2� 15�8455
<br /> Such recei�er may be �mmediafiely appvin�ed by any caurt af �ompe�ent jurEsdi�tfon upon ex part�
<br /> applica�ion, no��c� being hereby exp�essiy wai�ed and sha�� serve wifhou� bond if�he [avtir allows. The
<br /> recei�er wil� apply a11 r�ents, issues, craps, profi�s, and in�ame of �he Pr�perfy �� keep �he same �n
<br /> gaod repai� and candi�i�n, pay all taxes, rents, fee�, Gharges, and assessm�nts, pay insuranGe
<br /> premiums necessary�� keep fihe Prop�rty insur��, pay fih��xp�nse of th� rec��vership and attorney's
<br /> fees incurred by �he rec���er, and app[y the net proceeds �o the paymen�of�he �b[�ga�ions secured
<br /> hereby. �uch receiver wi[1 ha�e all the other usual p�v�rers o� recei�ers author[z�d by faw and as th�
<br /> �ourt may direcfi.
<br /> e. in fhe �ven�Trusfior fails �� p�y �ny [iens, �udgmenfs, ass�ssments, �axes, r�n�s, fees, nr charg�s
<br /> or maintain any insurance an �he Property, bui�dings, fix�ur�es, at�achmenfis, or �mpro�en��n�s as
<br /> provided herein or in the Loan ❑ocum�n�s. Lender, a���s �ption, may make such paymen�s ar pro�ide
<br /> rnsurance, main�enance, or repairs and any amoun�s paid �herefor �v�ll become part o� �he princrpai
<br /> ��liga�ions secur�d hereby, be immediately due and payable and ��ar in�erest a� �he defaul� rat�
<br /> prfl�ided in the Loan Documen�s from �h� da�e of payment un��� paid. The ad�ancement by Lender of
<br /> any su�h amoun�s vtir�[1 �n no manner f im�f �he righf�f Lender t� deciar� Trus�or in defau[� or exercis�
<br /> any of Lender's o�her righ�s and remedi�s.
<br /> f. In �h� even� Lender is a party�� any l�tiga�ion affe��ing �h� Pr�perty or this�rus�deed, inc�uding any
<br /> ac�ian by L�nder �a enforce this �rus� deed or any sui� �n which Lend�r is named a defendan�
<br /> �inc�udin� emin�n� domain �nd bankrup�cy proceedings}, Lender may rncur expenses and advance
<br /> paymen�s for abstrac�fees, a�torney's fees ��n �he exten�alfovved by �aw}, casts, �xp�nses, appraisal
<br /> fees, and ��her charg�s and any amounts so advanced wi�� becom� part ❑f�he princfpal ���iga��ons
<br /> secured he�reby, b� imm�dia�e�y due and payable and bear in��res�at fihe defau�f ra�e prnvided in the
<br /> L�an Docum�nts fro� the da�e�f advance un�il paid.
<br /> $. Delay by Lender in ex�rcising i�s righ�s upon default wi[1 na� be c�nstrued as a waiver fihereof, and
<br /> any ac�of L�nder waiving any speci��c defaul�w��l no� be construed as a wai�er of any fu�ure defauit. If
<br /> �he proceeds under sal� or forec(osure as set farth abo�e are insufficienfi fio pay the tota[ ��Crga�rons
<br /> s�cur�� here�y, Lend�r�rvill be en���[e� �o a deficiency�udgmen�.
<br /> 9� Any awards mad� t� Trustflr or their su�c�sso�s by �h� e�cercise of eminen� doma�n ar� hereby
<br /> assign�d �o Lender; and Lender is hereby au�horized to callect and apply �he same in �aymen� of any
<br /> indeb��dness, matur�d nr un-ma�ured, secured by fihis trus� deed. Trustflr shall immedia�e�y no��fy
<br /> L�nder of any ac�ion in �min�n�doma�n.
<br /> '1�.This�rusf deed cons��tu�es a secur�ty a�reemen�wi�h respecfi�a af l�he Property described her�in.
<br /> �I�. No remedy herein �onferred upon ❑r reser�ed to Trus�ee ar Beneficiary Es intended �o be exc�usi�e
<br /> �f any �ther remedy her�in ar by �aw pro�id�d ar permi���d, buf each `rvrll be cumu�ati�e, w��l �e in
<br /> addi���n �o e�ery �#her r�medy gi�en hereunder �r now �r h�r�aft�r ex�s�ing a� (aw ar in equi�y ar by
<br /> sfafiu�e, and may be exercised c�ncu�rent[y, independentCy�r successlvefy.
<br /> '�2. Trus��r acknowledges �ha� �he dufifes and abl[ga�ions of Trus�ee wil[ be deter�ined solely by �he
<br /> �xpress pr�visi�r�� o� fihis frus� deed �r �he Nebraska Tr�ust D�eds Act and Yrustee wi[[ no� be liab��
<br /> exc�pt f�r the perfvrmance of such duties and ob[igafi�ons as are specifiGa��y se� f�rth therein, and no
<br /> implied ���enants or obliga�ions w�ll be imp�sed upon Trus�ee; Trus�ee wil[ n�� be [iab[e for any action
<br /> by rt �n good fa�th an� r�asonably bel�e�ed by r� �o be auth�ri��d or vv��hin �h� discrefiion or righ�s of
<br /> p�v�rers canferr�d up�n i� by this�rus�deed o�state Caw.
<br /> '�3. The ca�enan�s contained in �n is �rusfi d�ed will be deemed �o b� se�era�l�; in �he even� �ha� any
<br /> pflrf�on nf this trus�de�d �s de�ermined fio be Woid �r unenforceabl�, �ha�de�errr�inafiion �rill n��affec��he
<br /> validrty o��he remaining porfrans of�he�rust deed.
<br /> 14. Trus�vr here�y req ues�s a capy of any no�ice o�default or no�i�e ❑f sa[e hereunder to be mail�d by
<br /> certified mai[to Trus���a��he address s��f�rth herein.
<br /> 'i�. A[l no�ices, reques�s and demands t� or upon �he respe�fiive par�ies here�� �fl �e effec��ve sha[! b�
<br /> in wri�ing and, unless o�hennrise �xpressly pro��ded herein, shal[ be deem�d to ha�e been du[y gr�en or
<br /> made wh�n d�li��red by hand, ar fihree days after being dep�sified in �he mail, pos�age prepaid, ar, �n
<br /> th� cas� of d�l���ry by a na�ionaf[y rec��nized overnigh� �ourier, when r�c�ived, addressed �o �ne �r
<br /> rnore o�th� �ndividua[s ex�cuting this firu�t deed on b�ha[�of such party at�he address set forth abo�e,
<br /> or fo such ❑ther address as such party may designa�e for i�se�f by [ike na�ice.
<br /> �6. T�ustar shall pr�mptly pra�ide andlar �xecu�e and deliW�r �o Lender such further �nsfiruments,
<br /> inc[uding, bufi no� [imited �o, mortgages, d��ds of �rust, secur�ty a�re�men�s, finan�ing sfia�em�nfis,
<br /> �on�inuation stat�ments, ass�gnments, cert�ficates, afffdavits, addendums, amendmen�s or reso�ufions
<br /> in f�rm and subs�ance sa��sfa�tary f� Lender�na� Lender may requ�re �o effectuafie, comple�e, perfec�,
<br /> c�ntinue or prese�ve�his trus�deed or any o�h�r Laan Dfl�uments, �b��ga�ions or[rens re[ated �herefio.
<br /> App#:5348�3�; �[F#: ���66�; N�te#:30a493� 2�4SC� Legal❑a�.Date:December�5,20�5
<br /> F�R1Vl 5���,Trust❑eed and Assignmen�af Ren#s Page 6 af 8
<br />