2� 15�8�92
<br /> Borrawer shal� promptly discharge any lien which has priarity n�er this S�curity �nstrument unless B�r�ower:
<br /> �a}agr��s in vvr�ting t�th�paymen�af the ob��gation secured by the lien in a manner a�ceptab�e to Lender,but only so
<br /> long as Bo�rower is perfarmxng such agreement;�b)contests the�ien in g�od fa��h by,or defends a�ains�enforcement af
<br /> the �ien in, 1�ga�pro�eedings which in Lender's opinion�perat��o prevent the enforc�men�of�the lien while those
<br /> proceedings are p�nding,but only un�il such proc�edings are concluded;ar��}secures from the h�Ider of�he lien an
<br /> ag�eement sa��sfa�tory ta Lender subordinating the Iien�o this Securi�y Instrument.�f Lender de�ermines�hat any part of
<br /> �he Praperty is subject�a a lien which can at�ain pri�rity over�his Security Instrument,Lender may gi�e Borrower a
<br /> notice�dentifyin�the 1ien.�Vzt�in�.�days of the da.�e�n which that notice is given,Borrower shall satzsfy�he 12en flr take
<br /> on�o�more of the actions se�for�h ab�ve in this Section 4.
<br /> Lender rna�re�u�r�Borrower to pay a one�-t�me char�e for a real estate tax verif�cat�on andlor reparting ser�ice
<br /> used by Lend�r in connec�ion with this Laan.
<br /> 5.Property Insurance.Borrower sha��keep the impra�ements novv�xis�ing�r hereafter ere�ted an the Proper�
<br /> insured against�oss by fire,hazards�nc�ud�d withui the term"extended c�v�rag�,"and any o�her hazards including,bu�
<br /> not limi�ed ta,ear�hquakes and fl�ads,for which Lender requires�nsuran��.This insura.nce sha11 be main�ained in the
<br /> axnaun�s(inc�ud�ng deductible levels}anc�f�r the periods tha�Lender requires.�Vhat Lender requires pursuan�ta the
<br /> preceding sen�ences can change during the term of the Loan.The insurance carrier pro�iding the insurance shall be
<br /> chosen by Borr�wer subject t� Lender's ri�ht to disapprove�a�rower's choice, wh�ch right shall not be exerc�sed
<br /> unreasonabiy.Lend�r may require Borrower to pay,in cannectian vf,»�h th�s Laan,ei�her:�a�a an��time chaxge for fl�od
<br /> zone determina�ion, certifica�ion and t�acking ser�vices; or �b�a one-��me charge for flood 2one de�erminati�n and
<br /> cer�if cation services and subsequen�charges each time remappings or simiiar chang�s occur which reasonably migh�
<br /> affect such determination or certif cation.Borrower shall a�so be r�sponsible for the payment of any fees imposed b�r�he
<br /> Federal Emergency Management A�ency in connec�ion with�h�re�iew�f any flaad zone d�termina�ion r�sulting fram
<br /> an ob�ec�ion by B orr�wer.
<br /> zf Borrovver fai�s�o main�ain any Qf�he cov�rages descr�bed ab��e, L�nder may 4btain�nsurance caverage, at
<br /> Lender's np�ion and Borrower's expense.Lender is under n�flb�iga��an to purchase any par�icuiax type or amount of
<br /> ca�erage.Therefore,such covera�e shall caver L�nder,bu�might�r mi�ht n�t pro��ct Borrow�r,Barr�vv�r's equity in
<br /> the Proper�y, or�he con�en�s af th�Prop�r�y, against an�risk,ha2ard or l�ability a.nd migh�provide greater or lesser
<br /> coverage than was pre��ously in effec�.Borrower aci�nowledges t�aat the cos�of�he insurance co�erage s��btained m�ght
<br /> significantly exceed the c�st of insurance�ha�Borrower cou�d ha�e ob�ained.Any am�unts disbursed by Lender under
<br /> this 5ectian 5 sha11 become add�t�ona�deb�of Barrflwer secured b�th�s Security rnstrumen�.These amounts shall bear
<br /> inte�est a��he Na�e rate from the da�e of disbursem�nt and shall�e payable,with such interest,u�an notice from Lender
<br /> to Barrower requesting payment.
<br /> All �nsu�rar�ce pol�cies requ�red by Lend�r and renevvals af su�h poiicies shall be subj ect �o L�nder's righ� to
<br /> disapprove such po��cies,shall include a standard m�rtgag�clause,and shall name Lender as m.or�gagee andlor as an
<br /> addr�z�nal �oss payee. Lender shaxl ha�e�he righ��o ho�d�he poli�ies and renewal cer�if�ca�es. If Lender requires,
<br /> Borrower shall promptly gi�e�o Lender ail receipts of paid premiums and renewal no�ices.�f�ar�rower obtains any form
<br /> of insurance coverabe,no�o�herwise required by Lender,for damage to,or dest�uc�ion of,�he Praperty,such poli�y shall
<br /> inc�ude a standard mar�gage clause and sha�I name Lender a.s mort�ag�e andlar as an addi�ional loss payee.
<br /> �n�he e��ri�of Ioss,Borrower sha��gi��promp�no�ice t��h�insura.n�e carrier a.nd Lender.Lender may ma.ke proof
<br /> of�oss �f not made promptly by Borrower. L�nless Lender and Barrovver atherwise agree �n writing, any insurance
<br /> pr�ceeds,whether�r n�t the underlying insurance was required by L�nder,shal�be applied t�restoration or repair af�he
<br /> Property,if the restflration or repair is economicaily feasib�e an.d Lender's securi�y is not Iessened.During such repair and
<br /> rest�ratian peri�d,Lender shall have the r�ght ta hald such insuran�e proceeds un�ti�Lend�r has had an oppor�unity to
<br /> inspect su�h Property ta ensure�h.e wark has been c�mpleted�a Lender's satisfac�ion,pravided that such insp���ion shall
<br /> be under�aken promptly.L�nder may dzsburse proc�eds far�he repairs and res�oration�n a single payment�r in a seri�s af
<br /> progress payrnents as�he work is cam�le�ed.Unless an agreemen�is made in wr��ing or Applicable Law requires in�eres�
<br /> to be paid�n such�nsurance proceeds,Lend�r shall n�t be required t�pay Borrower any�nterest ar earnings on such
<br /> pr�ceeds.Fees for public ad�usters,or other third par�ies,retained by B�rrawer sha11 nat be paid ou�of the insurance
<br /> proceeds and shall be the saxe ob�iga�ion of Borrower.Ifthe res�oration�r repa�r is no�ecanornica�ly feasib�e or Lender's
<br /> securi�y wauld b��essened,�he insurance proceeds shaii be app�ied�o�h�sums secure�by�h�s Secur�ty�nstarument,
<br /> NE6RAS�A-S}ngle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Ma�UNfFQRM�NSTR�MENT Form 3028 �1��
<br /> Page5�f�3 �
<br /> �os,�nc. Borrower�s}lnitials � � �
<br />