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2� 15�8455 <br /> ar dacke�ed a�minis�rative praceed�ng, respec�ing any enWirflnmental Ca`rv, en�ironm�nfia[ c[aim o� <br /> hazardous ma�eri�l; fh�re a�� no hazardous ma�erials or o�her cand��ians �r c�rcumsfances exis�ing, or <br /> arising fram vpera��ons prior�o �he da�e �f this firus� d�ed, wifih respec� �o any Property of Trus�ar�ha� <br /> w�uld r�asonably be expected �a give rise �o mafie�iaf env�ronmenfia[ claims. �n addition, T�ustar shall <br /> hflld Lend�r harm�ess from any liabili�y for �nv�ronmen�a[ waste or canfamrnafion on any Praperty <br /> owned vr operafie� by Trusfi�r or liab�f i�y impased as a cansequence by reasan ofi Trus�o�'s a�ti�i�ies <br /> and will defend and �nd�mnify L�nder agains� all cla�ms, Ioss�s, liabili�res, and expenses incurred �y <br /> Lender as a resuffi th�reof. This c��enanfi wilf surUi�� cancel�ation, �xp�ra�i�n or terminafron o��his trust <br /> deed. <br /> 6. Each �f the fo[I�wing sha11 cons�itute an �v�n�of defau[t: <br /> a. Failure to mak� any paymen�v�rhen due under any Laan Dacumen�or o�her U�liga�ian seCured by <br /> �his�rus�deed. <br /> �. Fai[ure ta pay any [«ns, judgments, assessmen�s, �axes, ren�s, fees, or charges or main�a�n any <br /> insuran�e on �he Pr�perty, bui[dings, fixtures, atfiachments, ar improvemen�s as proWided in �hi� �rus� <br /> deed, or�n any ofh�r Loan Dacumenf. <br /> �. Any brea�h ar materia� misrepresen�a�ion of any �erm, �greemenfi, ca�enan�, condi��on, <br /> cerfi��icati�n, repres�nfatian or warran�y as provided in fhis tirust�eed, or any o�her Loan Documen�. <br /> d. Sa[e, transfer, or c�n�eyance of �h� Property described here�n withou� priar wri��en consenfi of <br /> Lender. <br /> e� Any us� of [aan praceeds f�r a purpose thafi will contrEbu�e �o exce�sive erasian of highly erodible <br /> land ar to the conversion of v�retlands�o praduce ar�o make possible the produc�ion af an agriculturaf <br /> comm�di�y, as further exp[ained in �' CFR Part �94�, Subpart�, E�hEbit M. <br /> f. Th� death, dissolu��on ar�ns�[vency ofi any Trus�or; �he appain�ment�f a receiv�r��r any Trus�ar or <br /> the�r Property; any assignmen�fvr�he benef�� of credi�ors by�he Trust�r; or appliGa�ion o�any deb��r <br /> relief �aw to Trus��r, including any type of workou� or cflmmencement a�F pro�eed�ng under any <br /> bankrup�cy or insol�en�y laws by or agains�any Trus�or or Bar��we�r�n any Loan D�cument or o�her <br /> �bliga��on secur�d by�his firus�dee�. <br /> g. Any of fihe preceding �ven�s nccurs �rifh respect �o any gua�antor, endorser, surety, or <br /> accornmada�ion party of any vf the Ubliga��ons �r any guaran�or, endorser, sure�y, or accommadatian <br /> party dies ar becnmes rncompe�ent, ar re�okes or dispufies �he �alid`r�y of, or [rabi�itiy under, �ny <br /> guaranty o��he ���igations. <br /> �. !n the e��n��f a default an� a�any fiime�hereaf��r, Lender, af i�s �ption, subjec�to any requiremen�s <br /> under �he Farm �redifi Ac� or o�her applicable f�dera[ ❑r s�a�� law, may exercise �ne ar more of the <br /> following rights and r�m�die�, in add�t�on fio any o�h�r righ�s ❑r remedies permitt�d by [aw: <br /> a. D��iare all �bliga��ons s�cured here�y to be immediately due and payab[e and �he vvhol�wilf bear <br /> inf�res�a��he defaulf ra�e as pro�ided in fihe Loan ❑ocumen�s. <br /> b. Lender may immediately au�harize Truste� ta exer�ise the pawer af sal� g�anf�d here�n in fihe <br /> manner praW�ded in �he Nehraska Trus� Deeds Acf, or, at�he op�ian of th� Lender, may farec[ase fihe <br /> firus�deed �n �he manner provided by la�rv for�he �orecC�sure of mor�gages on real property, including <br /> �he appoin�ment of a r���iv�r upan ex parte applica�ion, nofiice being hereby expressly rrvaive�, <br /> wifihaut reg�rd �o fihe v�[ue of the proper�y or �he suf�i�iency there�f fio discharge fihe indeb�edness <br /> secured hereby or in the Loan Docum�n�s. <br /> Shou[d Len�er elec� �o e�cercis� �he pawer�f sa�e gran�ed herein, Lender vtirill no�ify Trus�ee who vtiri[[ <br /> record, publish, and del��er �o Trustar�s} such Nn��ce o� Defaul� and Notice of Safe a� fihen required <br /> by �aw and will in �h� mann�r pra�Eded by lavtir, sell the property a��he time and p1ac� of sale fixed in <br /> the natice af sa��, ei�h�r as a whole a� �n separate �ots, par�els, ar i�ems and in such arder as Trus�ee <br /> wi[� de�m expedien�. Any person may�id a��he sa[e �ncluding Trus�or, Trus�e�, �r Lender. <br /> c. Lender, ei�her in pers�n �r �y agen�, wifh �r�i�hou� bringing any acf�on or proceeding and wi�h or <br /> �rvi�hout r�gard fa �he �alue vf �he Property �r the suf��ci�ncy therea� �o d�scharg� �he ��Iiga�ians <br /> secured he�eby, is au�h�ri�ed and en�i�ied �o en��r upon and �ake possess�on of the Property in i�s <br /> �wn narne ar in th� name �f�he Trustee and do any acts or expend any sums �� deems necessary ar <br /> d�sirabl� t� pratect �r pr�serve �he �alu� of �he Property �r any in�eres� �herein, or increase �he <br /> incame �herefrom; and �rith ar wi�h�u� tak�ng passession o� th� Proper�y is au�hori�ed �a sue for or <br /> �fiherw�se ��llect �he r�n�s, issu�s, �r�ps, pr�fi�s, and income �hereof, in�[uding fihose pas� due and <br /> unpaid, and apply the same upon ar�y �b[igat�ons se�ur�d hereby or in�he Laan Dacumenfs. <br /> d. Lender wif! be enfi��[ed �o a re�ei�er to tak� irnm�dia�e poss�ssion o� the Prflperty �nd a[� ren�s, <br /> �ssues, crvps, �ra�ifs, and �nc�me thereof, wi�h�u� regard �a the value of the Praperty, or the <br /> suffic�ency thereof �� d[�charge �h� trus� deed deb� and the foreclosure �as�s, fees, and expenses. <br /> App#:53�48537; C1F#: ��4557; Not�#:34�4932 220SQ Legal Doc. Date:De�ember�5,�0�5 <br /> F4RM���1,Trusf Deed and Assignment a�Ren�s Page 5 af 8 <br />