2� 15�824�
<br /> P�yment flf Principal and Interes�; Uther Charge�,B�rrovcrer sha��prornp�iy pay vvhen due the principal of:and
<br /> inter�st on�he�eb�ovved under the Contrac�an��a�e charges or any a�her fees and charges due under�he Conl�ract.
<br /> Applicabie Law. As used in this Security Ins�rumen�, �he �erm "ApplicaUl;e LaW" sha�� mean aIi cflr��roll�ng
<br /> applicable federal, state and Ioca� statutes, regu�atians, ordinances and adminis�ra�ive ru�es and orders �tha�have
<br /> �he effec�of�a,w}as v�re�l as aI1 applicable final,non�appealable judicial opini�Y�s.
<br /> �harges; Liens. Borrov�rer shall pay al� taxes, assessments, charges, f nes and impositions attributable to �he
<br /> Froper�y vvhich may a�tain priori�y over�h�s Security Ins�rument, and leasehold paymen�s or gr�und rents, if any.
<br /> A�the request of Lender,Borrovver shall promp��y furnish�o Lender rece�p�s e�,��dencing the paymen�s.
<br /> B�rr��rer sha�I prompt�y d�scharge any��en vvhzch has pr�or��y over�.his 5ecw-ity Ins�rumen�un�ess B�rrovver: �a}
<br /> agrees in wri�ing to the paymen� of the ob�iga���n secur��. by the l�en in a manner accep�able to L�nder; �b}
<br /> con�es�s in good fa�th the lien by, �r defends against enforcement of the li�n� in, lega� proceedings which ��1 the
<br /> Lender's op�ni�n operat� to prevent th� enfarcement of the lien; or (c� sect�res from the holder af the lier� an
<br /> agreemen�sa�xsfactory�o Lender subard�nating the lien to �his Securi�y Instria�:nen�. If Lender determines�ha�,any
<br /> par� of the Proper�y is sub�ec�to a lien vvhich may at�a�n pr�ority over thi� �e curity Ins�rumen�, Lender may give
<br /> B�rr�wer a natice id�ntifying the Iien. Borravv�r shall sa�isfy the �ien or tak� one or mor� flf�h� actions se�:for�h
<br /> abo�e within 1�days of�he gxving af no��ce.
<br /> Hazard or Froperty Insurance. Borro�rer sha11 keep�he�xnprovements now exis�i�.g or hereafter erec�ed o�l the
<br /> Property insur�d agains�loss by�re,hazards included within the terrn"extend��d�overage'g and any oth�r haz�rds,
<br /> �ncluding fl�ods �r fl�odxng, for tivh�ch Lender requires insu.rance. This �m,�urance sha�� be xna�n�a�.ned �n the
<br /> amounts and far�he periods�ha�Lender requires. The insurance carrier pro�id:ing�he�nsurar�ce sha�l be ch�se�by
<br /> B�rr�vver sub�ect t� Lender's approval which sha�l no� be unreas�nab�y wi�hhe�d. If Borrovver fails �o mai���ain
<br /> coverag� de�cribed above, Lender may, at Lender's opt�on, o�btain coverage ta protect Lender's rights �n �he
<br /> FrQperty in acc�rdance vv��h sec�ian titled Pr�tect��n vf Lender�5 Rights in t��e Property.
<br /> A�� insurance poiic�es and renevva�s s�a�l be acceptable �o Lender and shall inc�ude a standard mor�gage c�ause.
<br /> Lender shal�have the r�ght t�hald�he po�icies and renevvals. If Lender requ�r�vs, BorroWer shall promptly g��re�o
<br /> Lender aIl receipts flf paid prem.iums and renevval noti�es. In�he event of�os�, Borrower shail give prompt n�ati�e
<br /> to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if n�t ma��,prampt�y by Borra�vver.
<br /> Unless Lend�r and Borrovver o�herv��se agree in writing, insurance proceed�� shall be app�ied �o restora�ion or
<br /> repair of�he Proper�y damaged, if, �n Lender's so�e discr�tion, the restoratio�� or repa�.r is econ�mically f�aaibl�
<br /> a�d Lender's security is no� �essened. If, in Lender's sale discretian, the res���ra�ion or repair�s not economi�ally
<br /> feas�ble or Lender's security v�ould be lessened,�he�n�uran.ce proceeds shal�be�applied to the sums s�cured by�thzs
<br /> S�curity Ynstrument, whether �r not then due, vvith any excess paid �o Borrower. If Borrotiver aband�ns the
<br /> Property, ar does no�answer�vith�n the number af days p�escr�bed by Applica�3le Law as se�forth�n a nat��e�'r�m
<br /> Lender to Barrower�hat the�nsurance�arr��r has offered�� settle a cla�m, the�n Lender may�a��ec�th� insur�.nce
<br /> praceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to r�pair�r res�are �he Pr�per�y �r 1:c� pay sums secured by thzs Sec�ur�ty
<br /> �ns�rument,whether or no��.en due.The period of time for BQrr�wer��answ��-as set forth in the no�ice�ill begin
<br /> yvhen the n�tice zs given.
<br /> U�less Lender and Barrawer atherwise agree in�vriti.ng, any application of pr��ceeds �o pr�ncipai shal�not extend
<br /> or p�s�pflne�he due da�e of the payments due under�he Con�ra�t�r change the amount�f the payment�. �f u�.der
<br /> �he sec�i�n�i�1ed A�celeration; Remedies, the Proper�is a�quired by Lend��-,Borrov�rer's righ�tfl any insur�nce
<br /> pal�cies and proceeds r��ult�ng from damage �o �he Prape�-�y priar �o �he acquisi�ian shall pass ta Lende� �� �he
<br /> exten�af�he sums s�cured by th�s Security�ns�rument�mmedia�ely pr�or to th�acquisition.
<br /> Pres�r-v�ation, Maintenan�e and Prot���x�n of the Property; Borrawer'3s Loan Applica�ion; I�easeh�Ids.
<br /> Borr�wer shall not�es�rfly, damage or impair the ProperCy, allavv the Praper�y�to de�eriora�e, or commit v�as�e �n
<br /> the Property. Borrawer sha��l�e in defau��if any farfeiture action or proceeding;,urhether civil ar criminal,is�b�gun
<br /> that �n Lender's gotid faith judgment c�uld result in forfeiture af the Pr�per�y or o�he�-w�se mater�ally impair the
<br /> Ii�n crea�ed by �hi� Security �ns�rumen� vr Lender's securi�r interest. Borrc�wer may cure such a �efault and
<br /> reinsta.te, as prov�ded in sectian�itled Borro�ver's R�ght ta Reinstate, by cau.sing the actiar�or prflceeding�o be
<br /> dismissed tivzth a rul�ng�ha�,in Lender's good fai�h determznation,prec�udes forfe�ture of�h�Borr�vver's znt�rest in
<br /> the �roper�y or ather ma�erial �mpa�rment af�he lien crea�ed by this Security Ins�rument or Lender's secur�ty
<br /> in�eres�.Borrovcrer shall a�sa be in defaul�if Barrower,dur�ng the loan ap�ticat�on proc�ss,gave ma�erially fa��e or
<br /> inaccura�e znformation or statements to Lender �nr failed to pr�vide Lender vv��h any materia� infnrma�i�n�� �n
<br /> connection wi�h the laan ev�denced by the Con�rac�. If this S�curity rns�rumer��is �n a Ieasehold, Barro�w�r�hall
<br /> cnmp�y u�ith al�the prav�sions of�he lease. If Barrnvver acquires fee t�tle t�the Praper�y, the Iease�old and the fee
<br /> ti�Ie sha��not merge un�ess Lender agrees�a�he mer�er in writing.
<br /> Pr�tectxon �f Lender's Rights in the Pr�per�y. If B�rrower fails to p�r�cfrm the ��venan�s.and agreements
<br /> con�ained in�his Security�nstrument,or there is a legal proceeding�hat may significan�ly affec�Lender's righ�s in
<br /> �he Praperty �such as a pr�ceeding �n ban.kruptcy, proba�e, for c�ndernna�ian or forfeiture or �o enfarce 1av�rs Qr
<br /> regu�at�ons�, �.ien Lend�r may do and pay for whatever is nece�sary �o pr���ect �he value of the Prape�-t� and
<br /> Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's act�flns may include pay�ng any sums��ecured by a�zen whi�h has priarity
<br /> over this Security�ns�rument, appearing in court,paying reasflnable at�orn�ys'i:ees and entering�n�the Proper�y��
<br /> n�ake repairs.Al�hough Lender may�ake actian under th�s sectian,L�nder does not have�o d�so.
<br /> Any amaun�s disbursed by Lend�r under this section sha�l be��me add�tional debt af Borra,wer secur�d by �his
<br /> Secur�ty Instrument. Un�ess Barrov�er and Lender agre� �� ��her terms of�raym�nt, �hese amounts shal� l�ear
<br /> C�2�04-2015 Compiiance Systems,Tn�.ASBC-I67Q-2�i5.3.5.1464
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