2� 1 ���378
<br /> DEE� �F TF�LJST
<br /> .
<br /> Lvan 1Vo: 4��4�67 ����1tr�lu� �ag� �
<br /> the credEtor or�orfeiture prviceeding and depvsits w�t� L�nder monies ar a sure�y bvnd for the creditor or for�ei�ure
<br /> proceedEng,in an amoun�determined by Lender, �n its sv[e d�scretian., a.s being an adequate rese�e or hond�a�the
<br /> dispute,
<br /> 1Breach vf�]th�r Agre�men�. Any brea�h by Borrawer or Trustor under�he ternr�s af any other agreement be�reen
<br /> Bor�ower o� Trustar and Lender that is n�t remedied w�thi� any grace period pr�vided �herein. inciu�ing �nri�haut
<br /> limi�a�ian any agreerr��nt Gvncerning any �ndebfiedness or other obfiga�iora o� 6vrrower or Trus�or ta Lender,
<br /> �nrtiethe�existing nvw or Iarter.
<br /> �vents Affect�ng �uaran#vr. Any af�he preceding events �ccurs with respect�o any guarantvr, endarser, surety,
<br /> or ac�omrx�vdativn Par� o� any of the �ndeb�edness ar any guarantor, endorser. su�e�, or accamm�datian par-�y
<br /> d�ss or becomes incvmpetent, ar revokes or disputes the vafidity a�, vr iiabifi�r under. any Guaranty vf -�he
<br /> fndebtedness.
<br /> Ad►�erse Cha�agee A materia[ ad�erse change ❑�curs in 6arrower's �r Trus�or`s financia[ cond€`��on, ❑r Lender
<br /> believes the prospect❑f payment flr per�o�mance vf�he indebtedn:ess is impaired.
<br /> �nsecurity. Lende�in g�od faith be�i��es itself insecure.
<br /> RIGHTS A1VD REN�EDIES �N DEFAULT. 1�an Even�o� Defaul�accu.rs under this Deed vf T�us�, at a�y timE therea�ter,
<br /> Trustee�r Lender may exer�ise any ane or mvre of t�e#a�lawing rights and remed�es: �
<br /> Acce�erativn Ll�on De�auit�Addit�vna� Remediesd l�any Event vf Default ac�urs as p�r the terms of the Na�e
<br /> secu�ed hereby, L�nder may declare a�! �ndebtedness secured by this Deed o�Trust to be due and payable anoi
<br /> �he same shali th�reupon be�ome due and payab�e wi�haut any�resentmen�, dernand, profest or noti�e o�an�r
<br /> kind. Thereafter, Le�der may:
<br /> �a� Either in persan or by agen�, with or �rvith.ou� bringing any act�on a� p�oceedingr or by a receiver
<br /> appoEnted by a c�ur�and withput regard t❑ t.he adequacy af irts security. �n�er upon and take possession
<br /> of the Praper�y, or any part thereo�, in �ts awn name nr in�he nar-ne of Trustee. and do any acts which it
<br /> deer�s necessary or desirabfe�o preserve the �ra�ue, marketability or renfabi[ity of�he Property, ar part�f
<br /> the Pr�perty vr int�rest in:the P�opertyf increase the �ncvr�e from t�e Proper�y vr pratect the security o#
<br /> the �ropertyi and; w�th or without taking passession of the Praperty, sue for vr otherwise colleet the
<br /> r�n�s, issues and profi�s of the Praper�y, inc�uding �hose past due and unpaid, and app4y�he same, Eess
<br /> casts and expenses a�aperat�on and cv�lectivn attorneys' f�es,to any indeb�edness secured by th�s �e�d
<br /> flf Trust, al:1 in such ord��- as Lender may det�rmine: The �ntering upan and taking passessifln af th�
<br /> Prvperty, the co�Iec�ivn of such ren�s, issues and profifis, and the app�ication thereaf shalf na� cure or
<br /> wai�� any def�ult or notice af defauCfi under this Deed o�Trus��r inval�date any act done in respvnse t�
<br /> such�defau[t�r pursuan�to such nati�e of de�auE�; and, notwithstanding the continuance in possession ❑f
<br /> the 1'raperty or the �ol[ect�on, receipt and applicativn o� ren�s, �ssues vr prafits, Trustee vr Lender shall
<br /> be ent�t�ed to exercise every right prvvided �vr in the No�e �r the Rela�ed �acuments ar by Iaw upon the
<br /> occurrence of any e�ent of defau[t,including the �ight�❑�xer�ise the p�wer af sa�e�
<br /> �b} �Commence an action to �vreclose this CJeed vf Trus�as a mortgager appoint a recei�er or specif`r�ally
<br /> en�orce any a��he covenants hereo�,and
<br /> {�} pe[i�e�r t�Trust�e a written de�laration ❑f default and demand fo�-sale and a writ�en noiic���de�au[t
<br /> � and �lection�a cause Trustor's intere���n the Proper�y ta be sald, wh�ch notice Trustee sh�fi Gause to be
<br /> du[y fil�d far record in th�appropriat�a��ices o��he Caun�y in�rvhich�he Praperty is �ocat�di and
<br /> {d} 'U11ith respe���o a[[ ar-any part of th�Persvnal Praperty, Lenc�er sha[[ ha�e a��tt�e righ�s and remedies
<br /> o;a s���:rzd Na€�y�,^der the h�e�ras�CQ i�niT�r:-��om�nercial Cod�.
<br /> Fvre�[os�are�y Pvwer o�Sale. [f Lender e�eGts to foreclvse by e�cercise af the Pawer ot Sa�e herein conta�ned,
<br /> Lend�r sha1:� notify Trust�e and shali deposit wi�h Trustee this ❑e�d o�Trust and the Nvt� and such receip�s
<br /> and evEdence of expenditu�es made and secured by this Deed of Trust as�rustee may require..
<br /> �a} ��a�n recei`pt vf such noti�e from Lender� Trustee sha[I cause to be recorded� pu��ished and de[�vered
<br /> �a Trustor such No�ice o� Defaul� and Natice ofi 5ale as then required by law and by th�s De�d vf T�ust.
<br /> Trustee shall� �rvithou� demand �n Trustor, af-ter such t�rr�e as may then be requir�d by �aw and af�er
<br /> reco�da�ion of such No�i�e a# De�au�t and afker N�tEce af 5a[-e ha�ing been gi�en as required by 1av�, self
<br /> �he �roperty at the tirne and pla�e ot sa[e fixed by i� in such Not�ce of Sa�er either as a whole, �r En
<br /> sep��-ate Iots ar parce[s ar i�ems as Trustee sha[E deem expedEent, and in su�h arder as it r�nay de�errr�ine,
<br /> at public auc�ion �a the highest bidder for cash in Iaw�u1 money❑f the United States payable �t th�time
<br /> of sa�e: Trustee sha[f deliver �v such purcF�aser or purchasers there��r ��s good and sufFici�nt deed or
<br /> deeds can�eying the prvperty sa so[d, hut wi�hout any ca�enant or warranty, express or .imp[ied, The
<br /> reGEta�s in such de-ed o� any ma�ters vr facts shalf �e concEusive p�roo� of fihe truth�ulness thereof. Any
<br /> persan, including withou��im�ta�ion Trustorr Trustee�or L�nderr may purchase at suef�sa�e.
<br /> �b} As may be permitted by lav�. af�er deduc�ing a[E costs, f�es and expenses tif `rrustee and ❑f �his
<br /> Trust, inc[uding casts v�e�idence af�it�e�n cnnnec�ian w�th sa1e,Trustee shall app�y the praceeds o�sale
<br /> tv payment�fi �`i3 a[[sums expended under the�erms af�his IJ�ed��Trust vr under�he terms a�th.e No�e
<br /> nat �hen repaid, inc[uding bu� not ��m�ted to accruec� inter�s� and late cha�ges, {ii} all �ther sums then
<br /> sec�red hereby. and {�iiS the remaEnder; if any,�o the person or persans �ega[[y en�it��d thereta.
<br /> �c� Trustee may in the manner provided by law postpone sa[e o#all or any po��on��the Proper�ty.
<br /> Remedies Na� Exclusi�e. �'rus�ee and Lender, and each o� them, sha[� he ent�tled t❑ en#orce paym�nt and
<br /> performance o�any indebtedness or ob�igations se�ured ���this Deed of�"rust and to exercise af�rights and powers
<br /> under this �eed flf Trust� under the Nvte, under an}� of�he Related Dacumen�s, or under any❑ther agreement or
<br /> any iaws nvw vr fze�ea€te� En fvree; nvtw�thstandingr so�ne vr a[f vf such indebtedness and vbligations secured by
<br /> this Deed of Trust may notirtir �r hereafte� be othe�wis� secured, �rvhethe� by mortgage, deed of trust, p�edge, lien,
<br /> assignmeni or atherw�see Neither �he acceptance o� �his Deed �f�T�ust nor Ets en�farcement, whe�her by cour�
<br /> ac�ion or pursuant to �he power v� sale or otner p�ilirers �ontained in this ❑eed of Trust, sF�all prelud��ce or �n any
<br /> rnanner af�ect Trustee's vr Lende�'s right tQ realize upvn or enforce any other securi�.jr n�w or hereafter h�Id by
<br /> Trustee ar Lender, it being agreed tha�Trus�ee and Lender, and each o�them,sha�l be en�itled�o enforce fihis Deed
<br /> vf Trus� and any other security naw or hereafiter he[d by Lende�or Trusf�e in such order and manner as �hey or
<br /> either ❑f them may �n their absolut� discretion determ�n�. No remedy cvn�erred upvn a� resenred �a Trustee or
<br /> Lender, is int�nded to be e�cc[usi�e of any other remedy i_n th�s Deed of Trust or by [aw provided ar permittedr but
<br /> eae� sha[l be cumu[ati�e and shaIl be in addition ta e�ery ather remedy given in �his Deed of T�ust or noinr or
<br /> hereafter ex�sting a�law or in equily or by statute. E�e�ry pvvver or remedy gi�ren by the Not�a�any of the Related
<br /> �ocuments tv Trustee or Lender or fiv �rvhi:ch eithe.r of them may be vthecw�se entitl�d, may be exercised,
<br /> cancu.rrentl�ar indep�ndently, frvm t�me to time and as❑ften as rriay be deemed expedient by Trus�ee or Lender,
<br /> and either a� them may pursue inconsistent remedies. No�thing in this ❑eed v� Trus� shall be construed as
<br /> praf�ibi�ing Lender from seeking a deficiency�udgment agaEnst the Trustor tv the ex�en�such actifln is permit�ed by
<br /> iaw. Elec�ian by Lender�o pursue any remedy sha[[ nvt exc�ude pursuit of any ather remedy, and an e[ection �o
<br /> make expenditures ar �o take activn to pe�-�o�-m an abligatian of Trustor under this Deed ��F Trust, a�ter Trustor's
<br /> �aifure ta per�o�m, shal� not affec�Lender`s right tv de�fare a de�ault and exer��s�i�s remed�es.
<br />