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2� 15�8321 <br /> �3or��we� sha�� promptly discharge any lien wh.�ch has pr�ar��ty aver this Security �nstrumen�un�ess Borrovver: <br /> �a}agrees�n writing���he paymen�of the�bliga�ion secured by�he lien in a rnanner a�ceptable to Lender,bu�only sa <br /> long as Borrow�r is perf�rming such agreement;�b}contests the�ien in good fa��h by,ar defends agains�enforcement of <br /> �he lien in, ��gal proc�edings vrrhich in Lender's opinian opera�e�o preven�the enforcemen�of the lien vvhile�hase <br /> proc�edings are pending,but only un��1 such pro�eed�ngs are conciuded;or�c�secur�s f��m the h�lder af�he��en an <br /> agreement sa��sfactory tfl Lender subord�nating th��ien�o�h�s Secur�ty Instrument,If Lender dete�mines�hat any pa�af <br /> the Property is subject ta a lien which can at�ain priorz�y ov�r this Security�ns�rument,Lender may give Borrower a <br /> n�tice identifying fihe Iien.Wi�hin 1.�days of th�da�e on which tha�no��ce is given,Borrov�rer shal�satisfy�he�ien or take <br /> �ne or more of�he ac��ons se�for�h a�ove in this Section 4. <br /> Lender rnay require Borro�v�rer ta pay a ane�time charge fnr a rea�es�ate tax�erif�cat�on andlor rep�r�ing service <br /> used by Lender in connectian with�his Loan. <br /> 5.Property Insurance.Borrov�rer sha11 ke�p�he impro�em�nts novv e�ist�ng or hereaft�r erected an�he Praper�y <br /> insured against loss by f r�,hazards inc�uded wi�hin�he�erm"��fended co�erage,"and any�ther hazards inc�uding,but <br /> n�t limi�ed to,earthquakes and fl�ods,f�r which Lender requires insurance.This insurance sha1�be rnain�ained in the <br /> amoun�s��ncluding deduc��b�e Ie�els}and for�he periads that Lende�requ�res.�Vhat Lender requ�res pu�suant�a�he <br /> preceding sen�ences can change during�he term af�he Loan.Th��nsurance carrier pra�idin�;the insuranc�shall be <br /> chosen by Bor��v��� subjec�to Lender's r�ght to �isappro��Borrovver's �h�ice, which r�ght shal� na�be exerc�sed <br /> unreasonably.Lender may require Borrower t�pay,in connection with this Loan,either:�a}a one-��me charg�for flood <br /> zone de�ermina�ion, certifcati�n and �racking serv�c�s; Qr �b}a one-�ime charg� for fload zone determination and <br /> ce��ifca�io�.ser�ices and subsequen�char�es each time r�n�appings or simiia.r changes occur which reasonably might <br /> affe�t such determ�nation or cer�ifi�ati�n.Borrower shall a�sa be r�sp�nsi�le for�he payment of any fees�rnpnsed by the <br /> Fede�a�Emergency Manag�men�Agency in c�nnectivn with the re��ew of any fload zone de�ermination r�sul�ing from <br /> an obje��i�n by Borr�w�r. <br /> If Bor�row�r fa�is to maintain any of the co�erag�s c�escribed abo�e,Lender may abtain insurance caverage, a� <br /> Lender's apti�n and B�rrower's expense.Lender is under no ab�igation to purchase any par�i�ular typ�or am�unt of <br /> caverage.The�efore,such coverage sha1�c�ver Lender,hu�m�ght or migh�no�protect Borrower,Borrow�r's e�uity xn <br /> the Praperty, or�he�onten�s of the Property, against any risk,ha2ard or liabiiity and might pro�vide grea�er flr�esser <br /> coverage than�vas previously in effect.Borrower acknowledges�hat the�ost of th�insuran�e co�erage so abtained mz�ht <br /> significantly exceed the�ost of insuran�e tha�Borrvwer cou�d have ab�ained.Any am�unt�disbu�rsed by Lender under <br /> this Sec�ion 5 shail bec�me additianal debt of Bar�rovver se�u�ed by this Security Ins�rument.These amounts shalx b�ax <br /> interest at the Nate rate from�he date of disburs�ment and shall be paya��e,vv��h such interes�,upon notice from Lend�r <br /> to Borrov�er requesting paym�nt. <br /> All �nsurance policies required by L�nder and renewals of such �o��cxes sha�� be sub�ect ta Lender's right to <br /> disappr��e such p��ic�es,sha�1 inc�ude a s�andaxd m�rtgage clause,and sha11 name Lender as mor�gagee andlor as an <br /> addi�ional ioss pay�e. Lender shalX ha�e th.e right ta ho�d the po�icies and renewal cer�if cates. �f Lender requ�res, <br /> Borr�vver shall promp�Iy gi�e�o Lender ali recezpts of paid premiums and renewal not�ces.�f Borrov�rer abtains any form <br /> af�nsurance caverage,no�otherwise requ�red by Len��rs for damage�o,or destruc�.on af,the Proper�y,such pQlicy sha11 <br /> inc�ude a standard mortgage clause and shall name Lender as mor�gagee andlor as an additional loss payee. <br /> In�he e�vent of Ioss,Borrower sha11 g�ve prompt not�ce to�he insurance carr�er and Lender.Lender may make proof <br /> of loss if not made promptly by B�rrower. Unless Lender and Borrawer athervvise agree in writing, any insurance <br /> pr�ceeds,wheth�r or not the under�ying insuran�e was required by L�nd�r,shall be app�ied to r�s�ora��on or r�pai.r of the <br /> Property,if�he res�oration or repair is ec�nomi�aily feasible anc�Lender's secu.rity is n4�lessened.During such repair and <br /> restora�ion per�od,Lender shal�ha�e the righ�ta hold such insurance proceeds un�i�Lender has had an oppor�uni�y to <br /> inspect such Proper�y to ensure�he work has been corr�p��ted t�Lender's sa�isfaction,proWided that such inspec�ion shall <br /> be under�aken promptly.Lende�r m.a�dis�urse proceeds far�he repairs and restoration in a singl�paymen�or in a series of <br /> progress paymen�s as�he v�rark is comp�e�ed.Un�ess an agreemen�is made�n writing or�pp�icable Law requires interes� <br /> to be paid an such insurance praceeds,Lender shall no�be require�t�pay Borrower any int�rest ar earnings on such <br /> proceeds.Fees for publ�c adjusters,or�ther thzrd part�es,retained by B�rrower sha�1 n��be paid ou�of�h�insurance <br /> proceeds and sha�i be the sole ab�igation of Borrower.If the res�aration or repa�r is n��econom�cally feasible ar Lender's <br /> security wauld be lessened,th�insuranc�proceeds shall be app�ier��o�he sums secured by this Securi�y Instrumen�, <br /> NEBRAS�CA-Single Family-Fannie Mae�Freddie Mac UNIF�RM[NSTRUMENT Farm 30 S �1�1 <br /> Page�of�3 �• <br /> �os,�r�c, Borrower�s}Initials � ,��,��. <br />