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2� 15�8443 <br /> pa��of'�he Pr�oper�ty is subject to a I�en vvhich may a�tain pr�iar�ty ��e���us 5ecu�7�y�nst�ument, Lender�may gi�e <br /> Bor��o�ve��a nfltice iden�ifying�he li�n�� Bor�r�oweY�shal� sa�isfy�he lien ar take ane o��mo��e of�the a�tions set fo��h <br /> above�ithin ��days of the giWing of�no�ice,. <br /> Hazard or Property InsuranCe.B�r�r�avver�shall keep�he imp��avements nflw ex�s�ing or�her�eafter�er�ected�n the <br /> Pr�oper�y�nsur�ed aga�ns�loss by fzr�e,haza��ds inc�uded tivithin the te��m"e�tended ca�e��age" and any o�her haza��ds, <br /> including floods o�� f��oding, fo�� wh��h Lende�� r��quir�es �nsu��ance. This insur�ance sha�� be mazntained in the <br /> amounts and f'or�the pe��iods�hat Lende��r�equires.The insur�ance ca�x�er pr��Widing the insu��ance shal�be chasen by <br /> Bo��r�awer subjec� �o Lender's app��fl�al which shall not be unz�easonably withheld, ��'Bo��r�ower fails to maintain <br /> co�er�age descr�ibed aho�e, Lende�� may, a� Lender's opti�n, obtain co�e��a�e to pr�otect Lender's ��ghts in the <br /> P��op�r��y in acco��dan�e with sectian�itled Prvte�tivn af Lender's R�ghts in the Property„ <br /> A11 insurance pnlici�s and ��enewals shall be a�ceptable to L�nde�� ar�d sha�l �nclude a standar�d mor�gage c�ause. <br /> LendeY�shall ha�e the��ight to h�ld the pnl��ies and��enev�als. If�Lende��requi��es,Borro�er�shall pr�amptly gi��ta <br /> Lender�a�l r�eceipts of paid p��emiums and r�enewal notices, �n�he ever�t of�l�ss,B�r��owe��sha�l give p��ampt notice <br /> to the insurance car�r�ie��and L�nd���.Lender�may make p��oflf�of'loss if�noti made pz�amp�ly by Ba�rower�„ <br /> Unless L�nder and Bo��r�awe�� �the��wis� agz�ee in �r�iting, insurance praceed� shai� be applied �o r��s�o��at�on or� <br /> r�epair� o���he Pr�op���y damag�d, if', in Lend���'s sa�e discre�ian, the restflr�ati�n or��epair is eGonor�i�ally �easible <br /> and Le�der�'s secur��ty is n�t lessened,� �f', in Lender's so�e discr��tion, the ��estar�atian o��r�epa3��is �.a� economical�y <br /> feasible or�Lende��'s�ecur�ity wauld be lessened,the insur�a�ce p��aGeeds sha11 be applied�o the sums secu��ed by this <br /> 5e�u��ity Instr�ument, whetheY� or� not then due, with any exc�ss paid to Bar����ver�, If Bor��ovve�� abandons the <br /> P��ope���y,o��does n�t answer w�thin�he numbe��of days p��escr�ibed by Applz�able La�v as se�fa��th in a notice from <br /> Lender to Bar�owe��that the in�u��ance car�r�er has offe��ed to settie a c�aim,then Lender�may collec�th� insu��ance <br /> pr�oceeds,� Lende��may us� the pr�aceeds to r�pair�or ��estor�e the P��ope��y ar�to pay sums seGured by this Secur�ity <br /> Insfi��ument,whethe� or�not then due„The period of�time f'or Bo��r�awer to answe��as set farth in the notice will begin <br /> when th�notice is gi�en„ <br /> Unless Lerider and Bor��awe��ather wise ag�ee in wr�i�ing, any applicatian of�p��a��eds tn p��in�ipal shall not extend <br /> ❑�� p�s�pone �he due da�e af the payments ��eferx��d to in the sec�ion ti�led Secured Indeb�edness; Payment of <br /> Principal and Interest;Late Charges and�ther Loan Charge5 0��hange�he amount❑�the payme��s.,If�under� <br /> the section tit�ed Accelerat�on; lZeme�ies, the Px�aper�t�is acquir�ed by Lender, B ar�r�ower�'s�ight to any insur�ance <br /> policies and p��o�eeds ��esul�ing f��om damage to the Prope��ty p��io� �� the acquisition sha11 pass ta Lender ta the <br /> e�ctenti o��the sums secu���d by this Secu�ity Instr�ument immedzatel,y p��ioY�to the acqu�sition, <br /> Preservation, Main�enance and Pro�ectian of the Property; Borrower's Loan Applicationy Leaseholds. <br /> Bo�rawex�sha�I not dest��oy, damage o��impair the Prope��y,allow the Property to deteriar�ate, o��commit waste an <br /> �he Pr�ope��.y.,Bo����o�e��sha��be in defaul�i�'any fo��feitu��e act�on ar�p��vice�ding,whe�he��ci�il ar���xm�nal,is begun <br /> that in Lender�'s good �aith judgmen�could r�esu�t in fa��f�itu��e of the Pr�ope��y o��a�he��wise mate��ally impai��the <br /> lien c��eated b� this Se�u�7ty Ins�x�ument ar Lender�'s secu��ity inte��est. Bozx�ower may cur� such a d�fault and <br /> reinstate, as pr�o��ded in sect�on titled Barrawer's Righ��a Reinstate,b,y�aus�n�the act�on o��p��oceeding to be <br /> dismissed wi�h a r�u�ing that,in Lend�r�'s good faith determination,p��ecludes forfeitu��e o�'the Bo��r�ower's inte��est in <br /> the P��opeY�y or� other� materxal impair�ment nf' the lien created by this Secur�.ty Ins�r�umen� �r� Lende��'s s�cu��zty <br /> �nte��est.Bo���ower sha1�also be in default z�'Borra�ve��,du���ng�he�oan app�ication p��ocess,ga�e mat�r�al�y false Qr� <br /> iriaccur�a�e �n�fl��ma��an Qr� stiatements to Lender� �a�� failed ta pr�Q�ide Lender with an,y mater�ial in�or�mation} in <br /> cannec��on wi�h the loan e�idenced by the Secured Indeb�edness„ �f'this Securit,y �nst��ument is on a leaseho�d, <br /> B��rawer shal� comply vvith all the p��o�isions �f'the �ease. �f'Bo���o�ve�� acqui��es fee tit�e �� the P��ape��y, �he <br /> �easehold and the fee tit�e shall not me��g�unless Lender�ag-��ees�o the�rnerger�zn wr�iting„ <br /> Protec��on af Lender's R�gh�s in the Praperty. If Borrawe�� frails �o pe��fa��m the co�enar�ts and agr��ements <br /> �antained in this Security Ins�rument,or�ther�e is a legal p��oceeding that may signi�i�ant�y affect Lende��'s��ights�n <br /> the P�ape��ty �such as a p��oceeding in bankr�uptcy, p����ate, f�z� condemnation or� fo��feitu��e flr ta enfor�ce Iaws or <br /> ��egulat�ons�, then Lende�� may do and pay for� wha�eve�� is necessary to pr�otect the �alue af'�h� Prope��y an.d <br /> Lender�'s��ights in the P��oper�ty,.Lender's ac�xons may inc�ude paying any sums secu��ed b,y a lien�hich has p��or�ity <br /> Q 2�D4-�D tS Compliar�ce Systems,Inc OBCS-5D91-2D 15,11 4.I492 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrurnent DL.243fi Page 3 Qf 8 w�vw.complia��esyst�rr�s cam <br />