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2� 15�8321 <br /> Neither Borra�er nor Lender may com�n�nce,��in,or ta��oined�o any�udicial action�as either an�nd��idual��t�gant <br /> Qr�he member of a ciass�tha�arises from�he o�her par�y's acti�ns�ursuan�to�his Se�urity�ns�rument or�ha�aileges tha� <br /> the ather party has breached any provision of, or any du�y awed by reason of, �his Security Instrumen�, u.ntil such <br /> Bor�rovver ar Lender has no�if ed�e ather par�y�wi�h such notice given in�ompliance w�th the requ�rements of Sectian <br /> 15}of such a�leged breach and afforded th�ath�r par�y hereto a reasanable per�ad after the g��ing�f such na�ice to take <br /> correcti�e act�on.�f Applicab�e Lavv pro�id�s a time per�od which mus�elapse before cer�ain a���vn can be taken,tha� <br /> time�eriod wi�l be deemed to be r�asonab�e for purp�ses af�his paragraph.The nfl�ice�f accelerati�n and opport�urii�ty to <br /> cure given ta Borrawer pursuant to Sectian��and�he�vtice of a��eleratian giv�n t❑Bar�awer pursuan��o Se��ian 1 S <br /> shali be deemed ta satisfy�he na�ice and oppflr�unity to�ake correcti�e action pro�isi�ns of this Section 24. <br /> 21.Hazardaus Substances.As used in�his Sec��on 21:�a}"Hazardous Substan�es"are those substax�ces def�ned as <br /> t�xic or ha.�axdous su�stanc�s,pallu�ants, or was�es by Enrrironmental Lav�and the fo��ov��ng su�s�ances: ga.saline, <br /> kerosene, other f�ammable or�ax�c petrv�eum produc�s,tvxzc pes�i�ides and herb�cides, valatiie sol�ents, materiais <br /> containing asbestos or formaidehyde,and radioac�ive materia�s;�b�"Environmenta�Law"means federallaws and�aws <br /> of �he jurisdic�ian vvhere �he Froperty is �ocated tha� re�ate �o hea��h, safe�y ar envir�nrrrental pr��ectinn; <br /> �c}"Environmen�al C�eanup" �nc�ud�s any response ac�ian, �emedial a��ion, or rem�val ac���n, as def ned in <br /> Env�ronmental Law;and�d}an"En��ranm�nt�.l Conditian"means a cvndition that can cause,�on�ribu�e ta,or otherwis� <br /> trig�er an En�ironmenta��Ieanup. <br /> Borro�vtir�r shail no�cause ar permit�he presence,use,d�sposa�,s�orag�,or releas�of any Hazardous Su�bstances,or <br /> threa�en to release any Ha.�ardous Substances,on or�n�he Prap�rty.Borrovver shal�not do,nar allow an�ane else�a do, <br /> anything affecting�he Pr�p�rfiy�a}tha�is in�iolatian Qf any�n�ironmental Law,�b}which crea�es an En�ironmental <br /> �ond��ion,�r�c}which,du�to�he presence,use,or r��ease of a Hazaxdaus SubstanGe,creates a condition tha�ad�ersely <br /> affec�s�he�alue of�he Proper�y.Th�preceding t�r�sen��nces shal�no�a�ply to�he presence,use,or s�orage on�he <br /> Proper�y of smal�quant���es of Hazard�us Substanc�s tha�are generally re�agni�ed�o be appropr�ate to norma�residential <br /> us�s and to maintenance of the Property�including,bu�not Iimited to,hazardous substances in consumer products�. <br /> Bflrrowe�r shall promp�Iy giv�Lend�r written notice�f{a}any inves�i�a�iori,claim,demand,�av�suit or other a�tion <br /> b� any gav�rnmen�al or regula�ory agency or pri�ate par�y in�o��ring�he PrQper�y and any Hazardous Substance or <br /> Enviranm�nta� Lav� af which Borrawer has actua�knowledge, �b� any En�ironmen�al�ond���on, including but not <br /> limited t�,any spil��.ng,lea�ing,discharbe,release or�irea�of release af any Hazard�us Substance,and�c�any condi�ion <br /> caused by the pr�s�nce,use or release of a�a�ardaus Substance which ad��rsely affects�h��alue of�he Praper�y.�f <br /> Bor��u��r Iearns, �r is no�ified by any�a��rnmental or regu�atory au�hori�y,ar any pri�ate par�y,tha�any remo�al or <br /> o�her remedia�ion of any Hazardous Substance aff�c�ing�he ProperCy�s necessary,Barr�v�rer sha�l prampt�y�ake al� <br /> necessa�ry remedial actions in accordance wi�h Environmenta.�Law.Nothing herein sha11 create any ob�igatian on L�nder <br /> for an Envirnnmental Cleanup. <br /> N�N�-UN�FQR.M��VENANTS.B�rrower and Lend�r fur�her�ovena.n�and agree as follows: <br /> 22.,�cce�eration;Remed�es.Lender shall give not�ce to Barrow�r priar to acce�eration fo��owing Borrower's <br /> breach of any co�enan�or agreement in this Security Instrument��ut n�t priar tv acceieration under�ection 18 <br /> un�ess Applicable Law prov�des otherwise}.Th�not�ce�hall specify:�a�the defau�t;(b}the acti�n required t�cure <br /> the default; �c�a da�e,nvt less than 3�days from the da�e the noti�e is given to Borrower,by which the defau�t <br /> must be cured;and(��that fa��ure to cure tbe defau�t on ar before�he date specif�ed f n�he n�t�ce may result in <br /> acce�eration�f�he sums se�ured by th�s Security Instr�ment and�ale af the Prop�rty.The natice�ha�i further <br /> �nform Borrower of the r�ght to reinstate after acce�erati�n and the r�ght to�r�ng a court action to assert the nan- <br /> existence of a default flr any other defense of I3orrower to acce�eration and sa�e.If th�default is n�t cured on or <br /> before the date spec�f ed�n the nutices Lender at its opt�on may require immed�ate paymen�in fuii of axx sums <br /> , <br /> secured by this Security Instrum�nt without furth�r demand and may in�oke the power of sale and any other <br /> remed��s permi��ed�y Applica�le Law.L�nder shall be en�i��ed to colie��a�i expenses incurred in pur5u�ng the <br /> remed�es prav�ded in this Sect�on 22,including,but not��m�ted to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of��tie <br /> e�idence, <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie l�a�UN1F�3RM 1NSTRU�IIENT Fvr 3 �S �1�� <br /> Page��of�3 � <br /> ios,�nc. Bo�rower�s}ln��iais �_ ��"�- <br />