2� 15�824�
<br /> Tra�sfer of the Proper�y or a Benefi�ial Interest in B�rrower.If a�l or a�y�par�of the Praper�y or any inti�res�
<br /> in it is sold ar transferred �ar if a beneficial interest in Borro,t�ver is so�d or �ransferred and Borrower is n.�t a
<br /> natura� persan} wi�hau� Lender's pr�ar vvritten con�ent, L�nder may, at i�s op��ion, require zmmediate payxnem� in
<br /> ful� af a�l sum� secured by tihis Secur�fiy �ns�rient. Hfl�ever, this aption sha�I not be exercised by Lender �f
<br /> exercise is prohibi�ed by federa��a�v as of�he date af�his Security Instrum�nt.
<br /> Zf L�nder exe�cises th�s option, Lender shall g�ve B arro�er na�ice of acc�l+�ra���ri. The notice sha�� pr�vxde a
<br /> peri�d of nat less �han �he m.�.nimum numb�r Qf days establishe�.by Appl�ca���e Law fr�m the da�e �he noti�e is
<br /> de��vered or mailed v�thin whiGh Borrower mus� pay alI sums secured by ��i:is Security Ins�rumen�. �f Borrovver
<br /> fazls to pay�hes� sums pri�r �o �he exp�rat�on of this periE�d, Lender may inva�e any remedies permit�ed by �his
<br /> S e curity Ins�rumen�w�thout further notzce or demand on B arrovver.
<br /> B�rrower'S Ritght to Reinstate. �f BorroWer mee�s cert��n candi�ions, B�rro�ver sha�1 have the righ� �a ]zave
<br /> e�.f�rcement of�his Securi�y Instrum�n� d�scon�inuer� a� any�ime pri�r to �he earlier nf �a� 5 days (�r such o�her
<br /> peri�d as A�pplicable Lavv may specify for reinstatement��efore sale of�he Prtrperty pursuant to any po�wer ot'sa�e
<br /> con�ained �n this Securi�y Instrumen�; or �b} ent�y of a �u�igment enforc�rtg this Security Instrument. Thase
<br /> cand�ti�ns are �hat Barro�rer: �a� pays Lender aI1 sums �rhich then tivou�d b� due under this Secu.ri�y�ns�-umen�
<br /> ar�.d�he�an�ract as�f na acc�lera�i�n had occurre�;�b}�ures any defaul��f an�,r o�her covenants or agreem�nt5;�c}
<br /> pays all expenses�ncurred in enforcing this Se�urity Instrument, including,bu�not Iimited to,reasonab�e at�or�ley�'
<br /> fees to �he extent p�rmi�ed by law; and (d}�al�es su�h act�on as Lender rnay��easonably re�uire�a assure �ha�the
<br /> Iien of this Security Instrument, Lender`s righ�s in the Pro�erty and Borrovver'� ob�iga�ion to pay the sums secured
<br /> b� this 5�curity Instrument shal� con�inue unchanged. Upon rei.n.statemen�b�Borraw�r, this Security�ns�rumen�
<br /> ar�d the �bligations secured hereby shall remain fu��y effe�tive as if no accele.ration had �ccurred. Hourever, �his
<br /> rzght�o re�.ns�a��shall nat apply in the�ase of acceleration un�.er�he sect�on�x�:led Transfer flf�he Pro�erty ar a
<br /> B�nef�Cxal In�erest�n Borrower.
<br /> Hazardou5 Substances.Borrovver shall no�cause or permi��he presence,us�, d�sposa�, storage, or releas�of�any
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ances vn�r zn th�Properfiy.Borrovver sha��no�dfl,nor allour�.nyone else��da,anyth�ng affe�tin�
<br /> �he Praperty�hat is in v�o�atxan of any Env�ranmenta� Law. The preceding ��v� sen�ences shal� nat apply tc, the
<br /> presence,use,or storage Qn t�.ie Proper�y af sma�l quan�ities of I3azardous�ubstances t�ia�are ge�.erally r�cogn.ized
<br /> t�be appropria�e�o nQrmal resid�ntial uses and tfl ma�ntenance of�he Pr�pert�r,
<br /> Borr�wer sha�l promp��y give Len�er written n�t�ce of any invest�gation,claim..,demand, la�vsuit�r o�I�.er act�on by
<br /> any governmental or re�u�a�ory agency ar pr�vate party inv�lving the Pr�perl.y and any Hazardaus Substa.nce or
<br /> Environmentax Laur of vvh�ch Borrav�rer has actual kn�tivledge. �f Borrotiver learns, or is notified b� any
<br /> gavernmenta� nr regulatory au�hflrity,�h.a�any remQval or flther remediati�n�f'any Hazard�us Substance affe�ting
<br /> the Property �s necessary, Borrower shall promp�ly �ake a�l necessary r�rnedial actions in ac�ordance with
<br /> Env�ronmen�I Law.
<br /> As used rn this paragraph, "Hazardous Substances" are�hose substances def ned as toxic or hazardaus substanc�s
<br /> by Env�ronmental Law and the f���o�ving substances: gasoline, kerasene, ���her flammable ar toxic petro�eum
<br /> prticiuc�s, �axic p�sticzdes and herbzczdes, v��atile so�ven�s, materia�s contair�.ing asbestos or farma�dehyde, and
<br /> radioactive ma�erials. As used in�his paragraph, "Environraen�a�Lavv" means�:ederal lavvs and�avvs tif�he sta�e of
<br /> N�braska that relate to heal�h,saf�ty or env�ronmenta�prot�c�ion.
<br /> A��eleratian; Remed�es. Lender shali give nQt�ce to B�rr�tiver pr�vr to a.c�eleration fo��ovv�ng Borrov��er's
<br /> br�a�h of any c�v�nant�r agre�ment Yn this Secur�ty Instrument or the�ontract under wh�ch accel�ra��on
<br /> is permitted �but not pr�or�o a�celerativn under the s�ction titl�d Transfer of the PrQperty�r a Benefxc�al
<br /> Interest�n B�rrow�r, vrnless Appli�able La�v provides otherwis�}. The nati�e shali specify: �a} th� defaul�; .
<br /> �b� the ac�ion required to �ure the defaul�; �c� � c�ate, no� less �han the minimum number of days
<br /> established by Applicable Law from the date the notice��g�ven to Borrov�ver,by w�izch the defau��must be
<br /> cure�i; and �d) that fa��ure to cur� the defau�t on or ��fare �he date spec�f�ed �n �he notice may resu]Lt �n
<br /> a�ce�eration of the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sai� vf �he Praperty. To the ex�en�
<br /> perm�it�ed by lavv, th� �otice shall fur�her inform Barr�wer of the right��o rein5�ate after acceZera��on and
<br /> the right to bring a court actYon to asser�the non��xis��nce of a d�fau�t v�any o�her def�nse of Barr�w�r�o
<br /> a�ce�erat�tin and sale.If the default is not cured on or befure the da�e sp��c��ed in th�natic�,L�nder a.t it5
<br /> opti�n may requ�re immediate payment �n ful� �f all sums secured by �:his Security Instrument w��hvut
<br /> further demand and may invoke th� power of sale and any other remedies perm�t�ed by Appl�cable LaVv.
<br /> To the �xt�nt permutted by Iavv, Lender shai� be entitled ta collect alI �l�penses incurred in p�rsu�ng the
<br /> rem�d�es prQvided�n th�s Section,in�Iud�ng,but no���mi�ed to, reasanab�e at�orneys' fees and costs of t�tle
<br /> evidence.
<br /> If th�power vf sa�e�s��.voked, Trustee shall record a notic� of defau�t in each cou�ty�n wh�ch a�y pa�rt�f
<br /> �he Pr�perty�s lo�a�ed and.shall mail �opYes of such no�ice in the manne�r prescribed by Appl��able I.�aT,�v to
<br /> Borrawer and t� th� flther persons prescribed by Ap�licable Law. After the txme required by App�icable
<br /> Law, Trustee shall giv� publ�c notice vf sale tv the persons and in the n:�anner pre��ribed by Ap�lic�b�e
<br /> Law.Trustee,withaut demand vn Borro�ver, shal�se��-�he Property at pa�bXic auc��fln �o the hig��st bir�der
<br /> a�the time and plac�a�nd under the terms designated ir�the notice of sale in ane or more par�els and in any
<br /> order Trus�ee determ�nes. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any p;�rcel. �f the Property by public
<br /> a�nfluncement at the tfine and p�ace of any previously s�heduled sa�e.Len der�r�ts d�s�gnee may purchase
<br /> the Froper�y at any sal�.
<br /> Upon receip� of payment of the price bid, Trustee �ha�l deliver to the pu��C�aser Trustee's d�ed cflnve�ing
<br /> �he�ropert�.The r��i.ta�s�n �he Trus�ee'S deed shall be prima facie evzde,nCe af the tru�h of the stat�ments
<br /> C�2�44-241 S CompIiance Systems,Inc.ASBC�167Q-Z4�5,3,5.I Q64
<br /> Co�asumer ReaI Estate-Sece�rity Instrument DL2436 Pa�e 4 vf 5 www.cvmpliancesystems.cvm
<br />