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2� 15�8�92 <br /> Any app�icatian af payments,xnsurance proceeds,�r Miscellaneaus Proceeds to pr�nc�pal due under�he N��e shall <br /> not ex�end ar pos�pone�he due dat�,vr cha,nge�he amoun�,of�he Periodi�Paymen�s. <br /> 3.Fun�s f�r Escrow I�ems.�orrower sha1�pay�o Lender on the day Peri�dYc Payments are due under�he Note, <br /> until the No�e�s paid in fu�I,a su�n(�he"Funds"�t�prav�de f�r pa�men�of amaunts due fflr:�a}ta.xes and assessments <br /> and other itenas which can at�a�n pr�ority o�er�his Security �nstrument as a lien or encumbrance on�he property; <br /> �b}leasehold gaym�nts or gr�und ren�s on the Property,if any;��}pr�m�ums f�r any and all insurance required by Lender <br /> under Sec�i�n�;and�d}Mortga�e Insurance pr�m�ums,xfany,�r any sums payable by Borrow�r to Lender in��eu ofthe <br /> payment of Mortgage �nsuran�e premiums �n accardance with th�provisians of Sect�an �.�. These i�ems ar� ca�Ied <br /> "Escr�w ��ems."At origina��on �r at any �ime during �he term of�he Loan, Lender may re�uire that Communi�y <br /> Associa�ion Dues,Fees,and Assessmen�s,if an�,be escr�wed by Barrower,and such dues,fees and assessments sha11 be <br /> an Escraw �t�m. B�rrower shal� pronxpt�y furnish �o Lender all x�a�i�es of amoun�s to �e paid under this Se�tion. <br /> Borrower shatl pay L�nder the Funds for Escr�w I�ems unies�Lender waives Borrower's obliga��an to pay the Funds for <br /> any or all Escrovv Items.Lender may wai�re Borrawer's obl�gati�n to pay to Lender Funds for any or a�i Escrow�tems a� <br /> any time.Any such vvai��r may only be in vvrit�ng.In the e�ent of such wai�er,B�rrow�r shail pay direc�Iy,when and <br /> where payabie,th�amoun�s due f�r any Escrow��ems for which payment�f Funds has been waived by Lender and,tf <br /> Lender requires, shaT1 furn�sh to Lender rec�ipts e�idencing �uch paymen�within such time period as Lender may <br /> require.Sorr�w�r's ob�igat�on�o make such paym�n�s and to prQWide receip�s sha�i for aIl purposes be deemed�o be a <br /> co�enan�and agreement contained in�this Security�nstrumen�,as the phrase"�ovenan�and agreement"�s used in Section <br /> 9.�f B�rrow�r�s abligated�o pay Escrow I�ems d�rec��y,pursuant to a wa��er,and Borrovver fails�o pay the am�unt due <br /> for an Escrov��tem,Lender may exercise its rights under Sec�ion 9 and pay such amount and Barrower shall�hen be <br /> �b��ga�ed under�eG�ion 9 ta repay�o Lender any su�h amount.Le�der may r�vake�he v`ra�ver as�o any or all Escro�v <br /> I�ems a�any time by a natice gi�en in accordance wi�h Sectian �.5 and,upon such re�oca�i�n,Barrower shall pay t� <br /> Lender aIl Funds,and in such am�unts,�hat are�hen required under this Section 3. <br /> Lender may,a�any time,col�ec�and ho�d Funds in an amount�a�suffi�ient to permit Lend�r to apply the Funds at <br /> the time specified under RESPA,and�b}nat ta exceed the maximum amount a l�nder can require under RESPA.Lender <br /> shaii estima�e�he amaunt of Funds due�n the basis vf current data and r�asvnable estimates af�xpendi�ures of future <br /> Es�r�w I�ems or o�herw�se�n a�cardanc�wi�h App��cable Law. <br /> Th�Funds shall be h��d in an inst�tut��n whose depasits are insured by a federa�a�ency,instrumen�ality,or entifiy <br /> �including Lender,if Lender is an ins�i�utian v�rhose deposi�s are so insured�or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender <br /> shall apply the Funds�o pay the Escrow��ems na 1a�er than�he time specified under RESPA.Lender sha�1 no�charge <br /> B�rrower fo�ha�ding and app�y�n��h�Funds,annua�ly analy2ing��e escrow accou.n�,4r�erify�ng the Escr�w�tems, <br /> un�ess Lend�r pays Borrower interes�on the Funds a.n.d Applicable Lavv permi�s Lender to ma.��such a charge.Unless a.n <br /> agreemen�is mad�in v�riting�r App�icab��Law requires interest to be paid on�he Funds,Lender sha�l not be required to <br /> pay Borrower any interes�ar earnings on the Funds.Barrower and L�nder can agree in vWri�ing,hovve�er,that interest <br /> shal�be paid on the Funds.L�ndear shal�gi�e to Bor�rower,wi�haut charge,an annual accoun�ing of the Funds as required <br /> by RESPA. <br /> �f there is a surpius of Funds h��d zn escrow,as defined under RESPA,Lender shall account t�Borrower for the <br /> excess funds i�ac�ordance with RESPA.�f th�re is a shor�age of Funds held in escrow,as defined und�r RESPA,Lender <br /> shall notify B orrovver as required by RE SPA,and B orrvvver sha�i pay�o Lender�he amount n�cessary to make up�he <br /> shor�ag�in a�cflrdance with RESPA,but�n no mo�re�han 12 monthly paymen�s.If there is a defciency af Funds he�d in <br /> es�row,as def ned under RESPA,Lender shall notify Borrower as r�quired by RESPA,and Borrower sha��pay�o Lender <br /> the amount necessary tfl make up the d�f cxency�n accardance w�th RESPA,but in no m�re than��m�nthly payments. <br /> Upon paymen�in fuii�f all sums secured by this Secu7ri�y Instru�men�,Lender shall promp�ly refund�o Borrav�rer any <br /> Funds heid by Lender, <br /> 4. �harges;Liens.Barr�wer shall pa�aII�axes,assessmen�s, charges,�nes,and impasit�ans at�ributable to�he <br /> Property v�rhich can at�ain priar��y��er this S�cur�ty�ns�rument,leasehald paymen�s or�r�und rents fln the Property,if <br /> any,and�ammunity Assoc�a�ran Dues,Fees,and Assessments,rf�ny.Ta�he ex�ent�ha��hese i�ems axe Escrow Items, <br /> Barrower shall pay th�m in the manner provid�d in Sec���n 3. <br /> NEBRAS�.A MS�ngie Family-Fannie Mae�F�eddie Ma�UNCFaRM INSTRU�ENT Fv�m 3��$ �1U� <br /> Pag e 4 a��3 .�-- � <br /> io�,���� Borrower�s}fn�t�als � <br />