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2� 15�8321 <br /> Note con�lic�s with Applicable Law,such canf�ict sha11 na�aff���v�her p�ro�is�ons flf�his Securzty Instrument or�he Nate <br /> which can be gi�en eff�ct vvi�hout the�onfli�ting pro��s�a�. <br /> As used in�his Securzty�nstrumen�:�a}words of�the masculine gender shall mean and include corresp�nd�ng neuter <br /> words or words of the feminine g�n�er;�b}words�n the singular shall mean and in��ude the plural and vi�e versa;and <br /> �c}�he word"may"gi�es sale discre��an wi�hau�any obl�ga�ion�o talce any acti�n. <br /> 17.Borrower's�opy.Borrawer sha11 be given one copy ofthe Note and af this Security�nstrumen�. <br /> 1 S.Transfer af the Proper�y or a Beneficial Interes�in Borrower.As used in fihis Section �S,"�nteres�in the <br /> Proper�y"means any 1ega1 flr benef cial in�erest in�h�Praper�y,including,but n�t Iim�ted to,those benef cial in�erests <br /> �ransferred in a bond far deed,cont�ac�for d�ed,installmen�sal�s cantract or escr�vv agre�men�,the in�en�of which is�he <br /> t�ansf�r of�itle by Borrower at a future date to a pur�haser. <br /> If aII or any part of�he Prflpert�r or any�n�erest in the Prop�rfiy is so�d or�ransf�rred��r ifBorrow�r is not a na�ural <br /> pers�n and a benef cial interest in Borro�er is s�Id�r�ransf�rred}wi�hout Lende�r's priar wr�tten consent,Lender may <br /> re�uire immedia�e payment in full of a�l sums secured by this S��uri�y�nstrument.Howe�er,�h�s op�iori shall not be <br /> exercised by L�nder if such exercise is prohibi�ed by App�xcab�e Lavv. <br /> If L�nder exerc�ses this op�ion,Lender shal�gi�e Borravver notice of acceleration.The no�ice shall pro�ide a periad <br /> of not less than 3�days firom�he da�e the not��e is given in accordance with Se��ion I S withzn which Borro�ver mus�pay <br /> a�l sun�s secured by this Securifiy�nstrumen�.Yf Borrov�rer faiis to pay�h�se sums priar�o the expira��an af this peri�d, <br /> Lender may invake any remedies permitted by th�s Secur�ty�nstru�ment w��haut fur�her not�ce or demand on Borrawer. <br /> 19.Borr�wer's R�ght to Reinstate Af�er Acceleration.If Borrovver meets cer�ain�ondi��ons,Borrov�er sha11 ha�e <br /> the rzght t�ha�e enfarcement of�his Secur��y�nstrument discontinued a�any time prior to the ear�iest of:�a}fi�e days <br /> b�fore sa�e afthe Proper�y pursuax�.t to any power of sale contained in this Security Instrumen�;�b}such other period as <br /> App�icable Lavv might spec�fy f�r�he termination of Borrower's righ��o reins�ate;or�c}entty af a judgm�n�enforcing <br /> this Security ins�rument.Those conditions are tha�Borrower.�a}pays Lender a��sums which the�w�uld b�due under <br /> this Security�nstrumen�and the Note as��no accelerativn had occurred;�b}cures ax��r defau�t of any��her covena.nts or <br /> agreements;�c}pays all expenses zncurred�n enf�rcu�.g�h�s Se�urity rnstrument,including,but nfl�l�mi�ed�a,reasanable <br /> attorneys'fees,prop�rty inspec�ion and�a�uation fees,and a�her fe�s incurred for�he purpase of pro�ecting Lender's <br /> interest in the Pro�erry and righ�s under th�s Security Ins�rument;and�d}�akes such ac�ion as Lender may reasanably <br /> requ�re �� assure �hat Lender's in�e�es� �n th� Property and rights under�his Security �nst�umen�, and Bararawer's <br /> obiiga�ion�o pay the sums secured by�h�s Security �nstrumen�, sha�l cont�nue unchang�d. Lender may require that <br /> B�rrawer pay such reinstat�men�sums and exp�nses in one ar more of the fflllowing forms, as selected by Lender: <br /> �a}cash;�b�m�n�y order;��}cer��f ed check,bank check,treasurer's check or cashier's check,pravided any such check <br /> �s dravvn upon an�ns�i�ution whose deposxts are insured by a federal agency,instrumen�ality or entity;or�d3 E�ectron�c <br /> Funds Transfer.Upon reins�atement by�orraw�r,th�s Se�uri�y�ns�rument and obliga�ions se�ured her�by shail remain <br /> fu11y effec�ive as if n� accelera��on had accurred. Howe�er, this right t� reinsta#e shall n�� apply in the Gase af <br /> acceleration under Section�.�. <br /> ��. Sa�e of Note; �hange of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievan�e. The N�te ar a par�ial in�eres�in the Note <br /> �toge�her vvi�h this Security�ns�rument}can be so�d one or more�imes without p�rior notice to Borrower.A sale migh� <br /> result in a change�n the en�ity[knawn as�he"Laan Ser�icer"�th�t co�Iec�s Peri�dic Payments due under the Na�e and <br /> thi�S�curity�nstr�um�n�and performs a�her mor�gage loan servicing obliga�ians u�nder the Not�,this Securi�y�nstrument, <br /> and Ap�li�ab�e Law.There a�so mi�h�b�one or more chang�s af�he Laan Ser�vicer unrelated�a a sal�of the Na�e.�f <br /> �here is a�hange of�he Laan 5ervi�er,Borr�v�rer w���be giv�n written na�ice of the ehang�which vWill s�ate�h�name and <br /> add�ess of the new Laan S��vicer,th�address�o wh�ch payments should b�made and ar�y other�nforma�ion RESPA <br /> requires in connec��on vv��h a na�ice of transfer of ser�r�cing.�f�he Note is sold and thereafter�he Loan is ser�riced by a <br /> Loan Serv�cer�ther than�he purchase�of the No�e,�he mor�gage�oan ser�icing obligations to Borrower vvill remain with <br /> �he Loan Se�vicer or be�ransferred t�a suce�ssor Loan Servicer and ax�no�assumed by the Note purchaser unless <br /> otherw�se pravided by�the Not�purchaser. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Mae{Freddie N�ac UNEF�RN!1NSTRUNlENT Fvrm 30�8 �lD� <br /> Page10of�3 <br /> ios,inc. Borrower�s}Ir�itials � . <br /> � <br />