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2� 15�8599 <br /> Subject to the provis�ons of Se���on I7, any�uccessor in Interest of Borrflwer who assumes Bonower's <br /> ab�igat�ons under this Security Instrument i�writing,ar�d is approved by Lender, sha11 obtain a��of <br /> Borrower's rights and benefits under this Security�nstrument, Borrower�hall not be released fram <br /> �orrower's obligat�ons and�iab�lity under this Security Instrument uraless Lender agrees to such release <br /> in�vrit�ng. The coUenants and agree�nents of this Se�u.ri�Instr�ament shal�bind�except as provid�ed in <br /> Section �9}and beneft the successors and assigns of Lender. <br /> 13. Loan Charges.Lend�r may charge�orrower fees for ser�i�es performed in coriuection vvith Borr��ver's <br /> default, for the purpase of protecting Lender's interest in the Property and righ�s�.nde�'this Security <br /> Instrument, including,but not limited to,attorneys' fees,property inspection and�aluation fees. Lender <br /> may colle�t fees and eharges authorized by��re Secretary. I�ender may nvt charge f��s that are expressly <br /> prohibited by this Security Instrument or by App�icable Lavw, <br /> If the Loan is subj ec�to a 1aw�vhich sets maximum loan cha.rges,and that Ia�v is f na�ly interpreted so <br /> tha�the interest or other loan charges c�llected or to be�oll�cted in connection�ith the Loan exceed the <br /> permitted limits,the�a: �a}any such�oa�c�arge shall be reduCed by the amount necessary to reduce the <br /> chaxge to the perm�tted Iim�t; and(b}any sums already collected from Borro�uer whic�i exc�eded <br /> permit�ed limits vvi11 be refunded to Borrower, Lender may choose to make this refund by redu�ing the <br /> principal pvved under the Note or by making a direc�payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces priracipai, <br /> the reductian wiii be treated as a partia�prepaymen�with no changes in the due date or in the mont��y <br /> payment amaunt unless the Lender agrees in writing to those changes. Borrower's accepta.nce of any such <br /> refund made by direct payment to�orrower�i��constitute a wai�er of any right of action$orrower <br /> might have arising aut af su�h Q�rercharge. <br /> 14, NotiGes.A��notices given b�Bo�ov�er a�Lender in connection t�ith this Security Instrument must�ae in <br /> �riting. Any notice to Borrower in connection with this Security Instrument sha11 be deemed to ha�e <br /> been given to Borrower when mailed by first,c�ass mail ar when actually delivered to Borrower's notice <br /> address if�ent by other means.Notice to any ane Borro�ver shall constitute natice�o a��Borrowers unless <br /> Appli�ab�e Law express�y requires otherwise. The notice addr�ss�hall�be�he Praperty Address untess <br /> Borrawer has designated a substitute notice addres�by notiee�o Lender. Borrawer shall promptiy <br /> notify Lender of BQn��uer`s change of address. If Lender specifies a procedure for repor��ng Borrower's <br /> change of address,th�n Boxrower sha�l only r�port a change of address t�rough tha�specified procedure. <br /> There may be only one designated notice address under this Security Instrument at any one tirrxe. Any <br /> notice to Lender shaii be given by deliverin�it or by mailing it by fi.rst class mail to Lend�r's address <br /> stated herein u�n�ess Len.der has designated an�ther addres�b�ri�tice to Borrower, Any natice in <br /> conne�t�an�vith this S�curity Instrument shatl no�be deemed to have been given to Lender unti�actually <br /> received b�Lender. If any notiee required by this SecurYty Instrument is a�so required under Applicab�e <br /> Law,the Applicab��Law requirement�vi11 satisfy the correspond�ing requirement under this Security <br /> Instrumen�. <br /> �!5. Govetn�ngLaw; Se�erability;Rulesof Cvnstruction,This Security Instrument sha�1 be governed b� <br /> federal la�v and the law of the jurisdic�ion in which the Property is 1o�ated. AII rights and ob�igations <br /> conta.ined in this Security Instrument are subject to any requirements and�imitatians of Applicable La�v. <br /> Appl�cabie Law might e�plicitly or implicitly alla�the pa�ties to agree by can�ract or it might be silent, <br /> bu�such s��ence shall not b�cnnstrued as a proh�bition against agreement by c�ntract. In the e�ent that <br /> any pravision nr clause of this Security�nstrument or the Note�onflicts with Applicab�e La�, such <br /> conflict shall not affect�ther provisians of this Security instrument or the Note which can be given effe�� <br /> without the�onflicting pro�ision. <br /> FHA Deed vf TnsstVlls't��NERS-�E 913�12�94 <br /> Bar�kers SystemsTM+ VMP� VMP4N�NE][15�fi}_UD <br /> Walters Kluwer Financiaf 5eniices Page"1"1 af"!7 <br /> q�3348956a74 a233 3�2 1117 <br />