2� 15�8445
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> ��ant�nuedj Pa9e 5
<br /> either nav►► or a�the time mad�or furnish�d or becomes#a�se or mis�eading at any time thereafter.
<br /> Defecti�e �v��ateral�za�ion. This Deed of Trust or any af the Related Qacuments ceases �❑ �e in full �arce and
<br /> �ffeG� tin�luding fa�lure of any collateral dvcument to Greate a valid and perfected security interest or lien} at any
<br /> time and fvr any reason.
<br /> Death v��nsoir►ency. The deafih o�Trustor, the insol�en�y o#Trustor, the appvintment vf a recei�er fvr any part of
<br /> Trustar's praperty, any ass�gnment for the hene#it of �redifiars, any type vf cr�ditor workout, �r the
<br /> cvmmencement of any prviceeding under any hankruptcy❑r insol��n�y lavvs by or against Trustvr.
<br /> Credi�or or Forf�iture Praceedings. Camm�n�ement of �oreclosur� vr f�rfeiture proceedings, whether by �udicial
<br /> proceeding, sel#-he1p, rep�ssessian or any other method, by any creditor of Trustvr or by any g��ernmenta� agency
<br /> against any property s�curing the Indebtedness. This includes a garnishment a� any �f Trusto�'s accaunts,
<br /> including depvsi� a��vun�s, ►nr�th Lend��. Howe�er, �his E�ent of Default sha�l not apply if there is a �ood fiaith
<br /> dispute �y Trustar as t❑ the validi�y or reasonab�eness af the �laim which is the basis vf the creditor or #orfei�ure
<br /> proceeding and i# Trustar gives Lender written notice �f the credit�r or �orfeiture praceeding and depasits wi�h
<br /> L�nder monies or a surety b�nd for the creditar or f�rfeiture pr�ceedin�, in an amvunt determined hy Lender, in its
<br /> sole discretion, as being an adequat� reser�e ar bond�ar the d�spute.
<br /> 6reach nf�ther Ag�eement. Any breach by Trustar under th�terms vf any ather agreem�nt bet►rveen Trustor and
<br /> Lender that is not remediad within any grace period prv�ided therein, including wi�hout limitati�n any agreem�n�
<br /> concerning any indebtedness�r a�her�bCigat�an of Trustor to Lender, whether existing now flr later.
<br /> E�ents Affe�ting Guarantor. Any af the p�ecedin� events ac�urs wi�h respect ta any guarantar, endorser, surety,
<br /> or accvmmodativn party afi any afi the lndebtedness ar any guarantor, endorser, surety, or a�commodatian party
<br /> dies or becomes incampetent, or �e�vkes or disputes the �alidity of, vr liability under, any �uaranty of the
<br /> �nd�btedness. .
<br /> Ad�erse Change. A ma�erial ad�erse chang� ❑�curs in Trustar's financial cvndition. or Lender belie��s �the
<br /> prospect of payment or performance af the Indebtedness is impaired.
<br /> inse�ur�ty. Lender in gaad#aith befie�es itself insecure.
<br /> Right ta Cure, 1f any default, o�her than a default in payment, is curable and �f Trustvr has not heen gi�en a notice
<br /> vf a breach o�the same provision�f this ❑eed of Trust within the preceding twel�� �1�3 months, it may he cured if
<br /> Trustor, after Lender sends writt�n notice to Trustor demanding cure of such d�fault: t 1} cures the defauit►nrithin
<br /> twenty �2�� days; or t2� if the cure requires mare than tv►renty t�Df days, immed�a�ely initiates steps which
<br /> Lend�r deems in Lender`s sole discre�ion ta be sufficient ta cure the default and thereafter cvntinues and
<br /> campletes all reasonable and necessary st�ps suffic�ent tQ prvduc�campliance as svon as reasonably practical.
<br /> R�GHTS AND REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. If an E�en�vf Default❑c�urs under this �eed v�Trust, at any time�herea�t��,
<br /> Trustee ar Lender may exerc�se any one ar more❑f the f�llawing righ�ts and remedies:
<br /> Acce�eration Upvn Qefauft; Additionai Remedies. If any E�ent of De�ault v�curs as per the te�ms of the N�te
<br /> secured here�y, Lender may dec�are all indehtedness secured by this Deed v�Trust to be due and payable and
<br /> the same shafl thereupon become due and payab(e wi#hout any pres�ntment, demand, protest or nvtice�f any
<br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender may:
<br /> �af Either in person or by agent, vvith or without bringing any a�tion or proceeding, or by a recei�er
<br /> appointed by a court and without regard to th� adequacy of i�s securi�y, enter upon and take p�ssession
<br /> of the Prvperty, or any part thereo�, in its own name or in the name o#Trustee, and do any acts which it
<br /> deems necessary or desirable�❑ preser�e the �alue, mark�tability ar rentability of the Praperty, or part vf
<br /> the Property or interest in the Prvp�rty; increase th� incame from the Prvperty or protecfi the s�curity o�
<br /> the Property; and, with or without taking possession of the Property, sue for ❑r otherwise cvllect the
<br /> rents, issues and profits of the Prop�r�ty, incCuding thase past due and unpaid, and app�y the same, less
<br /> costs and expenses af�perat�vn and c�flection attorneys' fees, to any �nd�btedness se�ured by this Deed
<br /> of Trust, all in such order as Lend�r may determine. The �n�erin� upon and �aking pvssess�an a# the
<br /> Prop�rty, �he collection of such rents, issu�s and profits, and the applica�ivn thereo� shall n�t �ure ar
<br /> wai�e any de#ault or natice ❑f d�fault under th�s �eed of Trust or inval�date any act dvne in respvnse to
<br /> such defaul�or pursuant�o such notice of default; and, notwithstanding the continuance in possessi�n��
<br /> th� Property ar �he collection, receipt and applicat�on o� rents, issues ❑r prvfits, Truste� or Lender shall
<br /> be �ntitled t❑ exercise ��ery right pro�ided �or �n the Nate �r the Reiated Dvcuments ❑r by law upon the
<br /> occurrence af any event af default, including the right�a exercise the power v#sa��;
<br /> �by Commenc�an action to fareclose th�s Deed af Trust as a mortgage, appoint a recei��r or spe�ifieally
<br /> enforce any o�the co�enants hereof; and
<br /> �cy Deliver to Trustee a writ�en declara�ion o#de�auit and demand�or sale and a rrvri�ten notice❑f de�au�t
<br /> and electi�n�v cause Trustar's interest in the Property t❑ �ae so1d, which na�ice Trustee shall cause to k�e
<br /> duly filed for recvrd in the appropriate offices flf the Cvunty in which the Prvperty is 1aGafied; and
<br /> �df 1Nith respe�#to all ❑r any part afi the Personal Property, L�nder sha11 ha�e aif the ri�h#s and remedies
<br /> of a se�ured party under the Ne�raska Uniform Commercial Cade.
<br /> Fore�losure hy Pvwer v#Sale. If Lender elec�ts to fore�l�se by exercise vf the Power o�Sat� herein Gontained,
<br /> Lend�r shall noti�Fy Trustee and shal! deposit with T�ust�e this Deed of Trust and the N�te and such receipts
<br /> and s�idence of expenditures made and se�ured by this Deed of Trust as Trustee may require.
<br /> {a} Upon receipt v�such notice from Lender. Truste� shall cause to be rec�rd�d, published and d�livered
<br /> t� Trustor such Na�ice ❑f Defaul� and Natice vf Sale as �hen requ��ed by law and by this �eed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee shal�, withaut demand vn Trustor, after su�h time as may then be r�quired by law and after
<br /> reGorda�ion o#such NatE�e of Defauft and after Nvtice of Safe ha�ing been gi�en as required by iaw, sell
<br /> the Property at the tim� and pfa�e af sale fixed by i� �n su�h No�ice af 5a1�, either as a whole, �r in
<br /> separate lats or par�els or items as Trustee shall deem expedient, and in such order as it may determine,
<br /> at publ�c aucti�n to the h�ghest bidder for cash in lawful mvney of�h� United 5�a�es payab�e at�he time
<br /> of sale, Trus�ee shall deii�er ta su�h purchaser or purchasers thereo� its gvod and su�rficien� deed or
<br /> d��ds conrreying the property so sold, �ut v+rithout any cv�enant �r warranty, express �r implied. The
<br /> re�i�afs in su�h deed ofi any matters or facts shafl he conc�usi�e praof ofi the trufihfulness therea�. Any
<br /> person, in�luding withvut limitat�on Trustor,Trustee, vr Lender, may purchase at such sale.
<br /> �by As may be permitted by law, after deducting all costs, fees and expenses vfi Trustee and of #h�s
<br /> Trust, including costs�f���denc�of title in cannectEan with safe,Trust�e sha11 apply the proceeds af sale
<br /> to payment v# �i} ail sums expend�d under fihe terms of this Deed of Trusfi vr under the terms af the Note
<br /> n�t then r�paid, in�luding but not limited ta accrued interest and late charges, �i�y all other sums then
<br /> secured hereby, and 4�iiy fihe r�maind�r, E�any, fiv the person ar persons legally entitled th�r�to.
<br /> �c} Trustee may in�he manner pro�ided by 1av►► pos�pone sale❑#al!vr any portivn vf the Praperty.
<br /> Remed�es Nvt Ex�lusi�e. Trustee and Lender, and each ❑� th�m, shal! he entitled to enforce payment and
<br /> performance vf any indehtedness or oi��iga�ions secured by�his Deed af Trust and to exercise all rights and powers
<br /> �
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