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2� 1 ���428 <br /> DEED �F TRU�T <br /> �Continued} Page � <br /> take#he fo[�vwing a�tivns with respect to�he Properky up�n the written request of Lender and Trusfor: �a}join �n <br /> pr�paring a�d fi�ing a map or plat of the Real PrvperEy, in�luding the dedica�ivn of s�reefs or other righ�s tv �he <br /> public; �h} jvin in granting any easement vr creating any restric#i�n vn fhe Real Property; and �c} jvin �n any <br /> subord�natinn or v�her agreemen#affecting�his Deed�f Trust vr the interes#af Lender under�his Deed of Trust. <br /> Trus#ee. T�ustee sha[[ meet all qualif cat�ons required for Trustee under applicabl� law. in addition to fhe righ#s <br /> and remedies set far�h aba�e, with respe�t to al[ ar any par� of the Property, the Trustee sha([ ha�e �he right�o <br /> f�recfose b� notice and safe, and Lender will ha�e the right to foreclose by�udi�ial fareclosure, in either case �n <br /> accordance with anci to the fu[[extent prv�ided by applicabfe law. <br /> Successor�ruste�. Lender, at Lender's vp�ion, rnay from �ime tv time a}�pain�a su�cessor Trustee tv any Trustee <br /> appoin�ed under this Deed af Trus� by an instrumen�execu�ed and ackn�w[edged by Lender and reco�rded in the � <br /> office af th� recarder of Hall Coun�y, Stat� v# Ne�raska. The instrument shafl �antain, in addi�ion t❑ al� other <br /> matters required by s�ate law, fhe names of the orig�nal Lende�, T�rustee, and Trustor, the bovk and page �or <br /> compu�er sysfem reference} whe�e this Deed of Trus� �s recarded, and the name and addr�ss of the su�c�ssor <br /> trustee,and the Enstrumen�sha[[be executed and acknowl�dg�d by al��he beneficiaries under�his Deed vf Trust or <br /> #heir success�rs in interes#. The suc�essvr trus���, withou� can�eyance of the Property, sha[[ succeed tfl al[ the <br /> titl�, p�wer, and duties conferred upon the Trustee in#his Deed vf Trus�and by applicable law. This prvicedure for <br /> substi�ution of Trus�ee shall go�ern�o�he ex�[usian vf a[I o�her prn�[s[ons f�r substitution. <br /> N�TIGES. Any �o�ice required tv be gi�en under�his De�d af Trust, including without limi�ativn any notice of defaulfi <br /> and any noti�e af safe shal� be gi�en in writing, and sha[f be effec��U�when actually deli�ered, when actually recei�ed <br /> by telefacsimi[e�unless ath�rwise required by�aw},when depvs�ted v+ri�h a na�ivnal�y re�ognized o�ernigh�cc�urier, or, if <br /> mailed,when depasit�d in�he United 5tates ma�[, as first class, certified vr registered maif postage prepaid, direc�ed tv <br /> fhe addresses shown near fihe beginning vf this Deed ❑f Trust. All cvpies af notices af fvreclosure frnm the ho[der of <br /> any[ien which has privri�y o�er this Deed of Trust shall be sent#v Lender's address, as shvwn near the b�ginning ❑fi <br /> this ❑eed af Trust. Any pers�n may change his ❑r her address��r notices under this Deed �f Trust by gi�ing fvrmal <br /> written notiGe to the o�her person ❑r persons, specifying that the purpose af the nvtice is ta change fihe persvn's <br /> address. F�r nv�ice purpvses,Tr�ustor agrees tv keep Lender in�ormed at al[times of Trus�or-'s current address. Un[ess <br /> ntherw�se pravided �r required by law, if there �s more than one Trus#or, any notice gi�en by Lender to any Trustor is <br /> deemed�o be na�ice gi�en tv afl Trustvrs. [t v�il[be Trus�vr's�espvns�b�f�ty�o te[1 the athers of the nati�e fr�m Lender. <br /> N[ISCELLANE�llS PR�VIS[�NS. The follvwin� misc�l�anevus pra�isions are a part of�his Deed vf Trus#: <br /> Amendmen�s. What is written in this C]�ed af Trus�and in �he Related Dvcuments is Trus#or's entire agreemen� <br /> with Lender concern[ng the matters cv�ered by this De�d of Trust. Tv be effective, any change nr amendment to <br /> this Deed of Trust must be in wt�iting and must be signed by whoe�er will be bound ar ab�iga�ed by the change vr <br /> amendment. <br /> �ap�ion Headings. Captivn headings in this Deed of Trust are for can�enien�e purposes vnly and are no� to be <br /> used�o inte�-pret vr define the prfl�isions v€�his Deed af Trus�. <br /> Merger. Th�re shall be no merger�f the in�erest or estate crea�sd by this Deed of Trust with any v�her interes�or <br /> estate �n the Property at any time he[d by or for the benefit vf Lender in any capacity, without the writ�en consen# <br /> of Lender. <br /> Go�ern'rng Law. This Deed of Trust wil[ be goWerne�! by federal law applicabCe �a Lender and, �a �he ex�ent nv� <br /> preemp�ed by federa� law,the laws of fhe Sfiate vf Nebraska wi#hou�regard fo its con#licts of law provisions. This <br /> Deed of Tru�t has been a��epted by Lender in the 5�ate af Nebraska. <br /> No Wai�er hy Lender. Trustor understan�s Lender wifl nat gi�e up any of Lend�r's rights under th�s Deed af Trust <br /> un[ess Lend�r.daes sv in writing. The fac� �hat Lender delays vr omits �o exercise any righ� wil� nvt mean that <br /> Lender has g��en up tha� righ�. If Lender does agree [n writing tv gi�e up vne fl�Lender's rights, that does nvt <br /> mean Trustor wil[ nvt ha�e t❑ cvmp[y wi�h the o�her prv�isions of this Deed ❑f T�ust. Trustor a[so unders�ands <br /> that if Lend�er dves consert�ta a request, #hat dves not mean that Trustor will not ha�e tv gef Lender's cvnsen# <br /> again if#he situation happens again. Trus�vr further understands#hat Just because Lender cvnsertts#❑❑ne vr more <br /> of Trustvr's reques�s, tha#da�s nof inean Lender w[Il �e required tv �vnsent ta any of Trustor's future requests. <br /> Trusfar waives presentmen�,demartd fvr payment, protest,and nv�ice o�dishonv�-. <br /> 5e�erabi�ity. If a cvurt f nds fihat any pro��sion of this Deed o�Trust is nvt�alid �r shouid na� be enforced, tha� <br /> fiact by i�se��w[[I not mean that the rest vf fihis Deed of Trust wil[ not be�a[id Qr enfo�ced. Therefore,a court wil[ <br /> enforce the res�of th�pro�isians vf this Deed vf Trust e�en if a pro�ision of th�s Deed of Trus�may be found to be <br /> in�alid vr unenforceab[e. <br /> Successor�s and Assigns. Sub�ect t� any limitatians stat�d in �his Deed of Trus� on trans�er vf Trusfvr's interest, <br /> this ❑eed of Trust shalf be binding upon and inure tv the beneft of�he parkies, their successars and assigns. If <br /> ownership o#the Praperty b�comes�ested in a person v�h�r than Trustar, Lende�-, w�thout notice ta Trustor, may <br /> deal wi�h Trustvr's successvrs wi�h reference ta this Deed af Trust and the [ndebtedness by way�f forbearance vr <br /> extension wi�hou�releasing Trustvr f�am the obligafi�ns of this Deed of Trus�or IEability unde�-the Indebtedness. <br /> Time is of the Essence. Time is vf the e�sence in the performance of�his Deed of Trus�. <br /> 1JVai�e Jury. All parties tv this Deed af Trus�hereby wa��e the right tv any jury�rial in any actrvn, prvc�eding, or <br /> counterc[air�brvught by any par�y against any other par�y. <br /> Wa��er nf H�mes�ead Exemption. Trus�or hereby releases and wa�ves a�l rights and benefits of�he homes�ead <br /> exemptivn[aws ofi the S�a�e vf Nebraska as�o al[[ndeb�edness secured by this Deed of Trust. <br /> DEFIN[TI�NS. The ftill�wing words sha[!ha�e the fol[owing meanings when used in this Deed of Trus�: <br /> Beneficiary. The word "Beneficiary"means First National Bank of�maha , and its successors and assigns. <br /> Borrvwer. The wvrd "Borrower" means Brian E Stiegemeier an� �n�[ud�s al�co-signers and co-mak�rs signing the <br /> �redi#Agreement and all their suc�essors and assigns. <br /> Credi� Agre�menf. Th� wvrds "Credit Agreement" mean the credi# agreemen� dated January �6, 2Q 1 fi, Wlth <br /> credit Iimi� of$3 0,�0�.�� from Trustflr fia Lender,tvgethe�wi�h all renewals vf, extensions of, modifcations <br /> of, refinanci�gs of, cansolida��ons of, and substitutions for#he pr�miss�ry nv�e or agreemen�. The maturity date af <br /> this Deed of Trust is January 'i 6, ��46. N�T10E T� TRUST�R: THE CRED�T A�REEMENT C�NTAINS A <br /> VARIABLE INTEREST RATE. <br /> Deed of Trust. The vuords "Deed of Trust" mean #his ❑eed of Trust amvng Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> in�ludes wifhc�ut limi�ation a[I assignment and security interest prv��sions re[ating tv �he Personal Property and <br /> R�nts. <br /> En��ronmenta[ Laws. The words "En�ironmental Laws" mean any and alf state, federal and [oca[ statutes, <br /> regu[ations and ordinances re[a�ing to the prvtection vf human hea�th or �he en�irvnment, in�fuding wi#hvu� <br /> limitafion th� Comprehensi�e En�iranmental Respanse, Compensatfvn, and Liahility Act of �98D, as amended, 4� <br /> U.S.C. Sect�on 95�1, et seq. �"CER�LA"}, the Superfund Amendments and Reauthori�a�ion Ac�of 1986, Pub. L. <br /> No. 99-499 �"SARA"},the Hazardous Materials Transpvr�ta�ian A��, 49 U.S.�.Se�tion �8�1, et seq., the Resvurce <br /> Conser�ativn and Re�vvery Ac#, 4� U.S.C. Sectian �9��, e�seq., or other applicable state ar federa� faws, rules, <br /> _ _ <br /> _ . _.. <br />