2� 15�8454
<br /> Trustar and each af them further ca�enants and agrees with, or cer�ifies and represents t�
<br /> Lender as fv�laws:
<br /> �� To pay afl liens, judgmen�s, �r �ther assessrnenfs agarns� �he Proper�y, and ffl pay when due a[1
<br /> assessmen�s, f�xes, ren�s, u��lities, fees, charges or encumbrances up�n �he Property or under any
<br /> fease, permr�, licens�, o� pri�ilege assigned �o Lender as add��ional securi�y�a this�rus� d�ed, includ�ng
<br /> �hase in �r on public domain.
<br /> �. To insure and keep insured al[ buildings and ofiher�mpro�emen�s, �ncluding fix�ures and afi�achm�n�s
<br /> no�v on ar hereaft�r plac�d on �h� Rea[ Praperty to �he safiis�a�tion of Lender. Such insurance �ril[
<br /> con�a�n an endorsemen� shawing Lend�r �s B�neficiary. �n demand, Trus�or wi[1 furnish said polEc�es
<br /> or proof of insuranc� to Lender and fhe Ensurance carr�er shall b� satisfact�ry �a Lender. Trus��r shall
<br /> give wri�fien notice to L�nder immedia�ely of any claim ar ��ss. Any sums so r�ceived by Lender may be
<br /> applied in paym�n� of any mafured ar unmatured �bligations s�cured by �hi� trust deed, or a� �h�
<br /> aption �f Lender may �e used �❑ pay for re�anstruc�ian af'the des�roy�d Empra�emen�s. Such insurance
<br /> vviCl be in an amounfi at leas� equaf fa �he [esser af the loan balanc�, �he ac�ual cash �alue o� th�
<br /> Proper�y, or �he replaGemen� cos� of the Prope�ty, and wi11 at a m�nimum, co��r [�ss�s �aused by �ire,
<br /> lighfn�ng, explas��n, r�ot, ai�craft, vehic[es, vandalism, civil c�mmo�ion, smoke, winds�flrm, and h�il.
<br /> Trus�or will �b�ain and keep f�o�d �nsurance in force�o Ga��r I�sses by ffo�d as required by Lender and
<br /> by th� National F[oad Insurance Acfi ❑f 19�8, as amend�d, and by r�gula�ions imp�ement�ng �h� same.
<br /> Trusfi�r furth�r a��ees �ha� Lender �s not �nd �v�ll no� be liable for any fai[ure by Trustor ar by any
<br /> insur�r, for whafie��r r�asfln, �o �btain and keep this �nsurance �n for�e. Trus�or sha[1 gi��wr�tten no�ice
<br /> fo L�nder �mmediately of any GanGe�(a�ion, ferm�na�ion ar ma�erial modifi�a�ian o�F any such insurance. If
<br /> Trustar fa�[s �o main�a�n the coverage describe� aba��, Lender may, at L�nder's ap�ion, ab�ain
<br /> co�erage to pro��Ct Lender's righ�s in �he Property accarding fio�he��rms af�h�s Trusfi❑��d.
<br /> 3. To ke�p all build�ngs, fi�cfures, a��achmen�s, and a�her �mpro��men�s now on or her�aiter p[aced on
<br /> �he Real Pr�perty occup�ed and �n g�ad repair, main�enanc�, and cond��ion and to nei�her Gammi� nor
<br /> permi� any acfis af waste o� any imparrmen� af �he �alu� af �he Praperty. Trusfiar shafl nQ� rema�e �r
<br /> demolish any �mprov�men� Vv��hou� prior writ�en �pprova� �� �he Lender. Trustar sha�l give immediat�
<br /> n�tic� t� Lender of any ma��ria! damage to or cans�ruction an ar rela�ed �o any af the Property. Lender
<br /> may enfer upon �he Real Pr�perty�o insp�G�the same or ta per�orm any ac�s au�hori�ed herein or�n the
<br /> Loan D�cumen�s. Any insp�c�ions, reports or samples �onducfied by Lender�shal[ be f�r�heir awn use
<br /> and b�nefit, and Lender shalf no� be �equired to disclase the result� af any inspec�ions to Trust�r f�r
<br /> any rea5on, regardless ❑f whe�her L�nd�r has done so on any o�her occasion un[ess Lender agrees �o
<br /> d�so in a separat�writing. Trus�or is responsi�fe for monitor�ng, preserving and ins�ec�ing �he Praperty
<br /> ind�p�nden��y �f L�nder, and Lender mak�s n� r�presenta�i�n, s�at�men� �r v�rarranfy r�garding the
<br /> accuracy af any �nspecfiion, reparts ar statemenfs re�ated �o�h� P�aperty's �ondi��on, quant�fiy, vr qua�i�y
<br /> �f any natur�e, and Trus��r agrees i� �hal[ not rely upan s�a�emen�s related �heret� made by a
<br /> r�present�fi�e of Lender.
<br /> 4. Tha� Trus�or is, and sha�l con�inue t� be, du�y organ�zed, �al�d[y ��cis�ing and legally qual�fied �o do
<br /> business und�r fihe laws of�h� s�a�es �n �vhich Trusfior opera��s, rn camp[�ance with f�dera[, s�a�� and
<br /> I�cal laws ar r��ulati�ns, and ha�e [eg�l auth�rity in SUGh sta��s �o c�nduct Trust�r's business
<br /> �per��ions and �Q own ag�icu[tu�al real es�ate. NQ change has b�en made �n �he name, ❑wnership,
<br /> con�rol, r�la�ionshEp, legal s�a�us, or �rganizational and farma�ion documents �f any unders�gned s�nce
<br /> �he �ime any such �nf�rmati�n was las� pro�i�ed to Lender. Any borr�w�ng reso�ufiion o� simi[ar
<br /> docum�nfi p�o�ided to the L�nder, whe�her an Lender's f�rm or o�herwise, has been ex�cu�ed by a�l
<br /> �h�se vv��h an ownership interes� in fhe T�rustor's �n�i�y and such d�signafed signar as set forth in the
<br /> barrowing resn�ut�on �s duly authorized �o execu�� any and �II Loan Docurr�en�s on behalf �he enfi�fiy,
<br /> �ncludin� fihis trus�deed.
<br /> 5� All known saurc�s o�exist�ng ❑r paten�iaC en�ironmenta� �onfiamina��on on vr near any Real Property
<br /> owned or opera�ed by Trustar has been ful[y disc�osed �o Lender; fh� opera��ons �f Trust�r con�ply, and
<br /> during �he term vf �his �rusfi deed �nri�� a� all �imes c�mply in al[ respects, w[�h �II environmental [aws;
<br /> Trusfio� has ob�ained and wil[ ma�ntain all li�enses, perm�ts, au�horr�a�ions and �registrafiiQns requ�red
<br /> und�r any environmen�a[ [a�v and necessary for its ardinary caurse operafi�ans, a[f such envrronm�n�al
<br /> permits ar� in �ood standing, and Trustor is in comp���nce with all ma��rial ��rms and condifr�ns �f such
<br /> enWironmen�a[ permi�s; n�ith�r Trustor nor any ❑� its p�esen� Property ar apera�i�ns is subj�c� ta any
<br /> oufis�and�ng writ�en order from ar ag�e�ment v�ifh any go�ernmen�a[ aufiharity or sub�eG� �o any judi�ial
<br /> App#:5348535; C�F#: 1�4GG7; Nofe#:3�D493� 2��SG� Legal Doc. Da�e:Dec�mber 15,��15
<br /> FC�RNi 5�1�,Trus�Deed and Assi�nment of Rents Page 4 of S
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