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2� 15�8599 <br /> �I 9. Sale of Note; �hange of Loan 5erv�cer�Notice of Grie�ance.The Note or�par�ia�interest in the <br /> Note�together with this S�cur�ty Instrument}can be sold one or mare times without prior notice ta <br /> Borrower, A sa�e might result in a change in the entity(kno�vn as the "Loan Ser�icer"}that collects <br /> Periodic Payments due under the Note and this Secu�ity�nstrument and performs other mortga�e loan <br /> servicing obligations under the Note,this Securi�Instrument,and App��cable Law. There also might be <br /> one or more c�anges of the Loan Servicer unrelated�o a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan <br /> Servicer, Bono�ver�vi1l b�g�v�n rvritten notice af the chan�e which will state t�e name and address af <br /> the new Loan Ser�icer,the address ta which payments shou�d be made and any other information�ESPA <br /> requir�s in connectivn with a notice Qf transfer of servicing. If the�ote is sold and��.ereafter the Loan is <br /> ser��ced by a Loan 5er�icer other than the purchaser of the Note,the mor�gage �oan�ervi�ing ob�igations <br /> to Barrower�vill remain with�he Laan Ser�xcer or be transferred ta a successor Lo�.n Servicer and ar� <br /> not assumed by the Note purchaser uniess otherwise pro��ded by the Note purchaser. <br /> Neither Borrower nvr Lender may commen�e,�oin,or be ja�r�ed to an�judicial action�as either an <br /> indi�idual litigant or the member af a ciass}that aris�s fram the other party's a�tions pursuant to this <br /> Security Instrument or that a�teges tha�the other party has breached any pro�ision of,or any duty o�ved <br /> by reason of,this Security�nstrument, un�i1 such Barrower or Len�er has notified the other party(with <br /> such notice g�ven in cornpliance�vith the reyuirements of Sectio� 14}af su�h al�eged breach and afforded <br /> the ather party hereto a reasonable period after the giving of such notice to take correct��e action. If <br /> Applicable Law pro�ides a time period which must elapse before certain action can be ta.ken,that time <br /> periad wi11 be de�me�.to'be reasonable for purpos�s of�his Section. The notice of accelerat�on and <br /> opportunity to c�re g�ven to Ba�av�er purs�ant ta Sectian�2 and the notice of acceleration gi�en to <br /> Borrower pursuant to Section 17 sha11 be deemed to sat�sf�the no�ice and opportu�ity�o take corrective <br /> actron provisions af this Sect�on 19. <br /> �4. Borrower Not Third-PartyBenefici�ryto Ct�ntr�ct af Insur�an�e.Mortgage�nsurance reimburses <br /> Lender(or any entrty that purch�ses�he I��te}far certain losses it may incur if Borro�er daes not repay <br /> the L�an as agreed. �orro�rer ac�novvledge�and a�ree�that the Borrov�er is not a th�rd party beneficiary <br /> to the contract of insurance betwe�n the Secretary and Lender,nor is Borrowver entYtled to enforce an� <br /> agreement bet�een Lender and the Secreta.ry,unless explicit�y authori�ed to do so by Applica�b�e Law. <br /> 2'I. Hatardous Sul�stane�s.As used in this Section 21: �a}"i�azardous Substances"are those substances <br /> defined as tox�c ar hazardous substa.nces,pall�tants,flr v�as�es by Environ�nenta��,av�and the follo�ing <br /> subs�nces: gasoline,keras�ne,ather flammabte or toxi��etroleum products,toxic pestic�des and <br /> herbicides,volatile solvents,materiais contain�ng asbestos ar farma�dehyde,and radioac�iv�materials; <br /> (b} "Environmentai Law" means federai Ia�s and laws of�he ju�ri�diction where the Praperty�s located <br /> that relate to health, safety or env�ronmen�al protection; (c} "En�ironmental Cleanup" ineludes any <br /> respanse action,r�m�dia�action, or removal action,as defined in Environmental La�v; and(d)an <br /> "Environmental �ondition"means a cond�tion that�an cause,�ontribute to, or o�her�v�se trigger an <br /> Environmen�a��leanup. <br /> Borrower sha11 not cause or p�rmit the presen�e,use, dispasal, storage,or reiease of any Hazardous <br /> �ubs�tances,or threaten to release any Hazardous Subst�.aces,on or in the Property. Barro�er sha11 not <br /> do, nor a��ow anyone else to do,anythi�xg af�'ecting the Property(a}that is in vio�a��on of any <br /> Env�ronmenta.l Lavv, (b)which creates�n�nvironmental Condition, or(c}vvhich, due to the presence, <br /> use,ar release of a Hazardous Substance,creates a conditian th�.t adverse�y affects the�aiue�f the <br /> Praperty.The precedi�g t�vo sentences s�al�r�at appl�r to the presence,use,or stnrage an the Property of <br /> FHA�eed of Trust With MERS-NE 913�l2�14 <br /> Ba��cers SystemsT"" VMP C�7 VMP4N(NE}(15�5}.�� <br /> Wolters Kluwer Finan�ial Services Page 13 of 17 <br /> q�3348�56�7D a�33 32� 1317 <br />