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2� 15�824� <br /> in�erest from �he da�e of disburseznen� at �he same ra�e assessed an advances under �he Con�ract and sha11 b� <br /> payable,wi�h�nterest,up�n riotice from Lender to Borrower reques��ng paymen�. <br /> Inspection. Lender or �ts agent may make reasonable entries up�n azad ir�.spec�ior�s of the Property. Lender sha1� <br /> gzve Borrativer not�ce a�the�zme af or prior ta an inspect�on specifying reasonab�e cause f�r the inspec�ivn. <br /> Condemnation. The proceeds�f any award or claim for damag�s, d�rec��r co�sequen�ial, in c�nne�t�an vcri�h any <br /> candemu�.a��on or o�her�aking of any part of�he Pr�perty, or for canveyance in lieu �f�o�.demna�ion, are hereby <br /> a�s�gned and shall be paid t�Ler�der. <br /> �n the even� of a �otal �a�ing of the Pr�p�rty, the proceeds sha�� be app�zed t� �he sums secured by this Secur��y <br /> Ins�rument, whe�her or not then due, wi.�.la any excess paid to Borrower. Zn the even� of a par�ial taking of�he <br /> Proper�y �n v�hxch�he fa�r mar�e��ralue ❑f the Prap�rty immediately befare the �ak�ng is equa� �o �r grea�er than <br /> �he amoun� �f the sums secured by �his Securi�y Ins�urnent zmm�dxa�e�y befare the ta.kir�g, unless Borrovver a�xd <br /> Lend�r otherwis�agree zr�wr�ting,the sums secured by�hi� Secur�ty Instrument sha��be redu�ed by the amoun�of <br /> �h�proceeds mu��ip�ied by�he fo�low�ng fra���an: �a}the�ot.a.� amount of the sums secured immedia�ely before the <br /> tak�ng, div�ded by �b} �he fa�r marke�value af the Propert�y immedia�.e�y bef�re the #.�king. Any ba�ance sha��be <br /> pazd to Barravcrer. �n �he even� af a par�ia� �aking �f�he Proper�y in,which the faxr marke�va�ue of the Property <br /> immedxate�y hefor� �he � �s �ess tha�a the amount of the sums secured v.�nmedia�e�y bef�re �he tak�ng, un�ess <br /> ��rrawer and Lender�thervvise agree in�vriting or unless Applicab�e Law o�.erw�se prov�des, the proce�ds sha�� <br /> be appXied�a the sums secured by this 5ecurity�ns�rument whe�her or no�the sums are�hen due. <br /> �f�he Prap erty is abandoned by�arrower, or�f, after na��ce by Lender to B arr�wer�hat the con�emnar o ffers t� <br /> make an a�vard or settle a cla�m for damages,Borrower fai�s�o respond�a Lender wi�n�he m�nimum number af <br /> days estab�ished by Applzcab�e La�v af�er the date the na�ic�is given,Lender zs aufhor�z�d�a callec�and apply�he <br /> proceeds, a� �ts op�ian, either �o restora�ion ar repazr of the Prflperty or to �he sums secured by this 5ecurz�y <br /> Instrumen�,whether or nat�hen due. <br /> Un�ess Le�der and Borrawer o�herw�se agre�in wr�ting, any ap��ica�zon of proceeds�a principa� sha��not extend <br /> or postpone the due da�e of th�paymen�s due under th�C���ract or change�ie amount of such paymen�s. <br /> Bflrrovver Not Re�eased; Fvrbearan�e By Ilender NQ� a Wa�.ver. Extens�on of the �ime fvr paymen� or <br /> modifica�ian �f amor�iza�ion of�he sums secured by this Secur�ty �ns�rument gran�ed by Le�.der�a Barr�wer or <br /> any su�c�ss�r in znter�st af Borravver sha�l no� opera�e to re�ease �he liability vf �he or�g�na� Borro,wer or <br /> B�rrower's successars �n in�erest. Lender sha��n��be required to commence pr�ceedings against any successor in <br /> interes�or refuse t�ex�end�irrxe far payrnen�or��herv��se modify amortiza�ian of the sums secured by thi.s 5ecuri�y <br /> Instrument by reason of any demand made by �he ortginal B�rrower or Borrower's suc�essors in interes�. Any <br /> forb�arance by Lender in exercxs�ng any right ar remedy shall na�be a wa�ver Qf or preclude the �xercise of any <br /> righ�or rem�dy. <br /> Su��essors and Ass�.gn� Bound; Jva�n� and Severai L�ab��.��y; Accommodation Signers. The c�venan�s and <br /> agreemer��s vf th�s Secur�ty Ins�rument shal��b�nd and benefit th� successars and assig�s af Lender and B�rra�ver, <br /> subj ect �o the pr�v�s�ans of section t�t�ed Transfer of �he Propert� or a Benef cia� Interest in Borrovver, <br /> . Borro�ver's covenants and a�reernen�s sha��be join�and severa�. Any person wha co-signs this Security Ins�rumen� <br /> bu� has n� persona� ��ab���ty under the ��n�ra�� �"Accommodation 5ign�r"}: �a} is �o-s�gn�ng �his 5ecur�ty <br /> �nstrument only ta mar�gage, grant ar�d convey �ha� Accammodatzon S�gner's �nterest in �he Property ur�der the <br /> t�rms of the S�cur��y �ns�xamen.t; �b� �s na� personaily ab��ga�ed to pay �he sums s�cured by �his 5e�uarity <br /> Zns�rumen�; a�ad��} agrees Lender and any o�her Borra,wer may agree to �x�end, modify, f�rbear or mak�any <br /> accammoda��ons tivzth.regard t��h.�terms af th�is Securi�y��strument or the ��n�rac�withaut�ha�A�commoda�ion <br /> 5�gnerrs c�nsen�. <br /> Loan Charg�s. If the �aan secured by this Secur��y Ins�.rumen� is subject ta a �a� which sets maximum �oan <br /> charg�s, and�ha�lavtr is f na�Iy interpreted sa tiha�the �nteres�ar ather loan charges calleG�ed or to be collec�ed zn <br /> �onnec��an wi�h �he loan exceed the permit�ed 1imi�s, then: �a} any such �oan charge shall be reduced by �he <br /> amaun.�necessary�o r�duce the charge to the permi�ted l�mits and �b} any sums aLready collected fram Barrower <br /> wh�ch exceeded permi��ed ��mi�s vtrill be refunded to Borrow�r. Lender may choose �o make �his refund by <br /> reduci.x�.g the princ�pal ovved under �he Con�ract or by making a d�rec�paymen�tv Borrovc�er. If a refund reduces <br /> pr�ncipal,the reduc�i�n v�ll be�rea�ed as a part�al prepaymenti under�he�ontract. <br /> Not�ces. Any no�z�e to Borrawer prov�ded far in. 5ecur�ty �ns�rum�n� sha�l be g�ven by d���vering i� or by <br /> ma�l�ng it by f rs�c�ass ma�l ur�.Iess App�i�able Law requires use of ano�her methad. The no�ice shall be d�rected to <br /> �he Property A.ddress or any ��her address Borravtrer designates by na��ce to Lend�r. Borrov�rer agrees �o provide <br /> Lex�der vvzth Borrotiver's most current mai�i.x�.g address, as it may char�ge from�ime��oW�xme. Any no�ice �o Lender <br /> sha�l be gxven by f rst class ma��t�Lender's address sta�ed herez�a or any o�her address Lend�r deszgr�a�es by no�ic� <br /> �o Barr�u�er. Any no�ice provided for in�his Security Ins�rument sha�I be deemed ta hav�been given to Borravver <br /> or Lender�rhen giver�as provided zn this paragrap�. <br /> Go�erning Law; Severa�il.�ty.This Secur��y�n.strument shall be go�erned by federal IaW and the�aws of th�s�a.te <br /> of N�bra�l�a. �n the even.� �hat any pravision or c�aus� of this S ecurity Ins�rumen� or the �antract confl�cts with <br /> App�zcab�e Law, su�h conflic� shall na� affect other provisions of�his Security�ns�rumen�.�r�he C�ntract v�rh�ch <br /> can be given effect vvithout the confl�cting provzsion. Ta�his end the provisznzas�f thi.s Securi�y�ns�rumen�an�the <br /> �flntract ar�dec�ared to be se�erable. <br /> Borrower's Copy.Borr��v`rer sha1l be gxven one capy of�h�s SeGuri�.y�ns�rument. <br /> C�24�4-2015 Compliance Systems,Ir�c.ASSC-167a-Z��4 <br /> C�ns�zmer Real Esta#e-5ecurity Instrument DL2�35 Page 3 of 5 www.campliancesystems.cvm <br />