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2� 15�8599 <br /> As used in this Security Instrument: (a)wards of the masculin�gender sha11 mean�.nd inc�ude <br /> carresponding neuter words or words of the feminine gender; �b}words in the singular sha11 mean and <br /> include the plura�and vrce versa;and(c}the word "may"gives sole discre��on without any abligation to <br /> take any act�on. <br /> 'i fi. Borrow�r's Capy. Borrower shall be gi�en one copy of the I�ote and of th�s Secur�ty Instrument. <br /> �I�. Tra�sfer af the Prapert�vr a Ben�f�cial�nte�est in Sorrower.As use�.in this Section�7, "Interes� <br /> in th.e Pr�perty"means any 1ega�or beneficia�interest in the Prop�ert�, 1IIC�UL�1Y7�,but not limited to, <br /> those beaeficia� interests trar�sferred in a bond f�r deed,cantra�t for deed,installment sa��s co��ract or <br /> escrow a�reement,the intent of�hicb is the transfer of title by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser. <br /> If all or any part of the Property or any�nterest in the Property is sold or transferred�or if Barrower is <br /> not a natura�person and a benef�cial�nterest it�Borrowe�'is sold or transferred}without Lender's priar <br /> written consent, Lender may require immediate payrnent in fu��of all sums se�ure��b�this Securit5r <br /> Instrument, Howe�er,this option sha11 not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibited�y <br /> Applicable Law. <br /> If Lender exercises this option,Lender sha��give Barrov�er no�ice of acce�erativn. The notice shatl <br /> provid�a period of not less than 34 days from the date the notice is g��en in accordance v�ith Se�tion 14 <br /> within which Borro�er must pay aIl sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument, If Borrower fai�s t�pay <br /> these sums prior to the expira��on of this period,Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by this <br /> Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borro�er. <br /> �8. Barrawer's Right#o R�instateAfter Accelerat�on.If Borro�er meets certa�n conditions, Bonower <br /> sha11 have the righ�to re�nstatement of a mortgage. Those condition.s are that B�no�er: (a}pays Lender <br /> a�� sums which then would be due under this Security ins�trument an.d the Note as if no acceleration had <br /> occurred; �b)cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; �c}pays all expenses incurred in <br /> enfor�ing this Securi�y Instrument, �ncluding,but not 1im�ted to,reasanable attorneys' fees,property <br /> inspe�tion a��va�uation fees, and other fees i�curred for the purpose of protecting Lender's i�terest in <br /> the Property and rights under this Security Instrument;and(d)takes such action as Lender may <br /> reasonably require to assure that i�ender's interest in the Property and rights und�r this Security <br /> Instrume�t, and Bflrro�er's obligatinn to p�y the sums s�ct�red by thi�Security Instrument, shati <br /> continue unchanged. HQ�rever,Lender�s n.ot requir�d to reinstate if; �i}Lender has accepted <br /> reinstaternent after the carnm�ncemen�af foreclosure praceeding�within two years im.m.ediately <br /> preceding the commencement of a current foreclosure proceed�ngs �ii)reinstatement wi11 pr�clude <br /> fareclosure an diff�rent gr�unds in the future; or(�ii}r�insta�ement�vi��ad�erse�y affect the priority of <br /> the lien created by�his Security Instrumen�. Lend�r may require that Borravver pay such reinstatement <br /> surns and expenses in one or more of�he follawing forms, as selected by Lender: �a}cash; (b}money <br /> or�er; �c)certified check,bank check,treasurer's c�eck or cashier's check,provided any such checl��s <br /> dr�.wn upon an institution whose depo�its are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality or enti�y;or <br /> �d)Electronic Funds�`ransfer.Upon�einstatement b�Bonowver,�h�s S�curity In.strume�a.t and obligations <br /> secured here�y shali remain fuliy effective as if no acceleration had oc�urred. Ho��e�er,this right to <br /> reinstate sha11 not ap�ly in the case of acceleratian under Sec�i�n 17. <br /> FHA Deed ot Trusi With MERS-NE 913�12Q14 <br /> 6ankers Systems�"" VMP� VMP4N�NE)(15Ufi}AQ <br /> ]Nolter�Kluwer Financial Services Page�2 af"!7 <br /> q�3334$955�7� t��33 32� �.217 <br />