� 2� 1 ���378
<br /> DFEI� �F TRU�T
<br /> �oan Nv: 4��48�7 ��o�t��ued} Page �
<br /> Reques��or N+�fi'rce. Trustvr, an behaff o�Trustor and Lender, hereby reques�s�hafi a copy of any No�i�e of De-�au�t
<br /> and a c�py o�any Notice of Sa[e under�his Dee� of Trust be mai[ed�v them at the addresses set forfh �n the �Fi�-s�
<br /> paragraph of this �eed�f Trus�. .. .
<br /> A�tvrneys' Fe��; Expe�ses. [�F L�nder inst�fiutes any.suit or action t❑ en�o�-ce an}� af �h� terms af �his Deed a�
<br /> Trust, Lender shail be�n#itle� t� recnWer such sum as�he cour��may �d�udge reasonab[e as attorn�ys' �ees at tr�a�
<br /> and up�n any �ppea�. 111lhethe�` ar- not any caur� ac�i�n is�invofved, and to_�he ex�ent nof prohibited by 1aw, a��
<br /> reasonab[e expenses Lender �ncurs tha� in Lender's.apinion are.necessary a��any t�me for the prafec�tion o� its.
<br /> interes�or the enfor�ement of i�ts righ�s shall be�ame a part of th� ind�btedn�ss payah�e on demand and shall bear
<br /> �nteres�at�he Note rat��From�he date vf�he expenditure�rt�i1 repaid. Expenses�o�ere�;f�y�his paragraph include,
<br /> without �im��ation, hvwever sub�ec�tv any limits under applicable �a�rv, Lender's attarneys' �ees and Lender`s i�ga!_
<br /> expenses, wh��her or no� �here is a Iav�sui�, in�luding a�fiorneys` fees and expenses €or� bankrupficy proceedings
<br /> {inc�uding efforts to mad��}��r�acate any automatic stay ar injunction}f appea�s� and an�r_anticipat�d pos�-judgm�n�
<br /> eo�F�ction serv'CC�S� the cos� v�F sea�ehing recvrds, abtaining title repor�s �inc�ud�ng �areclasure reparts�, surveyors`
<br /> repvrts, and_�p�raisa� fees, ti�le insurance, and �ees fvr the Trustee, ta the exfen� permitted by applicab[e �aw.
<br /> T�ustor als❑will pay any court cvsts, in addi�3an tv a[[❑�her sums pr�vided by la►nr. �
<br /> Rights v�f Trustee. Tr-uste�shall ha�e aff o�th� rights and du�ies a#Lender as set forth in th�s section.
<br /> P011VERS AND QBLIGATIDIVS �]F TRUSTEE. �he following prflvis�ons rel�ting �v the p��rvers and abligafiions of Trus�ee
<br /> �re par�o�this De�d of Trust:
<br /> Pv►nrers vf Trus�ee, [n additian�v ali pajrvers ot Trustee arising�as a matter af law,=Trustee sha�1 ha�ie the power fio
<br /> take the follov�ring act�ons with �espec�fi❑�he Proper�y upan the writ�en reques�of Lender and Trustar: �a} �oin �n
<br /> preparing and ���ing a map vr p�a� of �he Real Property, inc�uding the ded��ation of s�reets ar o�her rights to -�he
<br /> puhCic; �b} jvin �n gran�ing any easemen� or cr�ating any restriction an �he Real Proper-ty; and tc� join in any �
<br /> subardinat�on fl�r��her agr�ement affecting this Deed a�F Trust o�the interes�o�Lender under�his Deed flf Tru$t.
<br /> T�uste�. Tru�tee shail r�ee� ail quafifica�ions r�quired �or Trus�ee under app��cable,[av�i. �n add�ti�n tv the r.igh'ts
<br /> and �-emedies se� farth �baWe, with respe�t �v a�! or �ny part ofi fihe Praperry, the Trustee shall have�he righ� ta
<br /> �Qreclose by r�ot�ce and sa1e, and Lende�-�ha�! hav� fih� righfi to �oreclase by judi�ia� for�clvsure, �n either case in
<br /> accordance w��h and tv the�ull ex�ent prov�ded by appficable iar�v.
<br /> Succe�svr Tr�cstee. Lsnd�r, at Lender's aption, may fram��ime tv tims appoin�a suce�ssor Trustee to any Trus�ee
<br /> appointed unde�- this Deed af Trus� by an instrument execu�ed and acknoviri��ged by Lender and recarded in the
<br /> of#�ce o� the ��e�order a�_Haf[ Ca�n�y, 5�ate of.Nebraska. � The instrument shal! cantain. in addition to all o�her:
<br /> mat�ers required by state law, the names.o� �he ❑riginal Lgnder, Trus�ee,:and Trustor;.the book an� page {or�
<br /> c�mpu��r system referen�e3 where �his Deed of.Trus�.fs recorded, and �he name and address a# fihe successar
<br /> trus�ee� and the insfi�ument sha�� be execu�ed,and acknvwledged by a�!the bene�ieiaries under this Deed of:Trust or
<br /> their successars in interes�. The success�r trus�ee, �nri�hout conWejrance of the Prvperty, shall su�ceed to a�l tF�e.
<br /> tit�e, po�nrer, a�� du�ies can��rred upon�he Trustee in this.Deed v�Trus�and by applicab[e la�nr. This procedure�or
<br /> subs�itut�on v�f Trustee shaf[g�vern to the exc[usian of all�ther prov�sions fo�substi-�ution. �
<br /> 11�QTtCES, Any natice required ta b� given under�his �eed of T�-ustr including vtirithvu� Iimitatian any notice vf defau��-
<br /> and any nv�ice �f sa�e sha�� be given in wri�ing, and shaf� be effec���e �nrhen actually defk�ered, �rhen actua[Iy received
<br /> b�t�lefacsimi[e �ur�less o�h�rwise required by Iav�}; when deposited;wi�h� nationa.l[y re�ogni�ed vvernight courier, ❑r, if
<br /> mai�ed, �rvhen depo�ited in�the Ur�ited�States rnail� aS ���'S�CIaSS� cer�ified or regis�ered ma�l pos�age prepaid, direGted to
<br /> the addresses sha�r� near the beginning of�his Deed o�Trust. Afl cvpies of no�ices v�foreci�sure �rom �he ho�der o�
<br /> any lier� vvhich has priGrity �ver this f]eed of'Trus� shall be sent to Lender"s address, as shown near the beginning o�
<br /> this De�d a� Trus�. Any party may change �ts address �ar nv�i�es under this Deed af Trus� by giving forma� written
<br /> notice to �h� ather parties, speci�ying that the pu�-pose of the na�ice is to change th� par�y`s address. Fvr notic�
<br /> purp�ses. Trustor agrees t� keep.Lender.infarmed at.a�l,�imes o�Trustor's cur�-ent address: Uni�ss a�herwise provided
<br /> or required by law, it there is mo�e than vne Trustar, any natice given by Lender�o any Trustor�s deemed �o be nafii�e
<br /> ga�en ta a!!Trustors.
<br /> �Jt�SCELL�4NE�U� PRaViS1�N5. The foll�wing miscelf�neous prov�sions are a part of this ❑eed o�Trust:
<br /> Arn�ndrraents, This De�d a�Trust,-�agether vsrith any Related Documen�s, cons�itu�es the en�ire understanding and
<br /> agreemen��f�he partie� as �o the matte�s set for�th in�h€� Deed o�Trust., No a�tera�ion ofi or amendm�n��o this
<br /> Deed o�Trus�sha[� be e���cfiiWe unless gi�en:�n wri�ing �nd s�gned by the par�y ar par�ies sought to be charged vr
<br /> bound by th��l�teratio� �r ar-ner�dmen�.
<br /> �Innua� i�eparts. if the P�roperty �s used far purposes a�her �han Trus�or°s residencer Tr-ustor sha�� -�urnish tfl
<br /> Lender, upon reques�; � �er�ified s�at�men�t of net aperating incorne r�ceived �ram the�Praper�y during Trustor's
<br /> p�'�V1flL15 fisca[ y�ar in such �orm and de�aif as Lend�r sha[I r�quire: "1Vet vperafiing �ncame'` sha�� mean a�l �ash
<br /> re�eipts�rom th� Property less a�� cash expenditures made En Gonnectivn with the operation of the Proper-ty,
<br /> Cap�ion Heading�. Cap�i�n headings �n th�s.Deed of Trus� are for convenience purpases only and are not to be
<br /> used�a interpre�or,de��ne the provisions of�Chis Deed of Trust, �
<br /> Merger. There sha�1 be na merger of the infie�res�or esta�tie created by th�s Deed o€Trus-�with any o�her in�e"rest or
<br /> �s�ate �n th� Prv�Oerty at any�ime hefd by or�vr the benefdt of Lender in any capaci�yr wi�hout th�writf�n cansent
<br /> o�Lenders
<br /> �o�erning La`►+�. This Deec# vf�frtast wi[� �e gvverned b� fecfera[ �av�r app�icable to Lender and, to the ex�ent n�t
<br /> preempted by�ede�a��au►ro th�la►�vs vf the Sta�e of Nebraska withvu�regard fio:ts confticts af[aw pr�visions. This
<br /> Deed c�f Trus�t�a�been��cep-�ed by Lender in the 5�ate of 1Vehraska. �
<br /> Cho'tce of 1lenue. 1�ther� is a lawsuit, Trustvr.agrees upon Lender's reques��o submit tv #he jurisdiction of the
<br /> eour�s a�r H�VIPAR� ��un�y, Sta�e af Ne�raska.
<br /> Joint and 5ev�r�f Li�bi�i�y. �411 obligations af Borrower and Tr�ustor under this Deed a� Trust sha[I be joint and
<br /> se�eral, an� a[I referen�es tv Trustor shal� m�an each and e�ery Trustor, and a!I re�Feren�es�❑ BQrrvwer sha�� mean
<br /> each�and eWery�Borrov+rer. This means that each Trustor signing beiovu €s responsible�or a#I ab�iga�ions in�his Dsed
<br /> o�Trust. VLlh�re any one vr more of�he parties is a.corpora�ivn, pa�tnership, I�mited �iabili�y cnmpany or similar
<br /> en��ty; it is no�necessary for Lender to inqui�e into the pnwers�f any���he ofFicers, directors, parfners, memb�rs,
<br /> v�oth�r agen�s �cting or purporking to a�� nn the entity°s behalf� an� any obfigatiQns made or created in r�liance
<br /> upon�he prvfess�d exercise of such power�sha�� be guaranfieed under�rhis ❑eed af Trust.
<br /> Nv�air►er by Lender. Len�er sha�1 n��be deemed�� ha��.►�vaived any r�gh�s under th�s Deed o�Trust un�ess such
<br /> �nra��er is giver� �r� �nrriting and signed by L�nders N� de�ay ar or�iss�on on�he part of Lender�n exercising any rig��.
<br /> shall �perate as a v�ra�uer o�such r�ght ar any other righ�. A rn�a�ver by Lender�f a pro�is�an of�his Deed of Trust
<br /> s�aa�� nat pre��d�ce or co�st:tu�e a v�rai�er o� Lender's right �thervvise fv demand S�f1C� compliance �i�h tha�
<br /> pra�rision ar any o�her p���ision o� this Deed of Trus�. Nv pr�o� uvai�er by Lender; nor any course ot dealin�
<br /> be�veen Lender and Trus�ar, sha[[ �ons�itute a wai�er of a_ny of Lender's rights vr of any v�Trustor's ob��ga�ivns
<br /> as �a any�uture transactivns. 1Nhenever the �onsent of Lender is required under�this Deed of Trust. the granting
<br /> of such consent by Lender En any �nstance shall n�� cvnstitufie continuing cansent�a suhsequent instances vvhere
<br /> such consen�is requ�red and in aIl cases sucE� consen�may be granted o�-wi�hheld in the so�e disc��tion v�Lender.
<br />