2� 15�8454
<br /> Such r�c�iver may b� immediat�[y appain�ed by any caurt �f compefi�nfi jurisdiC��on up�n �x parte
<br /> applica�ian, nati�e being hereby expressly wa��ed and shall �erv�w��hou� bond if�he l�w allavtirs. The
<br /> r�ceiver wi11 app[y a�l renfis, i�sues, �r�ps, profits, and income �f �h� Property ta keep �he sam� rn
<br /> good �ep�ir and condi�ian, pay a[1 ta�es, r�nts, f�es, �harge�, and assessmen��, pay insur�nGe
<br /> premiums necessary�o k��p�he Praperty insur�d, p�y�he expense af�he r�c�ivership and af�arn�y's
<br /> fees in�urred by the receive�, and apply �he ne� pr��eeds �o �he paymen� of the �]bliga�ions s�Gured
<br /> herehy. 5uch r�c�i�er wi11 have ��1 the oth�r usual po�vers of r�ceivers authori��d �y [�w and as the
<br /> c�u r�m�y d i r�c�.
<br /> e. In �he �ven�Trus��r fail� fo �ay any �iens, judgments, asses�ments, �axes, ren�s, �e�s, or charge�
<br /> or main�a�n any insurance on �h� Prop�rty, bui[�in�s, fix�ures, a��achmen�s, or �mprovem�nfs as
<br /> pro�id�d herein or in the Loan Documents. Lender, a� its ap�ion, may make such paymen�s or prv�ide
<br /> insurance; mainfenance, ar repairs �nd any arr�oun�� paid th�refor wi(f become p�rt o� �he prin��pal
<br /> �b[ig�tions s�cured he�e�y, be �mmediate[y due and payabl� and b�ar in�ere�� �� �he defau[t ra�e
<br /> provid�d in �he L�an Do�umenfs fr�m fh� dafie of p�yment un�i� paid. The advancement by Lender of
<br /> any su�h amoun�s wi�l in no manne� �im�fi�he righ�of Lende�r t❑ dec[are Tru�for in d�faulfi ar exer�ise
<br /> any afi Lend�r's o�her ri�hts and rer�edies.
<br /> f. ln the e�en� Lender fs a par�y f� �ny litigafiion af�ec�ing t�e Property�r�his trusf deed, inc�udin� any
<br /> ��filon by Lend�r �o �nfarce �hi� �rus� deed or any suit in wh��h Lender is n�med a d�fen�an�
<br /> �inc[uding emin�nt d�main �nd bankruptcy prace�d�ng��, L�nder may incu� expenses and �d�an�e
<br /> payments for abs�ract f��s, at�o�ney's f�es ��� the ex�en� al[awed by �a�v}, cos�s, exp�ns�s, appraisal
<br /> fees, and a�h�r charg�s an� any amounts so advanc�d will h�c�me part of th� principal �bligations
<br /> se�ured her�by, be immediat�ly due �nd payab�e and bear interest at�he �efau�t ra�� p�ovided in �he
<br /> La�r� l�o�umenfis from�he dafi� of�d��n�� until pard.
<br /> 8. ❑�1�y by Lender �n ��cercrsing i�s righ�s upon d�fau�t w��� na� be c�nstrued as a vwai�er th�re�f, and
<br /> any act af Lender waiving any sp�cifiG def�ult w�ll no� �e Cons�r�ued as a waiv�r o�any future defaul�. �f
<br /> �he proce�d� under sal� �r for�clasure as s�� fa�th ab�We ar� Ensuffic�en� t� �ay the fv�a� �bligations
<br /> se�ured hereby, L�nder will be�n�i�l�d �o a defic�enGy judgrn�nfi_
<br /> 9. Any �war�s made to Trus��r or �heir suGcessors by �h� �xerc�se of eminent d�main a�� here�y
<br /> assigned �o Len�er; and Lender �s hereby aufihari�ed �o �ollect and apply the same in paym�nt of any
<br /> indebfi�dn�ss, ma�ured or un-ma�ur�d, secur�� by �h�s �rust de�d. T�ustor shall immediat�fy n��ify
<br /> Lender of any�c�ian in erninen�dom�in.
<br /> 1 a.This��u�t deed consfi�tut�s a��curifiy�greement with r�spec��o a�l �he Pr�perty de�Grib�d here�n.
<br /> '11. Na remedy her�in c�nferred �pon o� rese�ved to Trus��e ar B�ne��ciary rs in�ended �o be exc[usi��
<br /> �f �ny �fh�r rem�dy her-eln ar by faw provid�d or permifi��d, but e�ch wrll b� �umul�fi�ve, will be in
<br /> add��ion to every �ther remedy g��en h�reund�r ar now �r hereaf�er existing a� law or in equity ar by
<br /> statute, and may b���ercised cancurr�ntly, �ndependently ar succes�ive�y.
<br /> 'I�r Trus�or �cknov�rledges �hat �he du�i�s �nd ob[iga�ions of Trus��e �vill be determin�d sa�ely by ��e
<br /> �xpress pravi��ons af �his �rus� d�ed �r the Nebrask� Trust Deeds Ac� and Trus�e� will not be liab[e
<br /> exc�pf far the performance ❑f su�h du�ies and o�liga�ions �s ar� sp�cif�cally se� forth �he�ein, and no
<br /> impli�d c�v�nan�s or obf�ga�iQns �v[11 b� �mp�s�d upon Trustee; Trus�ee vvill nQ� b� l�able fQr any a�t��n
<br /> by i� in good �aith and reas�nably b�lie��d by i� �o be authar�zed or wifhin the discr��ion �r righ�s of
<br /> powers c�nferred upon it�y fh�s�ru��deed or s�ate law.
<br /> '13. Th� cov�n�nfis conta�ned in this ��us� deed wi[� �� deemed to be sever�b[�; in �he e�ent tha� any
<br /> portion �f�his�rus�d�ed is determined fi� b��ro�d or unenfarc�ab[e, �ha�determ`rn�fion w��� n�t affect�he
<br /> �a[idify�f fih� r�maining port�Qns�f�he�rus�deed. �
<br /> 'I4. Trusto� here�y requests a co�y Qf any nQtic� af defaulf o� notice a�sal� hereunder�� be marled by
<br /> cer�ified m�i��o Trus��r at the address set f�rth herein.
<br /> ��. AI� not�ce�, r�ques�� and dem�nds �o or upon fh� r�spec�i�e parties h�re�o �o b� eifec�i�e shall be
<br /> in wri�rng and, unless o�hen�v�se e�press[y pro�ided her��n, shall be d�emed �� h��e been du�y given or
<br /> made vtirhen del;vered by hand, or thr�� days after b�ing d�po�ited �n fh� mail, po�tage prepaid, �r, in
<br /> fh� case of deli�ery by a na��onal�y r�ca�n��ed �vernight courE�r, v�rhen rece�ved, addr��sed fo one ar
<br /> more �f fh� indiWiduals �xecu�ing �hi� �rus�deed �n behaff a��uch party a�the add�es� ��t forth aba�e,
<br /> or��such n�h�r address as suGh p�rty may designat��a����elf by like no�ice.
<br /> 'i6. Trustor sha[[ promp��y pr�vid� �ndl�r execu�� and d�[i�er �� �ender �uch fur�h�r instrum�n�s,
<br /> inc�uding, �u� no� limited fia, mar�ga�es, deeds nf �rust, S�:�Lirl�y agreemen�s, financin� s�atem�nfs!
<br /> CQC���nL1a�I�T1 S�c���CY1�Cl�5, aS51�nC1'1�n�5, Ce1�iflCa��S, �ffl�aV1�S, addendums, amendments or r�so[u�ions
<br /> in farm and su�stanc� safiisfact�ry �o L�nd�r thafi Lend�r may require �� eff��tua��, �omp[ete, perf�ct,
<br /> confi�nu� �r�reserve�his trus�deed �r any ofher L�an DacUmen�s, D�ligations �r Ciens relafed fih�re�o.
<br /> App#:�348�3�; ClF#:�146�7; Note#:3�Q��3'I ��aSQ Lega�Doc. D�t�:December 1�,20�5
<br /> FDRM 5411,Trust De�d and Assignmen�af Ren�s Page G af 8
<br />