2� 15�8443
<br /> p��ovis�ons v�' the sec�ifln tit�ed Protection of Lender's Rights in �he Property; and �c} the per�fo�mance of
<br /> Ba���o�ve��'s co�enan�s and ag�c�eemen�s under this Secu��ty�nstx�ument and�he Nate.Fo��this pu�p�se,Bor��owe��,in
<br /> conside��ation o�'the deb�. and th� t��ust he��e�n c��eated, ir��e�ocabl,y grants and �onveys to T�uste�, in t��us�, with
<br /> power�of sale,the follflwing d�scr�bed prope��ty loca�ed in the Caun�y�f Ha1�,State flf N�braska:
<br /> Add��ess:4U27 Pa�ace Dr��e,Grand Is�and,Neb��aska 6SS03
<br /> Lega1 Desc��ption: Lot �U in Castle Estates Subdivisian �n the �ity of Gr�nd Is�and, Hall C�unty,
<br /> Ne�raska.
<br /> Pa��ce1 IDISidwel�Number�:4��2U2395
<br /> T��ETHER W�TH a11 the imp��a�ements naw or her��afte�� ere�ted on the p��ope��ty, and aIl easements,
<br /> appu��enances, and f��tur�es now ar he��eafte��a part of�h�propez�t�. Al�repla�ements and add�tions shail alsa be
<br /> co��r�ed by this Secur�ity Inst��ument. All nf the fa��egoing is ��efen�ed to in �his 5ecu���ty Ins�xument as the
<br /> f,P�.ope��y."
<br /> B�RR�WER��VENANTS tha�Bo��r��wer��s lawfu�ly s�ised a�'the estate hereby conWeyed and has the r�ight tv
<br /> grant arid can�ey the Prnper�y and �tha� the Pr�ope��ty is unencumbered, e�cept fo�� encumbranc�s of' r�eco��d„
<br /> B a��ower� waY��ants and wi�l defend g�ne�ally the tit�e ta the P���pez�ty against a11 claims and demands, subj ect to
<br /> any encumbr�ances o���eco��d��
<br /> B�r�r�ovver�and Lender�Go�enant and agr�ee as follows:
<br /> Secured Indebtedn�ss; Payment �f Principal and Interest; Late �harges and �ther Laan Charges. This
<br /> Security �nst�umen� secu��es t� Lender the��epayment o�'Bo���owe��'s Note, Consume��Loan Ag��eement, Guaranty,
<br /> ar�simila���vr�iting executed by Ba��r�ower�t�Lender�,mor�e par�ticula���y descr�i�ed as:
<br /> � Loan number�C-15�D�1�15 with a p���ncipal amount of'$37S,DU�.UU
<br /> and a�� ��enewals, extensions, mfldi�ica��ons and substitu�ions ther�e�f,� This Secu�x�y �nstr�ument also secu��es; a11
<br /> �i�tuz�e ad�an�es of� funds fr�om Lende�� to Bo��ro�ver� as e�idenced by any pr�omisso�y note, consumer� loan
<br /> ag��eem�nt, ar similar wr�it�ng that may he��eaf�er� be execu�ed b,y Bor��o�ver to Lende��; all future obligatians af�
<br /> BQr�aw�r�to Lender;al��utur�e�bligati�ns of'B�Y�avver to Lender that may be e�idenced by an�r cant��act,guar�anty,
<br /> �r�o�he� evidence of�debt hereafte��exe�uted by B�rxow�r�,and if�mflre�han�ne Bar�r�owerlMo��gagor�has e�ecuted
<br /> this Secur�it,y Inst��ument, any ane �f them, in fa�or of'Lender�; and al� additiona� funds that may be ad�anced by
<br /> Lender to p�atect Lende��'s secur��ty inter�est in the p��opez�y, as pra�ided unde�� par�agr�aph �itled Protection of�
<br /> Lende��'s Rights in the P��ope��y of�this Se�u��it,y Ins���um�nt.A11 of th�for��going sha11 be��efeY�r�ed ta as the Se�ur�ed
<br /> �nde�tedness�, Ba�x�owe�� shall prompt�y pay when du�the pr�in�ipal and in�er�est on�he Secu��ed Inde�tedness, and
<br /> any�ate char�ges and other�oan charges that ma,y bec�me due unde���he t�r�ms a���he Secu��ed Indebtedness�,
<br /> Appiicable Law. A� used �n �his Secu��ity �nstrument, �he ter�m "Applicable Law" sha11 m�an a11 cont��alling
<br /> appii�ab�e fede��al, stat� and lacal statutes, ��egulatians, ���dinances and adn�nistrative ��u�es and ord���s �that have
<br /> �he effect af law}as we11 as all app�icable�ina1,nQn-appealable,judi�ial opin�flns.
<br /> Ali payments received by the Lend�r frnrn the Borrawer for appi�cation to this Note may be app�ied to the
<br /> �Borrflwer's obl�gations under this Note �n �uch order as determined by the Lender. Paymen�5 must be
<br /> recei�ed by 5:UU p.m.�ST Monday through Friday �exclud�ng f�deral hfl�idays}�n nrder to be credited on
<br /> that same day.
<br /> Charges; Liens. Bfl���owe�� shall pay all �axes, assessmerits, cha��g�s, �nes and impvs�tions at�x�butab�e to the
<br /> P��operty which may attain pr�or����ver�this 5ecu��.ty In�tr�ument, and leasehold pa,yments flr g��ound z�ents, if'any.
<br /> Bor��ovver shall pay these �b�igatians vn time and directly ta the p�rson owed payme�t. At the x�equest o�'Lende��,
<br /> B�r��owex�s�a11 p��omptly fur�nish�o Lender�receipt�e�idencing the pa,ymen�s�,
<br /> Bo��r�ower shall pr�omptly dxschar�ge any�ien which has pr�ior��y over this Securi�y Ins�r�ument unless B��ra�ve��: (a)
<br /> agr�ees in vv��iting to the payment of� the �bl�ga��on secu���d by the lien in a manner� acceptable ta Lender�; (b}
<br /> contests in goad fai�h the lien by, or defends against enfor��ement of�the ��en in, legal praceedings which in the
<br /> Lender's opinion ope��ate to p��e�en� �h� enfor�cement o�� the lien; or �c� s�cu.r�es f��om th� ho�der of th� l�en an
<br /> ag��eemen�satisfacto��y��Lende��subordina�ing the�ien to th�s Se�urity Inst��ument, If'L�nde��dete��mines�ha�any
<br /> D 2Q��-2D1S Comgliance Systems,In�4gCB-5D9 i-2D�S.t I 4 I�92
<br /> �o�surner Real Estate-S�curity Instrument DL2�36 Page 2 of S www campliancesystems cam
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