2� 15�8454
<br /> ar docke�ed adminis�rative praceeding, respecting any environmentaf law, environmenta! �laim ar
<br /> hazardous ma�eria[; ther� are na ha�ardous ma�eri�ls ar ��her cnndi�ians or circums�anc�s �xis�ing, or
<br /> arising from operations prior�o th� �afe vf�h�s �rusf deed, wi�h r�sp�c��v any Prnp�rty nf Trus�ar�ha�
<br /> wou�d reasanably be e�cpec�ed �o g'r�e rise �o ma�eria[ en�irvnmenfial �laims. In addi��on, Trusfior shall
<br /> hafd Lende� harm�ess �rom any lia�i[ifiy far �nvironmen�a� waste ar contaminat�on an any F'roperty
<br /> awned ❑r ope�a��d by Trus�o� or liabili�y imp�sed a� a can�equence hy reason af Trusfi�r'S aC�1Vf�1�5
<br /> and wi�l defend and indemnify Lend�r aga�nsfi all claims, loss�s, [iabi[ifiies, and expenses incurred by
<br /> Lend�r as a resui��hereof. This cavenan�`rvif f survi�e cancef�a�i�n, expira�ion or�erminaf�an af�his �rust
<br /> deed.
<br /> G. Each of fhe fol[owing sha{� cons�i�u�e an e�en�of defau�f:
<br /> a. Failure to make any payment when due under any Laan IJocurnent ar a�her�bligafi�n secur�d by
<br /> fhis��us�deed.
<br /> b. Failure �a pay any liens, judgmer��s, assessmen�s, �ax�s, ren�s, fees, or charges or main�ain any
<br /> �nsuranc� �n �h� Prop�rty, build�ngs, fix�ures, a��a�hm�nts, or �mprov�men�s as provided in this �rus�
<br /> dee�, or in any��h�r L�an a�cument.
<br /> c� Any breach or ma�eria[ m�srepresen�a���n of any �erm, agre�ment, �ovenan�, condi�ion,
<br /> certification, represen�a�ion ❑r�varran�y as pr�vided in �his trus�de�d, or any o�her L�an Document.
<br /> d. Sale, ��ansfer, or �anveyance o� the Praper�y desc�ib�d herein w�fihou� priar wri�ten consen� o�
<br /> Lender.
<br /> �. Any use o� foan praceeds for a purpas� that w�[1 cantribu�e �a excessive er�sion af high[y erod�b�e
<br /> ]and ar�� fhe canversi�n �f wet[ands �a produce ar to make possible �he pr�oduc�ian of an agricultura�
<br /> commodi�y, as furthe�explained rn 7 CFR Part'�94�, Su�part G, Exhibit M.
<br /> f� The dea�h, diss�lutian or inso[�ency of any Trus�or; �he appointmen�of a r�cei�er for any Trusfflr or
<br /> �heir Prap�r�y; any assignmen�for�he bene�Fi� o�credi�ars by fihe Trusfior; �r appl�cation o�any deb�or
<br /> relief law to Trustor: �ncluding any �ype of workou� or commenc�rr��n� a� proceedfng under any
<br /> bankrupficy �r insol�ency laws �y Qr again��any Trusfar or Borra�v�r�n any Loan Dacument or�ther
<br /> Db[[gafiort secured by this firust deed.
<br /> g. Any af the prec�ding �vents accurs with respec� �a any guarantar, endors�r, surety, or
<br /> accommoda�ion pa�ty of any af fh� Db�[gafions ar any guarant�r, �n�ors�r, surety, or accammodation
<br /> par�y dies or b�comes incnmpeten�, or re�okes or dispu�es �he validi�y nf, or liabili�y und�r, any
<br /> guaran�y ❑f�he�bl�gati�ns.
<br /> �`. In �he e�en���a defaul� and a�any�im��hereafter, Lender, a� ifs op�i�n, subjec�to any requirements
<br /> un�er �he Farm Credit Ac� or o�h�r applicab[e federa[ �r s�a�e law, may exercise one ar mor� of th�
<br /> f��lowing righ�s and remedies, En addi�ion�o any ��her righ�s or rem�dies permit�ed by [avv:
<br /> a� Declare all �bf�gafi�ons secured hereby �o �e imme�iate[y due and payable and �he whole will bear
<br /> interes�a��he de�au[t rafe as pro�ided �n the Loan Documen�s.
<br /> �. L�nd�r may immed�afely authorize Trus�ee to exercis� fihe p��rver af sa�e granted her�in in the
<br /> manner prav�ded �n the Nebraska Trus� De�ds Act, or, af the option of�he Lend�r, may foreclo�e th�
<br /> �rus� deed in �he manner pro�ided by [aw for fhe far�cl�sure o� mortgages Qn real proper�y, �nclu�ing
<br /> �he appo�n�ment af a receiver upon ex parte applicati�n, n�tice being hereby expressly waived,
<br /> v�ri�hQu� regard �o the value of the proper�y or fhe sufficiency �he�eof fo dis�harge �he indeb�e�ness
<br /> s�cured hereby or in �h� Loan Do�umen�s.
<br /> Shoufd Lender elec��o exercise the pow�r of sale granted her�in, Lender will notify Trus�ee who vtir�ll
<br /> rec�rd, pu�[�sh, and �e[iver to Trustor�s} such No�«e of Default and No�ice of Safe as �hen require�
<br /> by �avtir and w�ll in �h� manner prflvided by [a�r, sell �he property a��h� time and place ofi safe f�xed in
<br /> �he no�ic� of sale, ei�her as a who[e ar in separa�e lats, parce[s, or ifems and in such ❑rder as Trus�ee
<br /> irvil� deem exped�en�. Any person may bid at�he sale including Trus�ar, Trus�ee, ar Lender.
<br /> c. L�nder, e�ther in pers�n or by agent, wi�h Qr w�thou� bringing any action �r proGeeding and with ar
<br /> wi�hou� regard fia �he �a[ue of the Praperty or tne suff�ciency th�rea� fo disCharg� �h� ��ligat�ons
<br /> seGured herehy, is au�ha�ized and enfi�Ied fio en�er upon and �ake poss�ssion of �he Praperty in �fs
<br /> avvn name o� in �h� name of�he Trus�ee and do any ac�s or expend any sums ��deems necessary �r
<br /> desirab[e to profiecfi or pr�ser�� th� �alue nf the Property ❑r any in�eres� there�n, or increase �he
<br /> income fiherefrom; and wifih or wi�hout �aking passession of �he Property is authorized to sue for or
<br /> ofiherwise co�[ec� �he renfis, �55Li�S, crops, profifis, and incarr�e �hereaf, including those pasf due and
<br /> unpaid, and apply�he same upon any �b[igation�secured hereby or in fihe Loan Dacuments.
<br /> d. Lender will be en�i�led �a a re��iver fio �ake immedia�e possession �� �he Property and a[1 ren�s,
<br /> �ssues, cr�p�, profits, and income �hereof, �rv�thou� regard fio �he �alue a� �he Property, or �he
<br /> suffici�ncy thereof to dis�harg� �he �rust deed debfi and fih� ��recl�sure cos�s, fees, and expenses.
<br /> App#:5348535; G[F#:114567; Note#:30�493� 220SC� Legal Doc.Date: December 15,�D15
<br /> F�RM 5Q1�,Trust Deed and Assignment af Ren�s Page 5 o�F 8
<br />