2� 15�8443
<br /> o�er��his Se�uri�y�n���ument,appearing in�vu��t,paying x�easonable attvr�neys'fees and ent���ing on the Pr�ope��ty to
<br /> make��epair�s.Alth�ugh Lendez�ma,y take action unde��thxs section,Lende��daes no�ha�e to do so„
<br /> Any amoun�s disbur�sed by Lende�� unde�� this sectzon shall be�ome addi�ional debt o��Bo���awe�� secu��ed b,y this
<br /> Secu��ity Instx�ument. Unless Bor��ower� and Lender� ag��ee to �ther �e��ms of' payment, these amounts shall bea��
<br /> inte��est fic om the date of disbu.��sement a�the��ate specified in the Secu��ed Indebtedness and sha11 be payable, with
<br /> inter�est,upon notice fr�om Lender to B�r��ower�r��questing paymen�.
<br /> Mortgage In�uran�e. �f'Lende��r�equi��ed ma��tgage insur�ance as a condition af'making�he laan secured by this
<br /> Security Inst�ument,B o����we��sha11 pay the pr�emiums r�equi��ed�o mainta�n the mar�tgage insu��ance in effect.�f,f���
<br /> any r�eason, �he maY�gage insu��ance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases�o be in effect, Bor��o�ve��sha11
<br /> pay the pr�emiums ��equi.r�ed ta al�tain cove��ag� substant�ally equivalent to the m���gage insu.��ance p��e�iously in
<br /> effect, a� a cos� substant�aliy equi�alent tv �h� �ost ta Bo��flwex� of'the mo��tgage �nsur�ance p��eWious�y in effect,
<br /> from an al�er�nate m���tgage insu��er�appr�o�ed by LendeY�„If'su�stantially equi�al�nt mor�gage znsur�ance coWer�age is
<br /> not a�ailabl�, Bo��r�a�ver� sha�l pay �o Lender� each m�nth a sum equal t� o�.e-twelfth of the yea��ly moz�gage
<br /> insu�ance pr�emium b��ng paid by Bo���ower�when the insur�anCe caver�age lapsed o��ceased to be in effect, Lender�
<br /> will accept, u�e and�etain these payments as a Xflss r�ese��v��n lieu of mor�gage insur�ance. L�ss��eser�ve payments
<br /> may no longer� be r�equir�ed, at the option af�Lende��, if moz�tgage �nsur�ance �oWe��age (in �he amaunt and far� the
<br /> per��od tha�t Lender�requires}p��fl�ided h,y an insur�er�app��oved b,y Lendex�again b��omes a�ai�able and is obtained„
<br /> B o��r�owe��sha�I pay the premiums��equir�ed to maintain ma��gage insu��ance in�ffect, flr�to pr�ovide a loss r�eser��e,
<br /> unti� �he r�equi��emen� fox� mo���gage insu��ance ends in accor�dance with any w��i�ten ag��eement between Bax�c�ovve��
<br /> and Lender�or�Applicable Law.
<br /> Inspectian. Lender� o�� its agent may ma�e r eas�nable er�tr7es upon and inspections of'the Pr�p���ty„ Lende�� shall
<br /> gi�e Borx�owe��natice at the time af�or p��ior�t�an inspec�ian specifying r�easonable cause fo��the inspection,�
<br /> �ondemnation.The p�aceeds af�any awar�d or�claim�ar damages,di��ect or consequ�n�ial,�n connection with any
<br /> Condernnation a��athe��taking o��any pa��t of'the Pr�oper�ty, o��fo��con�eyance in ���u af'candemnation, ar�e he��eby
<br /> assigned and shal�be paid to Lende��,
<br /> Zn the e�ent �f'a �otal taking o�'the Proper�t,y, �he pr�o�e�ds sha�l be applied �o the sums secur��d by this SecuY��ty
<br /> Ins���ument, �vhether� �r� not then due, with any excess paid to Bor��o�uer�,� In the e�ent of a pa��tial taking of the
<br /> Pr�oper��y in which the fair mar�ket�alue o�'the P�oper�ty immediately befor�e the taking�s equal ta o� greate��than
<br /> the am�urit o���he sums secuY�ed by this Secu��ty Ins��ument immedxately befor�e the taking, unless Bo�raw��� and
<br /> Lender�other�wise agr�ee in wr�i�ing,the sums secu��ed by this Se�ur�ity�nstrument shall be��educed by�he am�unt of�
<br /> the p��o�eeds rnu��ipli�d by the�o�lowzng f��aCtion: �a}the total amount o��the sums secu��ed immediately befa��e the
<br /> taking, d�vided by (b} the fai�� ma.r�ket �alue of the Pr�aper�y immediately before the taking. Any balance shall be
<br /> paid ta Bo��r��wer�„ In the even� af'a pa��t�al taking of�he Pr�oper�y in �vh�ch the fair�max�ket�a1ue o�'the P��oper�y
<br /> �mmediately befax�e the taking �s less than�h�amaun��f the sums secux�ed immediately before the �al�ing, unless
<br /> B ar���we��and Lende��othe��wise ag��ee in w��iting or�unless Appl�cable La�othe��wise pravides, the p��oceeds sha�I
<br /> be app�xed to the sums secu��ed b,y this Se�urity Ins�r�ument whethe��ar�not�he sums a��e then due.
<br /> If the Pr�aper�y is aband�ned by Box��ower�, ox�i�; after�notice by Lende��t�Bo����owe��that the candemno��offe��s�o
<br /> make an awar�d���sett�e a c�a�m for�damages,Bv����owe��fazls ta r�espond to Lender�w�thin the mi.nimum numbe��o�'
<br /> days establish�d by App�icab�e La�v af�er the date the notice is gi�en,Lende��is authar�ized to callect and apply the
<br /> p��oceeds, at i�s vption, eithe�� to restox�a�ion flr r�epa�r� o���he P�•oper�ty o�� �a the sums secur�ed �y this Secuzx�,y
<br /> Ins��ument,whethe��or�nat then due,�
<br /> Unless Lend���and B�r��o�e��otherwise agre�in��iting, any app�ication of'pr�ceeds to p��zncipal shall not ex�end
<br /> o�� pas�pon� the due date of�he payments refer��ed to in the section t�tled Secured Indebtedness; Payment of
<br /> Principa�and Inter�s�;Late Charges and[]�her Loan Charges aY�change the amount o�'such paymen�s,
<br /> Barrower Nat Rel�ased; Forbearanee B� Lender Nat a ''L7'L�aiver. Extension of �he time fo�� payment �r�
<br /> m�d�fi�at�on af�amor��zation of�the sums secuY�ed by this Secur�ity Inst��urnent gr�anted by Lende��to Bo���awer� o��
<br /> an,y suc�essor� in interest ��' Bo��r�ower� sha�l no� oper�ate to ��elease �he lia�ility af the or�iginal Bo��rower� a��
<br /> Q 20�4-20I5 Compliance 5ystems,Inc aBCB-5D91-�015 1 i�.1492
<br /> Co�sumer ReaI Estate-Sec�rity Instnime�t Di2D36 Page 4 af 8 www complianc�systems com
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