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<br /> �CDntMnued} Page �i
<br /> under this Deed o� Trust, under the Nvt�, under any ofi�he Rela�ed Documents, or und�r any other agreement ar
<br /> any lavus no►rv ar hereaft�r in force; notwithstanding, some vr all af such indebt�dness and obligatians secur�d by
<br /> this ❑eed o�Trust may naw Qr hereafter be �therwise secured, ►nrhether by martgage, d�ed vf trust, pledge, �i�n,
<br /> assignment ar vtherwise. Neither the acGeptance of this Deed v� Trust nvr ifis enforcement, whether by cvur�
<br /> ac�ion or pursuant fio the power of sale vr ather powers conta�ned in this Deed a�Trust, sha�l prejudice �r in any
<br /> manner affect Trust�e's or Lender's right to reafize upon vr en�Force any other security now or hereafter h�ld by
<br /> Trustee or Lender, �t being agr��d thafi Trustee and Lende�, and each of them, shal! b�entitl�d�a enfvrce this Deed
<br /> o�Trust and any vther securi�y nvw or hereafiter held by Lender ar Trustee in such order and manner as they or
<br /> ei�her v� them may in the�r absalu�e d�scre�ian determin�. No rem�dy conferred upan ar reser�ed to Trustee ar
<br /> L�nder, is intended tv be exclus��e ofi any other remedy in this Deed of Trust�r by law pro�ided or permitted, but
<br /> each shal! be cumuiati�e and shal� be in addi�kion tv e�ery other rsmedy gi�en in this Deed af Trust or now a�
<br /> herea��er existing at[aw❑r in equity or by statute, E�ery pvwer ar remedy gi�en by the Note ar any o�the Related
<br /> l�oGumen�s to Trus�ee vr Lender or to wh�ch ei�her o# them may be otheruvise entitied, may be ex�rcised,
<br /> �ancurrently or ind�penden��y, �ram time �a time and as often as may be d�emed expedien� by Trustee or Lender,
<br /> and either of them may pursue inconsistent remedi�s, Nothing in this Deed of Trust shall be const�ued as
<br /> prohibiting Lender fr�m seeking a defi�iency judgment against the Trustor ta the ext�nt such action is pe�m�tted by
<br /> lav►r. Elec��on by Lender �o pursue any remedy shall not exclude pursuit ofi any vther rem�dy, and an e��ctivn to
<br /> make expenditures vr to take activn tv per�vrm an obligation ��f Trustor under this Deed o� Trust, a�ter Trustor's
<br /> failure ta perfvrm, shall not affec�Lender's right to deciare a defauft and�xercise its remed�es.
<br /> Request for Natice. Trustar, on beha(f of Trustar and L�nder, her�by requests that a Gopy o�f any Nvti�e of D�faul�
<br /> and a Gapy af any Notice �f Sale under this ❑eed of Trust b� mailed �o them at the address�s set forth in �he first
<br /> paragraph of this ❑e�d of Trust.
<br /> Attarneys' Fees; Expenses. !f L�nder institufies any suit or a�tion to enfarce any vf the terms a� this D�ed afi
<br /> Trust, Lend�r shall he �nti#led �o reco�er such sum as the cour� may adjudge reasvnable as attorneys' fees at trial
<br /> and upon any appeal. 1Nhether or not any �flurt acfiian is in�of�ed, and to the extent not prohibited by law, all
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's apinian are n�c�ssary a� any time far the protectfvn vf its
<br /> interes�❑r�he enf�r�ement a�i#s rights shalf be�ome a part of�he Indeb��dness payable on demand and sha�l bear
<br /> interest at the N�te ra�e from the date of#he expenditure until repaid. Exp�nses co�ered hy this paragraph inc�ude,
<br /> �vithou� limitativn, hawe�er subject�o any limi�s under appliGable law, Lender's at�orneys' �ees and Lender's legal
<br /> exp�nses, whether or no� there is a lawsui�, inc�uding at�orneys' fees and expenses for bankruptcy praceedings
<br /> �including ef�Forts ta mvdi�y or�a�a�e any automatic stay or injunc�ion�, appea�s, and any anticipated post-�udgmen�
<br /> co�l�ction ser�ices, the cast of searGhing re�ords, ob�Caining titfe reports �including forec�asure reparts�, sur�eyars'
<br /> r�pvrts, and appraisa! fees, tix�e insurance, and fees for the Trustee, to the ex��nt permi�ted by appli�able law.
<br /> Trustor als�will pay any court cos�s, in addition�a aff other sums pro�ided by law.
<br /> Rights of Trus��e. Trust��shaff ha�e aii��th� r'rghts and duties vfi Lender as set farth in this sectivn.
<br /> P�WERS AND �]BLIGAT�(3N5 �F TRUSTEE. The fallowing pr��isians rela�ing to the powers and obli�at��ns vf Trus�ee
<br /> are part af this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Pvwers of Trus#ee. In additian ta all powers of Trus�ee arising as a matter�f law, Trustee shafl ha�e the power to
<br /> take the follouving actions wi�h respect t� the Property upon the wri��en request of Lender and Trustor: �a} join �n
<br /> preparing and �iling a map or plat o� the Real Property, including �he dedica#ian of stree�s or ather rights to the
<br /> publi�; {bj jvin in granting any easement vr crea�ing any restrictian vn the Reai Prvperty; and �c} j�in in any
<br /> subordination or v�her agresment affe�t�ng this Deed of Trust or the interest❑f Lender unde�this Deed o�f Trus�.
<br /> Trustee. Trust�e shall meet all quaiifica�ions required �vr Trustee und�r applicable law. In addition to fihe rights
<br /> and rem�dies se� �arth abo�e, with respe�� ta all or any part o� �he Praperty, the Trus�ee shali ha�e �he r�ght to
<br /> �vrecl�se by notice and sal�, and Lender shall ha�e the right to fio�ec�os� by judicial foreclasure, �n either case in
<br /> acc�rdan�e ►nri�h and fio the fulf exten�k pravEded �y app�icahle law.
<br /> Success�r Trustee. Lender, at Lende�'s aption, may firom time to time appoint a suGcessor Trus�ee tv any Trustee
<br /> appoint�d under �his Deed a�F Trust by an instrumen� executed and ackn�wf�dged by Lender and record�d �n th�
<br /> o�f�ce of the recorder vfi Hali County, State of Nebraska. The instrument shall cantain, in additivn tv afl other
<br /> matters requir�d by sta�e law, the names vfi the ariginai Lender, Truste�, and Trustvr, the book and page {or
<br /> computer system referencej where this beed of Trust is record�d, and the nam� and address o# the su�cessor
<br /> �rus�ee, and the instrument shal� be execu�ked and acknowledged by all th� i�eneficiaries under this ❑eed of Trust or
<br /> �heir suc�essors in interest. The successor t�-uste�, withvut can�eyance of the Prflperty, shall su�ceed to aif the
<br /> title, pawer, and duti�s con�erred upan the Trustee in this Deed v�Trust and by applicable law. This procedur�for
<br /> subs�i�tution vf Trustee shall gv�ern ta�he exclusian of all other pro�is'rons for substitution.
<br /> NDTICES. Any noti�e required to be gi�en under this Deed af Trust, including without IimitatEan any notiGe of defauft
<br /> and any nvtice o�sale shali be gi�en in writing, and sha11 be �ffec�ki�e when ac�tually deli�ered, when actually r�cei�ed
<br /> hy telefacsimile {unless v�herwise required by law�, wh�n depasited ►nrith a nativnally re�agni�ed o��rnight courier, vr, if
<br /> mail�d, wh�n d�posited in the United 5tates maii, as �irst�lass, Certified vr regis�ered mai! pvstage prepaid, direc��d �a
<br /> the addr�sses shvwn near the h�ginning a�F this ❑eed af Trust. AE! cvpies of notices a�f�reclosure fram th� h�lder of
<br /> any lien which has priarity over �his Deed af Trust shall be sent �o Lender"s address, as shown near the b�ginning o�
<br /> this De�d of Trust. Any party may change its address fior notices under this Deed ❑f Trus� hy gi�ing fvrmal written
<br /> notice to the vther par�ies, specifying that the purpose of �he natice is to change the party's addrsss. Far notic�
<br /> purpases, Trustor agrees tv keep Lender infarmed at ali times af Trustor's current address. Unless otherwise p�o�ided
<br /> or required �y law, i�there is m�re�han one Trustor, any notice gi�en by Lend�r to any Trus�ar is deemed t❑ I�� noti�e
<br /> gi�en to a�[Trustars.
<br /> lVIISCELL�►NEC?U5 PR�VlSfONS. The fv�l�wing miscellaneaus pr��isions are a part o�this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Amendmen�s. This De�d of Trust, �ogether with any R�lated Documenfis, �onstitutes the entire understand�ng and
<br /> agre�m�nt ❑�the parties as fio the matters set fvrth in �this Deed of Trust. Nv al�eratiQn af ar amendment to this
<br /> D�ed o�Trust shafi b� �ffecti�e unfess gi�en in wri�ing and sign�d by the party or par�ies sought t❑ be charg�d ❑r
<br /> bound by�he al�era�ian❑r amendment.
<br /> Annual Repvrts. if the Proper�y is used fior purpvses Qther than Trustor's residenc�, T�ustor shall furr�ish ta
<br /> Lender, upon request, a �ertified statement of n�t vpera��ng incom� recei�ed �From the Pr�perty during Trustor's
<br /> pre�ious fiscal y�ar in su�h form and detail as Lender shaff r�quire. "Net vperating incvm�" shail mean all cash
<br /> rece�pts�rvm�he Praperty less alf cash expendEtures made in conn�cti�n with the operation❑f the Prvper�y.
<br /> Caption Headings. Cap�ivn headings in this ❑eed of Trust are �vr Gon�enience purpases aniy and are not to be
<br /> used tv interpret or defin�the pro�isions v�this aeed a�Trust.
<br /> Mgrge�r. There shall �e no mer�er vf the �nterest or estate created hy this Deed of Trust with any o�her interest vr
<br /> estate in the Praperty at any��me h�fd by or for fihe benefit of Lender in any capa�ifiy, uvithout the wr�tten cansent
<br /> v�Lender.
<br /> Go►►erning Law. This ❑eed o# Trust will be g�r►erned by �edera�i law appii�able to Lender and, ta the extent no�
<br /> pree�npted hy f�derar law,the laws of the State o�F Nebraska withou�regard to its con�licts of iaw pra►►isivns. This
<br /> Deed vf Trust has been ac�ep#ed hy Lender�n�he State af Nebraska.
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