. Lender+n�aod faith beii��aa itse�f ina�cure. <br /> Ri�ht to Curs. If any defau�t.other thsn�defeult in pa�ment� is�urek�l�and if Tru�tar has not baen g�Wen e notice <br /> of�breech of the same proWisiorr�f this Deed of Trust wi�hin tha preceding twel�e{1�}months�it rney be�ured if <br /> Trustor, 8T'ter Lender sends writtsn natic� to 8orrower demending cure of such def�ult: ��� cures the afefault <br /> within twenty{20��ay$�or {2� if the cure re�uires mare than twen#y{�0�days,imm�di�t�ly initiates ateps v►rhich <br /> Lender deams �n L�nder's s�ls discretion to be �ufficiant #o cure the def�ult 8nd ther�efter continues �nd <br /> compl�tes all r�eson�bl�arrd nec��s�ry�teps suffEc��nt to p�odUce complience as s�on as ree��nala�y pr�ctical. <br /> RIGHTS AIVD REMEDIE&�N aEFAVLT. If an E�ent of Default occu�s under this Qeed of Trust. at eny tim�theraafter� <br /> Trustee vr Lender r�tay exerc��e sny on�or rnare o#the�ollawin�rights and ramedies: <br /> Acceleration Upon�ef�ult;14d�itional Remetlies. If any E�ent nf ae#ault occurs as per the terms�f the Na#e <br /> secur�d hereby� Lend�r msy decl�re a�E�ndeb�edness secured by thia D�ed�f Trus#to be due and payable�nd <br /> the same shall ihersupon become due snd p�y�bls with�ut any pr�aentment,demand, proteat�r notice o�any <br /> kind, ThersSfter, Lender mey: <br /> �a} Either irr persan 4r by �Qent, w�th or withaut bringing eny �ction Qr pro�aed�ng, Qr by a recei��r <br /> eppointe� by a Gourt�n�w�thQut regard ta the adequacy of its security� anter upon and taka pa�aesatan <br /> ��the Prvpertyr�t eny pert th8re�f� in'rts awn name ar in the name oi Trustee, �nd da any a�ts which it <br /> deems neces$ery or desirabla to pres+�r�e the v�lue, market�bility or ren#ebi�ity a�the Prap�rty,or p�rt�� <br /> t�e Property ar inter�$t in thQ Praper�y; in�rease the in�ome from the PropertY or pro#ect the se�urity of <br /> the Proparty: snd, with a�r without t�king possession o� the Pr�perty, sue �or o� otherwis$ cal�e�t th� <br /> rents, issues end profits o#the Prop�rty. including those pes#due and unpai�, and app�y the same, Esss <br /> casts and expense�of oRerBti�n and col�ectian attarn�ys'f�e�,to any indsbtedness secur�d by th����ed <br /> af Trust, �li in such order e� Lender may �etermine. The entering upon and teking pv$session of the <br /> Propertyr the callaction of such rents, issue$ and pr�#its, end the applic�tion thareof shell not cure or <br /> wai���ny def�ult ar notice af def�ult under�his Desd of Trust or�n�alidate an�act d�ne in r�sponse ta� <br /> su�h defaUlt or pursuant ta such n�ti��o#tlef�ult; and,�ratwithatanding the�vn#inuanc�in passession a# <br /> the Praperty or t�e collactfon, recaipt�rnd �pplicatian o#rents. issues or pratits. Trustee ar Lende�aha�� <br /> be entitlsd ta exar�ise e�ery r�ght pra�ided for in the Not�or the R�lated Dacuments or ay�aw u�n the <br /> accurr�nca of any e��nt a�defeult.including the right to ex�r�i�e the pawar of ssle; <br /> �b� C�mm�nce an a�ti�n to f�recloee thi�Deed vf Trust a�s�rr�artg8+ge� a�poin#a recei��r or sp�cificaily <br /> enforc�any af th�co�enent$h�reflf;and <br /> �cy Deliver ta Trustee s written decl�r�tion of defs�it and�em8nd far sale and a writt�n natice of default <br /> end ele�tian ta�euse Trust�r's interest in the�rtiperty t�be sold, which no#ice Trustee ahall csuse#a be <br /> dul�r filed far�ec�rd in the�ppropr��te affices of the��unty in w�r�ch the Praperty is Iocated;�nd <br /> [df 1Nith re�pect to all ar any psrt af the Rers�n�� Praperty, Lend�r sha�l h��e s1i the rights and remedies <br /> of a secUred party und�r ti�e IVebr�ska Unita�m�arnmercial Code. - <br /> �ar�cla�aurs by Pawe�of Sale, if Lendsr elects ta foreclose by axercise of the P�wer of Sale herein conta�ined. <br /> Len�der shsll r��ti#y T�ustee and s#�alf depae+t with Trustee th�s De�ed of Trust end the Note and such receipts <br /> and e�idence of expenditure�mad�and secured by thi�Dasd af Trust a�Trustee rnay reqUire. <br /> �a} U�an rsceipt of such n�ti�e fr�m Lend�r, TruBtee sh�ll cause#o be re�o�ded.publish�i and d�iivered <br /> to Trustor such Notice o# Defavlt and Nati�e of 5��e es then required by Isw and hy this Deed o�Tru�t, <br /> Trustee shall. without dern8nd on Trus#ar, �fter such t�m� as ma�y th$n be required �y I�w snd aft�r <br /> ����rdati�n q�such Noti�e a#Default end after Not�ce�f����having been g��en as requ+r�d by �sw, sell <br /> rhe Property at thg time and pla�� �T� sale fixad �y it in such Notice �f Ssle. either �s a whole, ar �n <br />