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2� 15�8321 <br /> under any duty ar ob�igatian to do so. �� is agr�ed that Lender incurs no liability for not taking any �r all ac�i�ns <br /> authar�zed under this Section 9. <br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by I��nder unde�r�his Section 9 shall become addit�onal debt af Borrov�er se�ured by this <br /> Securifi� Ins�rumen�. These am�un�s shall bear �nterest at�he Nv�e rate f�om the date �f disbursemen�and shall be <br /> payable,wi�h such int�rest,upon notice frQm Lender�fl B�rrower requesting pa�men�. <br /> �f this Security�nstrument is on a lea.sehold,Borrower shal�camp�y with alI the pro�is�ons of�he lease.Yf��rrower <br /> acquires fee�itle t�the Property,the�easehold and the fe�title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in <br /> v�r��ing. <br /> 1�.Mortgage Insurance.�f Lender re�uired Mortgage Ir�suranc�as a condi�tion of ma�ing the Loan,Borrav�rer shal� <br /> pay the premium�required�o mainta�n�he Mor�gage Insuran�e in effec�.�f,for any reasan,�he Mar�ga�e�nsurax�ce <br /> co�era�e required by Lender ceases�o be ava�Iable from�he mor��age insurer tha�pre�i�usly provid�d such insuraaace <br /> and Borrov►rer vvas requir�d to separately designa�ed pa�rmen�s�oward the prem�ums for Mor�gage�nsurance, <br /> Borrower shal� pay the premiums �requ�red �o ob�ain co�erage substan�ially equivalent t� the Mor�gag� �risurance <br /> p���vxousiy�n effec�,a�a�os�subs�ant�ai�y��uivalent to the cost ta Sorrower of the Mortga�e�nsuranc�pr��ious�y in <br /> effect,from an alterna�e mortgage insurer se�ec�ed by Lender.�f subs�antia�ly equz�alent M�r�gage�nsurance co�erage is <br /> not available,Borrower shall con��nue�o pay ta L�nder the amount of the sepa.�ateiy designa�ed paymen�s�hat were due <br /> vvhen �he insurance coverage c�ased �a be in effect. Lender wi�l acc�p�, use and re�ain these payments as a non- <br /> refundabl�Ioss reserve in l�eu af Mortgage Insurance.Such l�ss reserve shall be non-refundable,notvviths�and�ng the fact <br /> tha�the Loan is u�timately paid in fu�l,and Lender shall not be re�uired�o pay Borrower any interes�or eaxn�ngs on such <br /> Ioss reser�e.Lender can n��ong�r requ�re loss r�serv�paym�n�s if Mor�gage�nsurance c�ve�age�in the amount and for <br /> �h�perind that Lender requires}provided by a.n insurer se�ec�ed b�Lender aga�n becomes a�a��abl�,is obtained,and <br /> Lender requ�res separate�y designated paym�nts �owaxd the premiums for Martgage �nsurance. If Lender r�quired <br /> Mor�gage Insuranc� as a condition of making�he Laan and B orraw�r vvas required to make separately designated <br /> payments toward th�prerniums for Mortgage�nsurance,B arrawer sh�il pay the premiums required to main�ain Mar�gage <br /> �nsuranc�in effec�,�r ta pro�ide a non�-r�fundab�e Ioss reser�e,unt��Lender's requirem�n�far Mor�gage Insuran�e ends <br /> in accardance w�th any written agreement be�ween Borr�wer and L�nder pro�iding far such ��rmina�ion �r until <br /> termination�s��quired by Appli�able Lav�r.No�hing in th�s Sec�xon 1 D affe��s Borrower's obligation�o pay inte�rest at�the <br /> ra�e provided�n�he 1Vo�e. <br /> Mortgage�nsurance r�xmburses Lende�r�or any en�ity that purchases�he Note}for cer�azn losses it may incur if <br /> Borrawer does no�r�pay the Loan as agreed.Borrower is not a party to the Mor�gage Insuranc�. <br /> Mor�gag��nsurers evatua�e the�r tatal risk on a�� su�h insuran�e xn force fram�ime�v�ime, and ma� enter inta <br /> agreements W�th a�her parties�ha� shaxe ar modify the�r risk, or reduce Iasses. Th�s� agree�nen�s are on�erms a.nd <br /> conditions tha� axe satisfact�ry �o the mor�gage insurer and the �th�r party �a� parties� �o these a�;reements. These <br /> agreements may r�quire the mor�gage�nsur�r to ma.�e paymen�s using an�sou�rce of funds that the mar�gage insurer may <br /> ha�ve available�vsrhich may include funds ob�ained fram Mor�gage Znsurance prem�ums}. <br /> As a resu�t of these agreements,Lender,any purchaser of the n�te,�her�nsurer,any reinsurer,any other en�ity,or <br /> aff�lia�e of any�f th�forego�ng,may rece��e�d�rectly ar�ndirec�ly�amounts that derive from�or m�ght be charac�eri2ed <br /> as� a por�ion of Borrov�rer's payments for Mor�gage Insu.ranc�, in exchange for sharing or madifying the mar�gage <br /> insurer's risk,or reducing losses.Yf such agreement pr��ided�hat an affilia��of Lende��akes a shaxe of the insurer's risk <br /> in exchange for a shaxe of the p�emiums�a�d to�he insurer,�he arrangement is oft�n�ermed"cap��ve reinsuran�e." <br /> Fur�h�r: <br /> �a}�ny such agreemen�s wi�l not affect the amuunts that Barrawer has agreed ta pay fflr Mortgage Insurance, <br /> or any other terms of the Loan.Such agreements will n�a�in�rease�he amvunt Barrower w�ll awe for Mor�ga�e <br /> Insurance,and they wiil no�entitle Borrawer to any refund. <br /> �b}Any such agreements will nat affect the r�gh�s Borrower has--�f any--w�th respect to the Mortgage <br /> Insuran�e under the Homeawners Pra�ec���n Act of 199$Qr any ather�aw.These rights may include the right to <br /> rece�vQ�ertain disclosures,t�request and obta�n cancellati�n of the Mar�gage Insurance,ta ha�e the Martgage <br /> Insurance term�na�ed automat�ca��y,andlar to reeei�e a refund of any M�r�ga�e Insurance premiums that were <br /> unearned at the time of such can�ellation or terrninat�on. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Famiiy-Fannie Ma�lFreddie Ma�UN�FQRM INSTRUMENT Fo m 3D�8 �14� <br /> Page7�f93 � � <br /> �os,mc. Barrower�s}Ini�ials f . <br />
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