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� 2� 1 ���378 <br /> �EE� �F T'1RUST <br /> Loan No: 4�[��4�8�7 {�o�1���1 ued} Pa�e � <br /> NQ��; and �4� ,a specif�e tax on all �r a.ny portian a� �he �ndeb�edness QC �n payments af principaf and in�e:r�s� <br /> made by Borravtirer.;, <br /> Subsequen� Ta�es. ff any tax �v vvhich this sect��n applies is enac�ed subsequen� to the date of this Dee'd�o� <br /> Trus�, this eW�ent sha[[ haWe �he same effect as an Event of Default, and Lender majr ex�rcise any o� al! vf'�i-�s � <br /> availab�e remed¢es for a� E�en� o� De�ault as provided bel�w �unless Trustor ei�h�r {�} pays �he tax befQre i� <br /> becomes de�inquent, o� ��} contes�s �he tax as p�ovided above �n the Taxes an� L�ens sectivn and depvsi�s with <br /> Lender cash o�a sufFicien�cvrporate sure�y band or ather secur�ty satis�actory�o Lender. <br /> �ECURITY 1�GREEil1lI�NT; F�NANCING�STATEI�lIENT�._ The �ol�awing pravisions re�ating tv this Deed af Trust as a <br /> security agr�emenfi are a par�❑f�his De�d o�Trus�: <br /> 5ecurity Agre�eru�enf. 'This ins�rumen� sha[E cansti-�u-�e a Secur�ty Agr�ement �� �he extent any of the Proper�y <br /> cons��t�.it�s fixtures, and��L�nder sha[[ ha�e all of the rights of`a se�u�-ed par�y under the Uniform �nmmer�ial �aaie <br /> as amended fram��me t�time. <br /> 5ec � � <br /> urity lnteres�. Up4n �-equest �y�Lender, Trustvr shall �ake �nrha��ver ac�ron is reque��ed by Lender�a perfect <br /> and cvn�inue����ender`s securi�Y ir��� t�e Re�ts 4n�'-P�rsonal Pro�pe'rty;` �n a.��d��C€on�tv.r�carding th�s �eed ��- <br /> Trus� �n the r-�ea1 praper�ty records, Lender may;��`at�any tEme�and irvithvut��urther au�horizati�n firom-Trustar, file <br /> . execu�ed Gvun�er�arts� cop�es �r reprflduc�ians o� this Deed a�f Trust�as a f'rnancing�sta�emen�, Trustor shafl <br /> reimburse Lend�r#ar alI �xpenses �ncurred in per�eGting or continuing �his securifiy interest, Upon defi�ult, Trus�or <br /> shall not remavet se��r nr detach the Personal Proper�y from the Property. Upan default, Trusto� sha�� assemb�e <br /> any Persona� P�-oper�y not a��ixed�a the P�-aper�ty in-a rnanner and at a p�ace reasanab[y con�enien��to Trustv�'and <br /> Lender and make it a�ailable to Lender wi�hin �hree �3} days after receipt �f vvritten demand from Lender tv the <br /> ex�enfi permi�t�ed by ap�ii�ahle law. ' � <br /> �4ddresses. The ma���ng addresses o� Trustor {deb�or� -'and Lend�r {secured party}.�ram which infa�ma-�ion <br /> concerning the securi�y interest granted by�his Deed �#.Trust may he ab�ained �each as required by t�e Unifarm <br /> �ommercial Code} are as stated ❑n�he��rst page o�this Deed o�Tru��, <br /> FURTHER ASSUR,A[VCESr �ITTa�NEY-iN-FACT: The �olfvv�ring., pravisi�ns relating to �further assurances and <br /> • attorney-�n-�aGt are a part of�his Deed o�T�ru�t; � <br /> Fur�her.Assuran�es. At any�ime, and from �ime to time, upvn reque��,of Lendet�, Trus�vr w�11 make, �xecute and <br /> deliWer, ❑r wil� cause t� be made,_executed or dei�vered;to Lender vr�� Lend�r's designee, and v�h�n reques�ed by. <br /> Lender, c�use �� he �Filed, recorded, re�iled, o� rerecorded, as �he �as� may be, a�t such times and in such vffices <br /> and places as Lender may deem �pp�-opr�ate� any and a�! such mor�gages� deeds Q�F trus�, security deeds, se�urity <br /> agreements� fiinancing s�atemen�s, cantinua�ion s�a�emen�s; instrumen�s af further-assuran�e, certifica�es, and : <br /> �ther documen�s as may, in fihe sale apinion��Lender, he necessary or desirable in order ta`e�teGtua�er �omp[e�e, <br /> per�ectr C�Ci�IC�[,��f or preserve ��} Bar�ower's and Trus�ar's �h�igations under the No�e, this Deed of Trus�, and <br /> �he Re�a�ed Docvments; and t�} �he �iens and secur�ty in�erests created by��his aeed o�Trust as�first and� priar <br /> �iens an the P�ope�ty, �rvhether no� av�ned or here��ter a�quired by T�-ustor. Unfess prah�bEted by-`[aur ar Lender <br /> agrees ta the con�rary in wri�ing, Trustor sha�� reimhurse Lender f�r afl cvsts and e�penses incurred in connec�ion <br /> vir�th�he matters re�erred ta in�his paragraph. <br /> At�arney-in-Fa�c-�. lf Trus�or#ails �o do any❑f�he �hings refierred to in the preceding paragraph, L�nder sp <br /> �ar and in the name of T�ustor and a�Tru�for`s exp�nse. For,such purpases,�Trus�vr hereby irrevacably appoin�s <br /> Lender as Trustar's attorney�in�fac�for�he purpose of-makingr executing� deli�ering;�i��ng, recording,��and do�ng a�f <br /> o�her things as may be neGessary or desi�able, in Lender's so�e �pin�� accamp�ish �h� mat�ers referred to in <br /> the preceding�aragrap�7. � � � � <br /> F�ULL PERF�RMAN�CE, 1� Borrower and Trustor pay al1�he �ndebtedness v�hen due;�and T�ustor otherwise per�orms ai[ <br /> the obligations impased upon Trustor unde�-this ❑eed of T�rust, Lender shall execute and deliv�r#v Trus�e� a reques�for <br /> fu�� reGanveyance andl,shal[ ex�cute and de��ver ta Trustor suitab�e,stafiements of termination of any financing sta�em�n� <br /> vn file eWideneing Lender's securi�y in�erest in the Rents and the Personal P�aperty. Any rec�n�eyance fee required by <br /> law sha�� be paid by Trust�r, if pe�-mi���d by app�icab�e �av+r. <br /> E��IENTS OF DEF�L[L�'. Each v�the #allov�ing, at Lender`s option, shaf! �anstitu�e an Even�k a# Defaul-� under�his D�ed <br /> ��Trus�: � <br /> Paymen�DefauIta Barrov�rer fails ta make any paymen�when due under�he �ndehtedness.� <br /> ��her Defaults. Bo�ro�ver or Trustor �Fai[s to �vmpfy �ivith or fio perform any o�h��- term� obligationr �avenant ar <br /> condF�ian c�n��i�ed in this Deed of Trus� or �n any af�h� Re[ated Dacuments vr to comply wi�h ar to perFvrm an� <br /> t�rm, vbligativ�, cavenant vr Gvnditivn cantained in any other agreement betw�en Lender and Borrvvirer or Trustor. <br /> Gomp�iance I]ef�uj�. Failure ta camply v+ri�h any othe� -�erm, obligativn, caWenant Q� conditi�n con�ained in thi� <br /> Deed.vf Trus�, the Nvte vr�n any��the Rela�ed Doc�ments. <br /> f�efaul�vn C]�her�ayments. Fa��ure o�Trustor vv��hin the�irr�e required by#his Deed af Trust to make an�payment <br /> �ar�ax�s ar�n�uranc�, �ar any��her paymer��n��essary�❑ pre��nt fi[ing o�or�a effect discharg�o�any 1ier�. <br /> �]e�auI� in Fav�ar �f T���d Part�es. Shvuld gorrovirer or any ��anfior def�u�t ur�der an� �oan, �xter�sivn of credit, <br /> security agreement, purchase or sales agreemert�, vr an�vther agreerr�ent� in�a�or�f any�o�her credi�or ar pe�-son <br /> tha� may r�ateri'al�y af�e�t any �f `Bar�ovtirer°s ��- any Grant��-'s proper�y vr Bo�rower`s ab��ity �o repay the <br /> Indebtedness or Qorro�rer's ar ��antvr's-�ability�o per�arm their respe�ti�e obl�ga�ions under�his Deed o�T�us�ar <br /> any of the Relate� Documents. <br /> False 5tatemen�s. Any warran�ty, representatian or sfat�ment made or furnished tv Lender by Bvrrower or Trus�or <br /> or an Borro�ver's or Trust�r`s beha�€ under�h�s C�eed o�f Trus� vr the R�lated Doeumen�ts �s fa�se vr mfsleading in <br /> any materiaf respe�t, eEther naw or at th� �time�made or �rurnished or becomes fialse ar misleadir�g at any time <br /> thereafte�. _ <br /> �efect�ve �ol�ateraliza�ion. This Qeed ❑# Trus�t or any_o� �he Re�ated Documen-�s ceas�s to be in -�ull force and <br /> efFect �in�iudinig fai[ure v� any cvlla�eral doGumenf tv create a valid and perfec�ed security in�eres-� or lien} a� any <br /> ��me and�vr any reason. <br /> Death �or �nsa�vency. The dissolutior� af Trustvr's [regardless �t whether electian to c�ntinue is mad�;}, any <br /> mem�er�i�hdra�rvs�rom the I�mited fiabi�ity company� ar an�i o�her�ermi�ation v�Bvrrov►rer's or Trustor's existence <br /> as a ga�ng�busin�ss �r the deatf� a� any mem�er, �he insv�vency of` Barrawer or Trus�or, the appaintment o�F a <br /> rece�v�r fivr any par�of Borravver's ar�Trustar's proper�i, any ass�gnm�nt far�he henefi�of creditars, any type v�` <br /> creditor�nrorkou�. or the cammencement�f any proc�eding under any bankruptcy vr insol�ency �aws by vr against <br /> B�rro�rver or Trustar. ' <br /> Cred�tar or Forfe�fiure Praceedings. Cammencement o� foreclosure or�forfeiture proceedings, whether by judicia[ <br /> prveeeding, sElf=help, rep�ssessian or any ❑ther me�had, by any c�-edit�r af Barrc�wer or Trus�v� ar b}� any <br /> ga�ernmental agency against any property securing the indebtedness.' This includes a garnishmen� vf any �of <br /> Borrower's o�-Trus�or's ac�oun�s; including depvsit accoun�s, vU�th Lender. However, this �ven� �f De�ault shal[ <br /> not apply���here is a gaod �ai�h dispu�� by B�rrvv�rer or Trusfio�- as tv the �alidi�y vr re�sonab�eness af the�G[aim <br /> vvhich is the basis af�he Greditor�r��r�eitur� p��ceeding and �f Bvrrotrver-or Trustor gives Lende�-�rvritten nortice of <br />