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2� 1 ���428 <br /> oEE� �F TRusT <br /> ��oCttlrlued} Page 5 <br /> appvinted by a�vurt and wi#hou�regard to fh�adequacy of its se�urity, enter upon and take pvssession <br /> of the Prape�ty, or any par�fhereof, in its own name or[n�he name of Trus�ee, and do any acts which i� <br /> deems necessary ar desirable tv preserve�he�alue, marke�abi[ity or�-entab�lity of the Prvperty,or par�❑f <br /> the Praperty or in�eres�in the Praperty; increase�he in�ame frvm �he Praperty❑r prvtect the securi�y of <br /> the Prflper�y; and, with or withou� taking possessivn o�F fihe Proper#y, sue for vr otherwise co([eGt the <br /> ren�s, issues and profits �f the Property, including �hase past due and unpa�d, and apply the same, [ess <br /> �osts and expenses vf operation and cvllec�Evn attarneys'fees,�o any indebtedness se�ured by thEs Deed <br /> �f Trust, al[ in such order as Lender may determine. The entering upan and �aking possession of the <br /> Property, the collec�ion vf such ren�s, issues and profits, and the application �hereof shall nvt cure or <br /> wai�e any defau[�or nvtice of default under this Deed v�Trus�or in�alida�e any act done �n response tv <br /> such defaul�vr pursuant to su�h nv�ice vf defau[�;and, no�withstanding the cantinuanc��n possession vf <br /> the Propetty or�hs cal[ection, receip� and appli�atiQn ❑f rents, issues or profifs, Trustee or Lender shall <br /> be entitled tv exerc[se e�ery r�gh� pro�ided for in �he �redit Agreement or the Related Dvcumen�s or by <br /> law upan the occurrence of any e�en�of defau[�, inc�uding the right to exer�ise the power of sale; <br /> �b} Cvmmence an action �n foreclose this ❑e�d of Trust as a mvrtgage, appoint a recei�er or specifica�ly <br /> enforce any❑f the�o�enants hereof; and <br /> �c} Deli��r fo Trus�ee a wr�tten declara�ivn o�'default and demand far sa[e and a written notice❑f defau[t <br /> and e[ectivn to cause Trus�or`s interest�n�he Property to be so[d,which notice Trustee shall �ause�o be <br /> du[y filed far record in th�appropriafe o��ices of the Caunty in which the Property[s loca�ed;and <br /> �d} With respect�o a(I or any part❑�the Personal Praper�y, Lender shall ha�e al!�he righfs and remedies <br /> of a secured par�y under the Nebraska Uniform Cvmmerciaf Code. <br /> Foreclosure by Power of 5ale. [f Lender elects to foreclose by exerase of�h�Pc�w�r v�F 5a(e herein contained, <br /> Lender shall nvtify Trustee and sha�f depasit wi�h Trustee th�s C]eed vf Trust and the Gred�t Agreement and <br /> such receipts and e�idenoe afi expenditures made and secured by�his Deed of Trust as Trustee may require. <br /> �a} Upvn receipt af such nofice frnm Lender,Trustee shall cause to be recorded, pub[ished and deli�ered <br /> to Trustar su�h Notice of Default and Notice of Sa[e as then required by!aw and by this Deed a�Trus�. <br /> � Trustee sha[I, withou# demand on Trustor, after such time as may then be required by [aw and after <br /> recorda�ivn of such Notice of�efaul�and af�er Not�ce o�F Sale ha�ing been gi�en as required!�y[aw, sell <br /> �he Property a� the time and p[aGe af sa[e fixed by i� in such [Votice of Sale, either as a wha[e, or in <br /> separa�e[ots vr parcels❑r items as Trustee shafl de�m expedient,and in such order as i� may determine, <br /> at public auc�ion�o the highes��idder�ar cash in[awful money of the United 5fa�es payable at the t�me <br /> of sa[e. Trustee shail de[i�er fv su�h purchaser or purchasers thereof its good and suff cient deed vr <br /> deeds con�eying the prvperty so sv�d, but withou� any cv�enant or warran�y, express or imp[ied. The <br /> rec�tals in suGh deed o�any matters or facts shal� be conclusi�e proof of the truthfu(ness fhereof. Any <br /> person, inc�uding wifihvu�limita�ion Trustor,Trustee,vr Lender,may purchase a�such sa�e. <br /> �b} As may be permitted by I aw, a�fer deducti ng al[ cnsfs, fees and expenses af Trustee and of th is <br /> Trust, inc[uding cos�s of e�idence of title in cannecfion wEth sa[e,Trustee shaf�apply the prooeeds of sa[e <br /> tv payment vf �i} a�l sums expended under the terms of fihis Deed of Trust or under the terms of the <br /> �redi�Agreement no��hen repaid, �ncludfng but nofi limited ta accrued interest and late charges, �ii} all <br /> oth�r sums then s�cured hereby, and �iii}the remainder, if any,fo�he person or persvns lega[ly entitled <br /> �hereto. <br /> �c} Trust�e may�n the manner pra�€ded by law postpane sale of a�l or any portion of the Property. <br /> R�medies No� Exc[usi�e. Trus�ee and Lender, and each of them, shall be entit[ed ta enforce paymen# and <br /> perfiormance of any�ndebtedness or ab�igatians secured by fh�s Deed of Trus�and tv exercise alf rights and powers <br /> under this Deed of Trusf, under the Credit Agreernent, under any of the Related Documen�s, or under any other <br /> agreemen� or any [aws naw or hereaf�er in force; natwithstanding, s�me or a[I of such indeb�edness and <br /> obligations secured by this Deed of Trust may naw ar hereafter be❑therwise secured,whe�her by mortgage, deed <br /> ❑f trust, p�edge, lien, assignmen#or otherwise. Nei�her the accep�an�e of this Deed of Trust n�r�ts enforc�rnent, <br /> whether by court action or pursuan�to the power of safe or❑ther pvwers c�nta�ned in this �esd of Trust, shal[ <br /> prejudice�r in any manner affect Trusfee`s ❑r Lender's righ��v rea[ize upan or enforce any�ther s��urity naw or <br /> hereafter held by Trustee ar Lender, it being agreed�ha�Trustee and Lender, and each of�hem, sha[[ be en�itled to <br /> en�arce th�s De�d of Trust and any other security now or hereaffer held by Lender or Trus�ee in such vrder and <br /> manner as �hey or eE�her vf them may in their absolu�e discre�ion d�termine. Nv remedy ��nferred upon or <br /> reserved �❑ Trus�ee ar Lend�r, is intended to be exc[usive of any v�her remedy in th�s Deed vf Trust or by faw <br /> prv�ided or permi�ted, �ut �a�h sha[l be �urnuia�i�e and shall be in addition �o ��ery ather remedy gi�en in this <br /> Deed of Trust or n�w vr hereafter exist�ng at law ❑r�n equity or by s�a�u�e. E�ery pawer vr remedy gi�en by the <br /> Credit Agreement or any af the Refated Dacuments to Trustee ar Lender or ta which either of �hem may be <br /> atherwise enti�[ed, may be exsrcised, concu�ren�[y �r independen#[y, from ��me to #ime and as ❑ften as rnay be <br /> deemed expedient by Trus��e ar Lender, and either af#hem may pursue incansisten� remedies. Nothing in this <br /> Deed of Trust shalf be cflnstrued as prohibit�ng Lende�from seeking a deficiency�udgment against the Trus�ar fv <br /> the extent such activn is perm�tted k�y law. <br /> Eiect�on of Remedies. All of Lender`s righfs and remedies will be cumulati�e and may be sxercised a[one vr <br /> tog��her. (f Lender d�cides fia spend money or ta perfarm any vf Trus�or`s obliga�ivns und�r�his Deed o�Trust, <br /> af�er Trus�vr`s fa[lure to dv so, that decision by Lender wil[ na�affec�Lender's right tn declare Trustar in defau[t <br /> and to exercise Lender's remedies. <br /> Request for No�ice. Trus#�r, an behalf af Trustor and Lender, hereby requests�hat a capy vf any No�ice of Default <br /> and a cvpy of any Noti�e af 5ale under this C3eed of Trust be mailed�o �hem a#the addresses set forth in the fi�s# <br /> paragraph of this Deed vf Trus�. <br /> At�arneys' Fees; Expenses. 1f Lender institutes any suit ar a��ivn to enforce any of the �erms of this Deed af <br /> Trust, Lender shall be enti�[ed to reca�er such sum as the cvurk may adjudge reasonable as attorneys'fees at�r�al <br /> and upan any appea�. Whefher or not any cvurt action is in�o[�ed, and tv th� exfent not prvhibited by law, a[I <br /> reasonable expenses Lender inGurs that in Lende�'s opinian are neaessary a� any �ime �nr the protec�ivn of its <br /> in�erest or�he enfarcement of�ts rights sha�I become a part of the {ndeb�fedness payabfe on demand and shall bear <br /> in�erest a��h� Credit Agreement rate from the da�e o�the expenditure until repaid. Expenses ca�ered by �his <br /> paragraph include, without limita�ion, haw��er subject to any[imits under app�i�ab[e law, Lender's attorneys'fees <br /> and Lende�'s legal expenses, whether �r nvt ther� is a �awsuit, incCuding attvrneys' fees and expenses fvr <br /> bankrupfi�y proceedings �in�luding efforts to modify ar�aca�e any automatic stay or injunction}, appeals, and any <br /> antici pated posfi�udgment �o�le�ion services, �he cost of search[ng re�ards, obta[ni ng title rep�rts (i nc1 udi ng <br /> foreclosure repvrts}� SIJIV�]lOrS' reporks, and appraisal fees, tit[e insurance, and fees for the Trusfiee,ta the�x�ent <br /> �ermitted by app[icab[s law. Trustor alsa will pay any court casts, in addition to al(other sums pro�ided by[aw. <br /> Rights of Trustee. Trus�e�shalf ha�e al[af the rights and du�ies❑f Lender as set forth in this s�ction. <br /> P�WERS AND �BL[GATIUNS�F TRLISTEE. The following prv��sions relating�o�he powers and obliga�ians of Trustee <br /> are part vf�his Deed of Trust: <br /> Powers of Trustee. [n addition�o al�powers of Trust�e arising as a ma�ter of law, Trustee shall have the p�vuer to <br /> -. . <br />