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2� 15�8321 <br /> whether ar not then du�,wi�h th�excess,if any,paid ta Borrovver.Su�h insurance proce�ds shal�be appiied in�he order <br /> prav�ded for in Sec�ian�. <br /> If Borrav►rer abandons�he Property,L�nder may file,nego�ia�e and se�t�e any a�a�Iabie insuran�e claim and related <br /> matters.If Borr�wer does not respond within 3D days�o a nafi�ce fram Lender that the insuran�e carrier has affered to <br /> se�tie a claim,�hen Lender may nego�ia��and sett�e�he clairn.The 3�-day period will begin when�he natice�s gi��ri.�n <br /> eith�r �vent, or �f Lender a�quires the Property under Section�2 or atherwise, Barrflw�r hereby assigns �o Lender <br /> �a�Bor�r�vsrer's rights�to any insura.r�ce proceeds in an amount no�to exceed the amounts unpaid under the Not�or�his <br /> Secu�r�ty�nstrumen�,and�b}any ather af Borrower's righ�s�o�her than the right to any r�fund�f unearned premiums paid <br /> by Borrav�rer�under a�l insuranc�pal�c�es covering the Proper�y,�nsofax as such righ�s are applicable�o�he co�erage�f <br /> the Property.Lender may use�he insurance p�roceeds either��repair or restore th�Prop�rty or ta pay am�un�s unpa�d <br /> under�he No�e or this Secu.rity�nstrument,whether or nat then due. <br /> 6.Qccupancy.Bar�rower shal�oc�upy,estab��sh,and use�h�Properfiy as Borrower's pr�nczpa�res�dence vvithin 6� <br /> days after the exe�utian af this Security�nstruxnent and sha��con��nue to o�cupy the Pr�perty as Borrower's principal <br /> res�den��for a�Ieas�on�year after the da�e af occupancy,un�ess Lender oth�rwise agrees in writing,vvh�ch cons�nt shall <br /> not be unreasonab�y withheld,or unl�ss e�tenuating circumstances�xist v�hich are beyond B�r�r��er's cantrol. <br /> 7.Preser�at�on,Maintenan�e and Prote�tion of the Property;Inspect�ons.Barrower sha11 n��destroy,damage <br /> �r impair�the Praperty,al�ovv�he Property ta deterxora�e�r cammit waste on the Property.�Vhethe�r or n�t BorrflvWer is <br /> residing in�he P�oper�y,Borrow�r shal�maintain the Praper�y in order to pre�ent�he Proper�from de�eriorating or <br /> decreasing in value due t�its candi�ion,Unless it is determin�d pursuan�ta Se�ti�n 5 that repair or restoratian is not <br /> econami�a�iy f�as�ble,Borrawer sha�l pramptly repair th�Proper�y if damaged to au�id fur�her de�eriora�ion or damage. <br /> �f�nsurance or condemnation proceeds are paid in connec��on with damage t�,or the taking of,�he Property,Borrow�r <br /> sha��b�responsihle for r�paxring or r���aring�he Prope�rty anly if Lender has�re�eased proceeds for such purpvses.Lender <br /> may disburse pra�eeds for the repairs and r�storation in a sing�e payment or in a ser�es af paro�ress payments as the w�rk <br /> is comp�eted.If the insurance or condemnation proceeds are not su�cxent to r�pair or restore the Property,Borrawer is <br /> no�relie�ed of Borro,v`r�r's obligation for�he compl��ion of such repa�r or rest�ration. <br /> Lender or��s agent ma�make reas�nabie entries upon a.nd�.nspections of the Property.�f it has reasonable cause, <br /> Lender may�nspec�the int�riar af the impravements an�he Property.Lender sha�l give Borrower notice at the time of or <br /> prior�a such an in�erior inspect�on specify�ng such reasonable�ause. <br /> S.Borrower's Loan App��cat�on.Borrow�r sha.��be�n�.efault if,during the Loan application process,Borrower�r <br /> any persons or en�ities acting at the direc�ion of Borrower or with Borrower's knowledg�or consent gave mat�rial�y <br /> fals�, m�sleading, or inaccura�e informa�i�n or sta�emen�s ta Lender �or failed �o provide Lender w��h materia� <br /> �nformat�on� in connec�zon with the Lvan. Ma�eria� repre�en�ations in�lude, but are not limi�ed�o, representations <br /> c�ncerning�orrovsrer's occupanGy of the Prope�-�y as Borrower's principa�residence. <br /> 9.Protection�f Lender's Interest�n the Proper�y and�ti�ghts Und�r this Security Instrument.�f�a}Borrovver <br /> fails ta perform�he ca��nan�s and agreements can�ained in th�s Secur��y�nstrument,�b}there is a le�al proceeding that <br /> m�ght sign�fican��y af�ec�Lender's �nter�st �n�he Prope�.y a.ndJ�r r�ghts und�r this Se�uri�y �nstrument �such as a <br /> praceed�nb�n bankruptcy,pr�ba�e,for cond�mnat�on or forfeiture,for�nf�rcemen�of a I�en vvhich ma�r at�ain priority <br /> over�his Security�nstrument or ta enforce Iav�rs or regu�ations},or�c�Borrower has a�bandaned the Praper�y��hen Lender <br /> may do a�.d pa�far vvhate�er is reasonable�r appropr�a�e to protect Lender's�nterest in�he Propert�and righ�s under th�s <br /> Securi�y�nst�ument,inc�uding pr�tecting andJar ass�ssing the�alue of the Frnperty,and securing andlor repairing�he <br /> Praperty.Lender's actions can inciude,bu�are not�im�ted�a;�a}paying any sums se�ured by a�xen which has prior�ty <br /> o�er�his Secu���y�ns�rument;�b}appearing in cour�;and(c}�a�ring reasanable at�orneys'fees to protec�i�s interest in tl�e <br /> Proper�y andlor rights under this Security�ns�€rum�n�,including i�s s�cured posi�ion in a bankrup�cy proc�ed�ng.Se�ur�ng <br /> the P��per�inc�u.des,bu�is na�limi�ed to,en�ering the Property�o make�repairs,�hange Iocks,replace or board up doors <br /> and windaws,drain v�ra�er from pipes,e��mina�e building or�ther code viola�ians or dangerous cflnd�tions,and have <br /> utilities turned on or�ff.AXthough Lend��r may�ake action under�his Se�ti�n 9,Lender d�es nflt ha�e t�do sa and is no� <br /> NEBRAS�CA-Sing6e Family-Fanni�Mae�Freddie�1llac UNIF�RM iNSTRUMENT For 28 �10� <br /> Page6of13 ° F <br /> �os,�nc. Borrower�s}Initia�s -� �' _ <br />