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<br /> �Cont�nueC!} Page 4
<br /> may be the nomina[pa�ty in such proceeding, but Lender shaii be entitled fo participate in the praceeding and�o be
<br /> represented in the proceeding by c�unse[ of its own choice, and Trustar will deli�er vr cause to be deli�ered to
<br /> Lender such ins�ruments and documenta�ion as may be requested by Lender fram time tv �ime tv perrn�t such
<br /> participa�ivn.
<br /> Applica�ion of�[Vet Prvc�eds. If a[I or any part af�he Property is condemned by eminen�domain proceedings ar�y
<br /> any proceeding or purchase in[ieu o�cvndemna�ion,L�nder may at its elec�ivn require thaf al[❑r any portivn of�he
<br /> ne� prviceeds o#��he award be app�ied to �he Indebtedness or the repair vr resfarafiion ot the Property. The ne�
<br /> praceeds of the award sha11 mean the award af�er paymen�o�a!I reasonable cos�s, expenses, and at�arneys'fees
<br /> incurred by Trustee ar Lender in conne��ion with the candemna�ivn.
<br /> [MR�SITIaN �F TAXES, FEES AN❑ CHARGES BY GC]VERNMENTAL AtlTH�R[TIES. Th� fvllowing provis�ons relating
<br /> to go�ernmental�axes,�ees and charges are a part of this Deed af Trust:
<br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Trustar sha[[ execute such documen�s in addi�ion tv
<br /> #his Deed of Trus�and take wha�e�er o�her action is reques�ed by Lender ta perFect and ��ntinue Lender's lien on
<br /> the Real Prop�rty. Trustar shall reimburse Lender for al[ �axes, as described below, �agether w�th al[ expenses
<br /> incurred in recording, p�rfec�ing or c�n��nu�ng this Qeed af Trust, includ�ng wi�hou� [imitafion al[ �axes, #ees,
<br /> do�urnentary s�amps, and❑ther charges for recording or reg�stering this Deed vf Trust.
<br /> Taxes. The fvllowing shall cons�ifute taxes ta which fhis sectian applies: ��} a sp�cific tax upan this type of
<br /> Deed of Trust v� upon all or any part of�he Indebtedness secured by #his Deed of Trust; �2} a specific tax on
<br /> Trustor which Trus#or is authorized vr required tv deduct firam paym�nts vn the Indeh#edness secured by this�ype
<br /> of❑eed a�Trust; {3} a tax on fhis type of Deed of Trus�chargeable against�he Lender or�he holder of�he Gred�t
<br /> Agreement; and �4} a specif�c tax on all or any partian of the lndebtedness or on payments of principal and
<br /> in#erest made by Trustvr.
<br /> Subsequent Taxes. [fi any tax t❑ which this section app[ies is enacted subsequen�fio the da�e of this Deed of
<br /> Trus�, �his e�en� shall ha�e the same effecfi as an E�en� of Default, and Lender may exerase any ar ali vf ifs
<br /> a�a��ab�e remedies �or an E�ent of Defauit as pro�ided below un�ess Trustor either �'I} pays the tax before i�
<br /> becomes de�inquent,or ��} cant�sts the tax as pro�ided abv�e in the Taxes and Liens sectivn and depos��s with
<br /> Lender cash or a su�ficient carporate surety band or other security satisfactory ta Lender.
<br /> SECUR[TY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The �ollvwing pro�isivns refating to this Deed vf Trusf as a
<br /> se�urity agreement are a part of�his Deed vf Trust:
<br /> 5ecurity Agreemen�. This instrument sha[( constitute a 5e�urity Agreement ta the extent any vf the Property
<br /> constitufes fixtures, and Lender shai� ha�e a[I of the rights of a secured par�y under the Un�form �ommercial C�de
<br /> as amended fram�ime ta�ime.
<br /> 5ecuri�y Interest. Upvn rsquest by Lender, Trus#�r shall take whate�er ac�ion is reques�e� by Lender tv perfect
<br /> and cflntinue Lender's seeuri�y interest in the Persona[ Properky. In addit�on�❑ recarding this De�d of Trus�in the
<br /> real prvpe�ty recards, Lender may, at any time and without further authvrization frvm Trustor, file executed
<br /> �vunterparks, copies vr reproduc#ions vf fhis �eed of Trus� �s a financing stafiem�nt. Trus�or shali reimburse
<br /> Lender for a!l expens�s �ncurred in perfe�ting ❑r �on�inuing �his security interes#. Upon de�auit, Trusfor shall nat
<br /> remo�e, se�er ar detach th� Personal Property from the Property. Upon default, Trustvr shall assemble any
<br /> Personaf Property nvt affixed to the P�-vperty in a manner and at a place reasonably con�enien� �o Trustor and
<br /> Lender and make i� a�ailab[e to Lender within three �3} days after rec�ip� of written demand fram Lender to the
<br /> ex�en�permit�ed by app[icable law.
<br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses of Trus�vr {debtor} and Lend�� {s�cured party} frvm which informativn
<br /> concerning the securi�y interes�granted by this Deed of Trust may be vbtained �each as required �y the Uni�orm
<br /> Cvmmercial Code}are as stated�n�he firs�page of thEs Deed of Trus�.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The fallowing pro�isivns relating to further assurances and
<br /> a#torney-in-fac#are a par�vf this ❑eed of Trust:
<br /> Further Assurances. At any�ime, and frvm#ime to time, upon request of Lender, Trus�vr will make, execu�e and
<br /> de[i�er, or wi[I cause to be made,executed or de�i��red,to Lender or ta Lender's designee,and wf�en requested by
<br /> Lender, cause�o be fled, recordsd, refled, or rereovrded, as the case may be, a� such�imes and in such offces
<br /> and plaGes as Lender may deem appropriate, any and a1f such morkgages, deeds a��rust, security deeds, security
<br /> agreements, frnanc{ng statements, con�[nuation sta�ements, insfrumen�s af further assuranoe, certifi�a�es, and
<br /> o�her d�cuments as may, in the so[�opin�on of Lender, be rteoessary ar desirable in order to efFectuate, complete,
<br /> perFect, oontinue, vr preserv� �'I) Trus�or's obligations under th�Credit Agreement,�his Deed of Trusfi, and�he
<br /> Rela�ed [Jvcuments, and �2} the liens and security interests �reated by this C]�eed a� Trus� on the Prvperty,
<br /> whether naw owned vr hereafter aoquired by Trustor. Unless prohibited by law or Lender agrees�o�he cantrary in
<br /> writing, Trustor sha�l reimburse Lender far ali cos�s and e�apenses incurred in�vnne�kion wifh the matters referred
<br /> to i n th is paragraph.
<br /> Attorney-in�Fac�. If Trus�ar fa�ls tv d❑any v��he�hings referred fo in the preceding paragraph, Lender may do so
<br /> far and i n the name af Trusfvr and at Tr�ustvr's expense. Fv�-such purposes, Trus�or hereby i rre�acab[y appvi nts
<br /> Lender as Trustor's a�torney--fn-fact for�he pu�rpose of making,executing,de[i�ering,f[ing, recarding, and doing af1
<br /> ather things as may be neoessary vr desirakale, in Lender's so[e�pinion, tv accvmplish th� matt�rs referred to in
<br /> the preceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERF�RN�ANCE. If Trus�or pays al[the[ndebtedness when due,terminates the credit[ine accvun�, and otherwise
<br /> performs ali�he ob[igations imposed upon Trus�vr under�his D�eed af Trust, Lender shal[ execute and deli�er to Trustee
<br /> a reques# for full recvn�eyan�e and shal[ execute and deli�er to Trustvr suitabie statements of termination of any
<br /> financing statement on file e�idencing Lender's secur[ty interest in the Rents and the Personal Property. Any
<br /> reoon�eyance fee required�y law shall be paid by Trustor,if permi�ked by applicable 1aw.
<br /> EVENTS DF DEFAULT. Trustor wilf be�n defau[t under this Deed of Trust if any a��he fo[[vwing happen: �A} Trustor
<br /> commi�s fraud or makes a material misrepresen�a�ian at any time in �vnnec�ivn with the Credit Agreement. This can
<br /> incfude, fvr exampfe, a fafse statement about Trustvr's income, assets, [iabi[ities, or any a�her aspects of Trustor's
<br /> financia[ condition. �B} Trustor dves not mee�the repaymen��erms of the Cred�t Agreemenf. �C} Trustar`s acti�n nr
<br /> inactian ad�erse[y affec�s the collateral ❑r L�nder`s rights in �he col[a�eral. This can inc�ude, fa►� example, faifure tv
<br /> mainta�n required�nsurance,waste vr destruc�i�e use of th�dwelling, failure tv pay�axes,dea�h❑f a[I persons[iable❑n
<br /> �he ac�aun�, �ransfer af t[tle or sa[e of the dwe[ling, creation ❑f a senior �ien on the dwelling withou� Lend�r's
<br /> permissian,�oreclosure by�he ho[der of another lien,or fh�use a�F funds ar�he dwel[ing for prohibited purpnses.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDCES �N DEFAULT. If an E�en�of Defau[t accurs under this Deed a�Trus�, at any time�hsreaf�er,
<br /> T�ustee vr Lender may exercise any vne flr more of the following righ�s and remedies:
<br /> A�ce�eration [lpon Default; Additional Remed��s. If any E�ent of Default occurs as per the terms of�he�redit
<br /> Ag�eement secured here�y, Lender may declare all �ndebtedness secur�d by�his Deed of Trus�fv be due and
<br /> payable and�he same sha�l thereupon become due and payable withau�any prssentment, demand, protest or
<br /> nvtice af any kind. Therea�ter, Lender may:
<br /> �a} Either in person or by agen�, with or withvut bring[ng any action or pro�eeding, ar by a r�cei�er
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