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2� 15�8455 <br /> Trustar and each af th�m further co�er�ants and a�rees with, or �ertifies and represents ta <br /> Lender as follvws: <br /> 'I. To pay a[� I�ens, judgments, or oth�r assessmenfs agains� �he Prop�rty, and �� pay when due af� <br /> assessmen�s, taxes, �en�s, uti�i�i�s, fees, charg�s or encumbranc�s up�n �he Prop�r�y ar under any <br /> lease, permit, lic�ns�, �r pri�ilege assigned �o Len�er as addi��ona� securi�y fo �his trust deed, inc[ud�ng <br /> �hose in or on publ�c doma�n. <br /> �. Ta �nsure and keep insured ali buildrngs and o�her impr�vemen�s, in��uding fixtures and at�achmen�s <br /> n�w on or her�after pfaCed on the Real Pr�perty �a �he sa�rsfac��on o� Lender. 5uch insuranG� wilf <br /> can�ain an endorsement shawing Lender as Beneficiary. �n demand, Trusfor�nril� furn�sh sa�d polic�es <br /> or pronf of insurance �a Lender and the insuranc� carrier sha[1 be s��isfactory �o Lender. Trustor shall <br /> �i���vrit�en no��ce to Lender immedia�efy of any c�aim �r los�. Any sums sa received by Lend�r may be <br /> appf�ed in paymen� af any ma�ured or unma�ured �b[iga�ions secured by this ��us� deed, or at �he <br /> optian �f Lender may be used�o pay fa�recons�rucfi�on �f�he destroyed improv�rr�en�s. Such insuranc� <br /> w��l be �n an amaun� a� least �qual �� �he �esser of �he loan �a[�nce, fhe aG�ua[ cash �alue �f �he <br /> Pr�p�rty, or the replacemen� cos� of th� Prap�rty, and w�ll a� a minimum, co�er losses caused by fire, <br /> �igh�n�ng, exp[�sion, riat, arrcraft, �ehi�les, �andafism, ci�il camma�ion, smoke, winds��rm, and hail. <br /> Trus�or wil� ob�ain and keep ffoad insu�ance �n force ffl cover losses �y flo�d as r�quired by Lender and <br /> by the Na�Eona[ Fload Insuranc� Ac�of �958, as amend�d, and by regu[a��ons implem�nting �h� sar�e. <br /> Trustor further agrees tha� Ler�der is not and wil� nat he liable �or any fa�fur� by Trustor �r by any <br /> insur�r, for wha���er reas�n, ta ob�ain and k�ep �his insurance in farce. Trus�or shall gi�e writ�en nofiGe <br /> �o Lender rmmedia�e�y af any canc�f fation, ferminafron or ma�er�aC m�difica�ion ��any such �nsurance. If <br /> Trus�ar fails to main�ain �he c��erag� descr�bed abo�e, Lender may, at Lend�r's option, obfain <br /> ��verage to pra�ecfi Lend��'s rights in �he �'r�perty acG�rding t��he�erms of this Trus� Qe�d. <br /> 3. To keep ail bui[dings, fixtur��, at�achmen�s, and �ther impro�emen�s na� on or her�afte� placed on <br /> �he Rea[ Property ��cup�ed and 'rn go�d repair, mainfenance, and c�ndi�ion and �o nei�her commi� nor <br /> per�i� any ac�s of �asfe o� any impairment of the �a[ue �f �he Pr�perty. T�usfior sha[[ not remo�� or <br /> demolish any improvemen� withou� prior wrifi�en approval of fihe Lend�r. Trustor shal� gi�e immedia�e <br /> natice ta Lender vf any r-r�a�erial damag��o or cons�ruc�ion on or r��a�ed �a any �f�he Property. Lender <br /> m�y en��r upon �he Real P��perty�o inspec��he same or�a perform any ac�s author�z�d h�rein ar in fh� <br /> Loan Dacumen�s. Any ins�ect«ns, reports or� samples cnnduc�ed by Lender sha[1 be f�r their own use <br /> and ��ne�i�, and Lender shaf� no� be require� to disclose the resu�fis of any insp�cfions �o Trus��r for <br /> any reason, regard[�ss af whefher Lender has done so on any o�h�r accasron unl�ss Lender agre�s �� <br /> do so in a separafie�rriting. Trus�or is respansib�e for m�r�i�or�ng, pres�rv�ng and inspec�ing �he Prap�rty <br /> independently of Lender, and Lend�r makes no repr�s�n#ation, sta��rnen� or wa�ran�y regard�ng the <br /> accuracy a�any insp�ctian, r�p��ts or sfia�emen�s r�la�ed fio �he Property's �ondrtion, quanfify, �r quafi�y <br /> of any nature, and Trus�o� agre�s �fi sha[[ n�� re[y upon s�a�ements reia��d th�re�a made by a <br /> �epresen�ati�e �f Lender. <br /> 4� Tha� Trus�or i�, and shal� cont�nue �o be, duly organi��d, validly ex�s�in� and fegafly qualified fio do <br /> bus�ness under fhe laws ���he sfiafi�s in wh�ch Trustor opera�es, in corr�pliance wifih federa�, state and <br /> loca[ [av�rs or regu�a�ions, and have legal authority in such s�a�es �fl conduc� Trus�or's �us�ness <br /> opera�ians and �o own agricul�ura[ reaf estate. Na change has been mad� in the name, �wn�rsh�p, <br /> con�rol, relati�nship, legal s�a�us, nr ❑rganizafiona[ and formafii�n documents af any unders�gned since <br /> the fime �ny such �nformat�on v�ras fas� pro�ided �o Lender. Any bnrrow�ng resolu�ion or simf[ar <br /> documen� provided to fihe Lend�r, whether fln Lender's form �r o�hen�vise, has been execu�ed �y �ll <br /> those v�ri�h an ❑wnership in�erest in �he T�us�ar's enf�fy and such designated s�gnor as set f�rth in �h� <br /> barrow�ng resolu�ion �s duly au�hor�zed fia execufie any and aCl Loan Documen�s on behalf the �n��fiy, <br /> inc�uding this��us�deed. <br /> 5x All known saurces of existing or pntential enviranmen�al con�amination an or near any Real Pro�erty <br /> ovvned ❑r aperafied by Trus�or has be�n �ully disclosed �� Lend�r; �he apera�ions �f Trus��r comply, and <br /> during �he terrr� o� fih�s �rus� deed `rvi[[ a� al[ �imes comply in alf respec�s, �rvi�h all enviranmen�al [aws; <br /> Trus�ar has ob�ained and w��l rr�a�nfiain all li�ens�s, permi�s, �u�horiza�i�ns and regrs�rations r�quir�� <br /> unde� any en�ir�nm�nfa[ law and necessary for its ordinary cnurse opera�ions, al� su�h en�ironmen�a[ <br /> p�rmifis are �n good sfand�ng, and Trus��r is in compliance wifih al[ ma�erial �erms and condi��ons of such <br /> environmen�a[ perm��s; neifihe� Trus��r nar any of its pres�nfi Praperty or operaxians is subjec� t� any <br /> fluts�anding wri�fien arder from or agreem�nt vvi�h any go�ernmen�a[ au�hori�y ar subject t� any judiGial <br /> App#:�348�3�'; �[F#: �14��7; Nofe#:3D�493� 2�OSC� Legal Da�.�ate:December�5,2�15 <br /> FQRIVI 5�'i 1,Trust Deed and Assignmen�v�f Ren#s Page 4 o�r 8 <br />