2� 15�8445
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> ��ontinued� Page 7
<br /> Choice o# Vanue. !f there is a lawsuit, Trus�or agr�es upon Lender's requesfi to submit tv �he jurisdiction of �he
<br /> caur�s a�r Hall County, State vf Nebraska.
<br /> Joint and Se�eral Liability. A!L ob��ga�ions ❑f Trustor under this ❑�ed of Trust shall �e joint and se�eral, and all
<br /> r�f�r�nces ta Trustor sha�l mean each and e�ery Trusto�. This means that ea�h Trustor signing beivv+r is
<br /> responsibf�for al[obligations in�his Deed of Trusfi.
<br /> No Waiver by Lender. Lender shall not he de�m�d to ha�� wai�ed any ri�hts under this Deed �f Trust uniess suGh
<br /> wai��r is given in writing and signed by L�nder. No delay or amission on th� part vf Lender in�xerc�sing any right
<br /> shall operate as a wai�er of such right or any ather right. A wai�er by Lender o�a pr��ision of this De�d o#T�ust
<br /> shall not pr�judice or cons�itute a wai�er ❑�f Lender's right o�herwise to demand strict cvmp��an�e v►rith that
<br /> prvvision ar any �ther pra�isian ofi this Deed o� Trust. N� priar wa���r by Lender, nor any cvurse of dealing
<br /> b�tween L�nder and Trustvr, shall constitute a wai�er of any a� Lender's rights or of any af Trustor's obiigati�ns
<br /> as to any �uture #ransactions. Whene�er the consen� ❑f Lender is r�quired under this Deed of Trus�, th� granting
<br /> ❑f such cvnsen� by Lender in any insfiance shall not constitute continuing �onsen�to subsequent instan�es where
<br /> such consent�s required and in all cases such cvnsent may be�ranted or withheld in�he sal�discretivn of Lender,
<br /> 5ev8rability. lf a cQurt of cvmpetent jurisdicti�n �inds any prv�isi�n o�f this Deed vf Trust to he illegal, in�alid, vr
<br /> unenfarceahl� as ta any person or circumstance, that finding shall not make the offending pro�isivn illegal, invalid,
<br /> or unenforceable as fio any other persvn or �ircums�ance. �f feas�ble, th� fl�fending pro�ision shall b� consider�d
<br /> madi�ied s� that it hecomes legai, �afid and enfor�eable. Lf the offending pra�ision cannot be so mod��ied, it shafi
<br /> be consid�red dele�ted from this ❑eed af Trust. �nless otherwise required by law, the illegality, in�aiidi�y, or
<br /> unenfor�eability ❑�any pro�ision a�this Deed of Trust shall nvt affec#the legali�y, validity vr en�orceability Qf any
<br /> other pro�ision vf this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> �u�cessvrs and Assigns. Sub�ect�a any limi�ations stated in this�Deed vf Trust on �ransfer of Trustor's interest,
<br /> this Qe�d o� Trust shall be �inding upon and inure to the benefit af the parties, their suc�essors and assigns. �f
<br /> ownership of the P��perty becom�s �ested in a person other than Trustor� Lender, withou� notice to Trust�r, may
<br /> dea� with Trus#or's successors with ref�rence to�his ❑eed ❑f Trust and�he Indebtedness �y way of forbearance or
<br /> extension without r�leasing Trusfior from�the obligations of#his Deed of Trus�or lia�ility under the Inde��edness.
<br /> Time is o#the Essen�e. Time is af�he�ssence in�h� performance of�his Deed�f Trust.
<br /> Waive Jury. AI� parties tv this Deed vf Trust hereby wai�e#he right to any�ury trial in any a�tian. p�aceeding. or
<br /> �ounterclaim brvught by any party against any other party.
<br /> 1Naiver vf Homestead Exernptivn. Trustor herehy releases and waives all righ�s and benefits af the homestead
<br /> exemp�ion laws of the Stat�❑f Nebraska as to a!I lndebtedness se�ured hy this Deed of Trus�.
<br /> DEF1N1T1�N5. The follawing �apitalized wards and terms shall ha��the following meanings when used in this �eed af
<br /> Trust. Unless specifiicafly stated to the c�ntrary, a[I ��f�rences fia do[lar amounts sha11 m�an amoun�s in lawful maney
<br /> of the Un�t�d States of America. WQrds and t�rms us�d in the singular shaii inc�ude the plural, and the plurai shall
<br /> include the singular, as the can�ext may require. Vllords and terms not otherwise defined in this Deed �f Trust sha�!
<br /> ha�e the meanings attributed to such terms in the Uniform C�mmercial C�de;
<br /> Benefi�iary. The word "6enef�Giary" means Exchange Bank, and i�s sucGesso�s and ass�gns.
<br /> Barrower. The word "�orrow�r" means S�flTT A BRAC]LEY and NIl�KI R BRADLEY and in�ludes a!I coWsigners and
<br /> �v-mak�rs signing the Not�and all�heir successors and ass�gns.
<br /> Deed vf Trus�. Th� words "Deed of Trust" mean �his D�ed ❑f Trust amvng Trustar, Lender, and Truste�, and
<br /> incfudes without limita�ion al� ass�gnment and security interest pr��isions rela�ing �a the Personal Property and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> Default, The word "[�efau�t" means�he Default se�forth in this ❑eed ❑f Trust in th� sec�ion titled "'De�aul�'"
<br /> Envirvnmental Laws. The v►►�rds "En�ironmentai Laws" mean any and a!� state, federal and Io�a! statutes,
<br /> regufations and �rdinances relating ta the protectian af human health ❑r �he en�ironment, includ�ng w�thout
<br /> �imitativn �he Cvmp��hensiv� En��ronmentaf Respanse, Compensati�n. and Liability Act o� 198D, as amended, 4�
<br /> U.S.C. 5ection 96�1, �t seq. t"�ERCLA"}, the Super#und Amendments and Reauthvriza�ian Ac� o� 1986, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99-499 �"SARA"},the Ha�ardous Materials Transpvrtativn Ac�, 49 U.S.�. SeG�ion 18�1, et seq.,the Resaurce
<br /> �onser�ation and Reco�ery Act, 4� �.S.C. Section 69�1, et seq., or o�h�r app�icable state ❑r federaf laws, rules,
<br /> o�regulativns advpted pursuant thereto.
<br /> E�ent ofi De#ault. The wards "E�ent v�Defauft" mean any of the e��nts vf default set fvrth in this Deed o�Trust in
<br /> the e�ents❑f de�ault section of this ❑eed of Trust.
<br /> Guaranty. The word "�uaranfiy" means the guaranty from guarantor, endarser, surety, or ac�ommodatE�n party to
<br /> Lender, including without limitativn a guaranty of all �r part�fi the Note.
<br /> Hazardous 5ubstanc�s. The words "Hazardous Su�stances" mean materiais that, because of their quantity,
<br /> can�en�ra�ion or physical, chemical vr infectivus characteristi�s, may cause �r pose a present or pvfiential hazard
<br /> �❑ human health or the en�ironmen� when improperly used, �r�afied, stored, disposed o�f, gene�ated, manufiactured,
<br /> transpor�ed o� otherw�s� handled. The wards "'Hazardous 5ubstan�es" ar� used in their �e�y broadest sense and
<br /> inciude without limita�ion any and all hazardQus or tvxi� subs�an�es, materials ❑r waste as d�fined �y or listed
<br /> under the En�iranmental Laws. The term "Hazardous 5ubstances" alsa includes, �n►ithout limitation, pet�oleum and
<br /> petroleum by-praducts or any fractivn there�f and asbestas.
<br /> Impro�ements. The word "impro�ements" means all existing and future impr�vements. buildings, St�'UCtU��S,
<br /> m�bil� homes affiixed vn the Real Property, facilities, add�tions, replacements and other cvnstruc#i�n an #he Real
<br /> Prvpe�ty.
<br /> �ndeb�edness. Th� word "lndebtedness" means all princEpal, in#erest, and other amounts, costs and expenses
<br /> paya�le under the Nate or Rela�ed ❑ocuments, together with a!! ren�wais af, extensivns of, modificatians of,
<br /> c�nsolidati�ns of and substitutians for the Note ar Rela�ed Docum�nts and any amaunts expended or ad�anced by
<br /> Lend�r to discharge Trustor's vbligativns �r expenses incurred by Trustee vr Lende� ta en�orce Trustor's
<br /> obligations under this Deed o� Trust, tvgether with interest on such amounts as pr��ided in �his ❑eed of Trust.
<br /> Specifical�y, without limitation, indebtedness includes all amounts tha� may �e indire�tly sscured by fihe
<br /> �ross-Colla�eralizat�on pra�isivn o�this I]eed�f Trust.
<br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Exchange Bank� It5 5L1CCe55�1'S afld a551�n5.
<br /> Note. Th� word "Note" means the promissory not� dated December �4, 2Q�5, in th� original principal
<br /> amount of �7D,0�0.��from Trustvr t❑ Lender, togeth�r with all renewa�s o#, �xtenstans ofi, modifications af,
<br /> re��nanGings vfi, cans�lidati�ns ❑�, and suk�stitutivns �or the promissQry nvte ❑r agreement. NQTICE T� TRUST�R:
<br /> Personal Prvp�rty. The wvrds "Personat Property" mean all equipment, fixtures, and vther articles vf personal
<br /> pr�p�rty now vr hereafter �wned by Trustor, and n�w or hereafter attached or affixed to the Real Property;
<br /> tvge�her with all accessions, par�s, and addi�ions ta, ail replacements of, and ali suk�stitufiions far, any vf such
<br /> praper�y; and tvgether w�th all proceeds �in�[uding without limitatian all insuranGe proceeds and refunds v�
<br /> �
<br /> . �
<br />