2� 15�8321
<br /> Any a�plica��on of payments,insurance proceeds,or M�scellaneaus Proceeds�o principa�due under�he Note shall
<br /> nat extend or pos�p�ne the due date,or�hange�he amaunt,of the Perzo�ic Payments.
<br /> 3.Funds for Escr�w I�ems.Borrower sha11 pa���Lender�n the day Per�odi�Paym�nts are due under the No�e,
<br /> un�il the N�te is paid in fu�l,a sum��he"Funds"}to provide for paymen�of amounts due for:�a��axes and assessmen�s
<br /> and ather items which �an at�ain priority av�r�h�s S�curity Instrum.ent as a lien or �ncumbrance on�he Proper�y;
<br /> �b��easehold paymen�s flr ground rents on the Proper�y,if ar��;�c�premiums for any and a�l insurance required by Lender
<br /> under Secti�n 5;and�d}Mar�gage Insuranc�prem�um.s,if any,or any sums payab�e by Borrower t�Lender in l�eu af�h�
<br /> paym�nt of Mor�ga�e Insura.nce prem�ums in accordance�r�th th�pravis�ons af Section �.�.These items are called
<br /> y`Escrow Items." At origination or a� any �ime during �he �errn �f the Laan, Lender may requi�re that �ommunity
<br /> Associa��an Dues,Fees,and Ass�ssmen�s,if any,be escrowed by Borrower,and such du�s,fees and a�sessments shall be
<br /> an Escr�w �tem. B�r�awer shall promp�Iy furnish to Lender a.�� not�ces af an�ounts to be paid under�his Sec�ion.
<br /> Borrov�er shal�pa�Lender the Funds for Escrow�tems unless Lender wa��es Borrower's abligation�o pay the Funds far
<br /> any or a�i Escrotiv��ems.Lend�r may waive�orrflwer's ob�igatian ta pay to Lende�r Funds for any or a11 Escrovsr�tems a�
<br /> any time.Any such r�a�ver may only be in writ�ng.In�he even�of such�vai�er,Borrower sha1�pay direc�ly,when and
<br /> where payable,the amoun�s due for any Escrovv It�ms for wh�ch paymen�of Funds has b�en wai�ed by Lender and,�f
<br /> Lender requires, shall furnish�o Lender rece�pts e�idencing such�aymen�within such time peri�d as Lend�r may
<br /> requi�e.Barrower's�bligatian to m.ake such payments and to pro�ide receipts sha11 f�r al�purposes b�deemed t�be a
<br /> co�enant and agreement contained in�h�s Security�nstrumen�,as the phrase"c�venant and agreement"is used�n�ec�ian
<br /> 9.�f Borrower is obligat�d�o pay Escrow��ems direc�Iy,pursuan��o a waiver,and Borrawer fai�s ta pay�he amount due
<br /> f�r an Escrov�item,Lender may exercise��s rights und�r Sec�ian 9 and pay such am�unt and Borrower shalX�hen be
<br /> obli�ated under Secti�n 9 to repay�o Lender any such amount.Lender may revoke the waiver as to any or a.�I Escrow
<br /> Ztems at any�ime by a no��ce given in accardance with Section �5 and,upon such re�ocation,Barrawer shall pay�a
<br /> Lende�aIl Funds,and in such am�unts,tha�are�hen required under thzs Sec�i�n 3.
<br /> Lender may,at any�ime,co��ect and ho�d Fun�s in an amoun��a�suff c�en�to perm�t Lender ta apply�he Funds a�
<br /> the time spec�fied under RESPA,and�b�nat ta exceed the maxijmum amount a Iender can r�quire under RESPA.Lender
<br /> s�ai�e�t�ma�e the amoun�of Funds due�n�he bas�s of�urrent da�a and reasonab�e�stimates of expenditures af future
<br /> Escrow�tems or otherwise in a�cardance wvith Applicable Law
<br /> The Funds shail be held in an institutian whose deposi�s are insured by a f�dera�agency,instrum�n�al�t�r,or entity
<br /> �xn�luding Lender,zf Lender is an insti�tution�vhose d�pos��s are so insured}flr in any Federa�Hom�Loan Bank.�ender
<br /> shali ap�ly the Funds�o pay th�Escrow�tems no later than�he tinae specified under RESPA.Lender sha�I not charge
<br /> Barravvear for hoiding and applying the Funds,annually analyz�ng�he escravv accoun�,ar�erifying the Escr�vsr Zt�ms,
<br /> unless Lender�ays Barrower in�erest an�he Funds and Appli�ab�e LavW p�rmi�s Lender��make such a charge.UnXess an
<br /> agreern�nt�s made zn writing or App�icable Law requires�n�erest t�be paid on the Funds,L�nder sha11 n�t be required to
<br /> pay Borrow�r any�n��res�or earnings on the Funds.Borrower and��nd�r can agree in v�riting,hovvever,tha�interes�
<br /> shall be pazd an the Funds.Lender sha��giv�to Barr�wer,w�thout�harge,an annual acc�un�ing af the Funds as r�quired
<br /> by RESPA.
<br /> If there is a surpius af Funds held in es�row,as def ned under RESPA,Lender shall account t�Borra�er for the
<br /> excess funds in accordance vvi�h RESPA.�f there xs a shor�age of Funds held in escrow,as defined under RESPA,Lender
<br /> shal�notify B arrav�er as required by RE SPA,and B orrower shall pay ta Lender the amount necessary�o make up the
<br /> shor�age in accordance with RESPA,bu�in no more than�2 mon�hly paymen�s.If there is a def cxency of Funt�s held in
<br /> es�row,as def ned under RESPA,Lender shall natify B arrower aas r�quired by RE SPA,and B orrawer sha�l pay to Lender
<br /> the amoun�necessary to make up the deficien�y�n ac�ordance�vifh RESPA,bu�in n�more than�Z manth��paymen�s.
<br /> Upon payment in fu�I af alI sums secured by this Security�nstrument,Lende�r shall pramptly r�fund t�Bor�ovver any
<br /> Funds held by L�nder.
<br /> 4.Charges;Liens.B�rrawer shall pay all�axes,assessments, charges,fines,and xmpasitions at�ributable to�he
<br /> Frop�rty which can at�ain prior�ty over this Security�nstrumen�,Ieasehald�aymen�s ar ground rents on the Property,�f
<br /> an�r,and Communit�Associa��on Dues,Fees,and Assessm�n�s,if any.Ta th��xten��hat�hes�items ar�Escrow�tems,
<br /> Borrovve�shal�pay�hem in�he manner pravided in Sec�ion 3.
<br /> NEBRAS�CA WS��gfe Family-Fannie Mae�Fre�die N[ac UNIFURM lNSTRUMENT For 3��8 �1��
<br /> Page4o��3 , �
<br /> tos,��c, Barrawer�s}lnitia�s �i� �
<br />