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2� 15�8321 <br /> If the power of saie is invaked,Trustee shalt re�ord a not�ce of defauit�n each�aunty in wh�ch any par�gf the <br /> Praperty xs�ocated and sha�I maii capies of such notice in the manner prescribed�y Applicab�e Law to Borrawer <br /> and to�he nther pers�ns prescr�b�d byAppl�cable Law.Af�er the time required by App���ab�e Law,Trustee shall <br /> g��e public nntice of sale to the persons and in the man�er prescri�ed hy App�ica�le Law. Trus�ee, w�thout <br /> demand an Borrower,shall se��the Property at public auc#ion to the h�ghest bidder at the t�me and piace and <br /> under the terms des�gnated in th�not��e of sale in one or m�re parcels and�n any nrder Trustee determ�nes. <br /> Trus�ee may pastpone sa�e of all or any parce�of the Pr�perty�y public announcement at the time and p�ace af <br /> an�previously scheduled saie.Lender ar its des�gnee may purchase the Pr�perty at any sa�e. <br /> Upon receip��f paym�nt of the pr�ce bid,Trustee shal�de�iver ta the pur�haser Trustee's deed con►veying the <br /> Proper�y.The recita�s�n the Tru�tee's deed shall be prima fa�ie e�idence of the tru�h of�he statements made <br /> �here�n. Trustee sha�i appiy the proceeds of th� sale �n the fo�lowing order: �a} to aIl costs and expenses af <br /> exerci�ing�he puwer af sale, and the saie, including the payment of the Trus�ee's fees a�tua��y�n�urred and <br /> reasanab�e at��rneys'fees as p�rm�tted by App�icab�e Law;(b}to a�l sums secured by thf s Security Instrument; <br /> and���any excess t��he person or persflns legally ent�tled to it. <br /> 23.R.ecan�veyance.�.Ipon payment of all sums secured b��his Securi�y�nstrumen�,Lender shall reques�Trustee�o <br /> re�convey�he Property and shall surrender this Securi�y Instrument�nd a�i nat�s evidencing debt secured by this Security <br /> Ins�ruxnen�to Trus�ee,Trustee shall re�anvey�he Proper�y�nrithout warran�y to the person ar persons legally entitled to i�. <br /> Such person or pers�ns shall pay any recorda�ion costs.Lender may chaxg�such perso�.�r p�rsons a fee far r�con�ey�ng <br /> the Proper�y,bu�on�y�f the fee is paid to a thxrd part��such as the Trustee}for services rendered ar�d the charging of�he <br /> fee is permitted under App�icab�e Law. <br /> �4.Subst�tute Trustee.Lend�r,at i�s optinn,�nay from�im�to time remove Trustee and app�int a successar t�ust�e <br /> �o any Trus�ee appa�nted h�reunder by ax�. �ns�rumen� record�d �n �h� caun�y �n which this Se�urity �nstrument �s <br /> r�carded. W��hout canveyance af�h�Praper�y,th� successar trustee shall succeed to al�the ti�1�, pawer an�du�ies <br /> conferred upon Trustee here�n and by App�icable Lavv. <br /> 25. Request for Natices.Borrov�rer r�ques�s that copi�s of the no�ice of defau��and sale be sen�to Borrower's <br /> address�h�ch is the Prap�r�y Address. <br /> NEBRASKA-�ing�e Family-Fannie MaelFreddi�Ma�UNIFQRM�NSTR�MENT Form 3028 �1�� <br /> Page�2�f�3 , <br /> �os,�nc. Borr�wer��}Initials _ ��lF . <br />