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2� 15�8211 <br /> �. Applicatianof Paym�nts or Prvice�eds.Except as expressly stated atherwise in this Secur��y <br /> instrument or the�ote,a��payments ac�epted and app��e�.by Lender sha��be app�ied in the fa�t�u�ing <br /> order of priorii�y: <br /> First,�a the Mortgag�In.surance premiums to be pa�d by Lender ta the �ecretary or the monthly <br /> char�e�3�the Sec�etary�ns�ead of the rnanth��mortgage in.surance�ar�mium�y <br /> Second,ta any�axes, special assessments,lea�ehald payments or ground rents,and f�re, flood and <br /> other ha.�ard i�surance premiums,as required; <br /> �'hird,ta interest due under the�Iote; <br /> Fau�h,t�amortizatiar��f the principal of the Note;and, <br /> Fi�h,to Iate charges due under the Note. <br /> Any application of payments,insu�rance proce�ds�or Miscellaneous Pro�eeds to principa�due under t�e <br /> �ote sha��nat exte�d or pas�po�e the due date,or eha�.ge the amount,of t�e�'e��odxc�ayments. <br /> 3, Fur�dsfar Escrow�tems.B�rrower sha�1 pa}�t�Lender on the day periodic Payments are due under <br /> t�e Nate,until the Note is paid in full,a su��th� "Funds"}to pro�ide for payament of amounts due for: <br /> [a}taxes and asse�sment.s and ather it�ms whi�h can attain�riority over this Secu�rit�Instrument as a lien <br /> or�acumbrance vn the Property; (�a)leasehold payment�or�round rents on the Praperty, if any; �e) <br /> p�er��ums far an�and a����u.ra��e re�uired by Lender un.der Sect�an 5;and(d}Mfl�tgag�Ins�anc� <br /> premxums to be paid by Lend�r ta the Secre�ary�r the monthl�charge by the Secretary instead of the <br /> ma�thly�Ir�ortgage�n.s�.ran�e premiur�.�. �'hese items are ca��ed "�scro�Items."At vF�g�nat�on�r at any <br /> time during�he term of the Loan,Lender may requi�e that Community Association Dues,Fees,and <br /> Assessm�nts, if any,be escr�wed�y�orrawer,a�d such du�s, fees and assessments sha��be a���crow <br /> Item. Borrower sha�l prvmptly furnish to Lender a�1 notices af arnounts to be paid under thi�Secti�n. <br /> Sarrower shall pay Lender the Funds for Escrow It�ms unless Lender�vaiv�s Borrower's obrigation�a <br /> pay the Funds for a�.y or al�Escro�v Items. Lender may waive Borrower's ob�iga�ion to pay t�L�nder <br /> Funds far any or a11 Escrow Iterns at any tirne,Any�uch waiver m�ay only be in tivriting. In the��ent of <br /> such�vaivera Borrower sha11 pay directly,when and where p�yable,the amounts due for any Escr�vv <br /> Items for which payment�f Funds has�een waived by Lender and, if L�nder requixes,sha11 furn�sh to <br /> Lender r�ceipts e�idencing such payment within such time period as Lender may require. Borrawer's <br /> obligation to such payrnents and ta provide receipts shall for a�1 purposes�e deemed ta be a <br /> c�venan�and agreement contai�ed in this Securit�Instrum�n�,as the phrase"covenant and agreement" is <br /> used in S�ction 9, If Borrower is obligated to pay Escrow It�ms duect�y,pursuant to a waiver,and <br /> �or�ro�ver fa��s to pay the a�oun��ue for a��scro�v It�m,Le�.der may exerci��its right�undez S��tion 9 <br /> and pay such amoun�and Borrow�r sha�l then be obligated under Section 9 ta repay to Lender any such <br /> amount. L�nde�may�e�vke t�e tiva�ver as to any or a����cra�Iterr�s at any txme by a not�ce gxven�a� <br /> accordance with Section �4 and,upon such revacation,Borrower sha11 pay�o Lender al�Funds,and in <br /> such amvunts,that are ther�required under t�is Sect�an 3. <br /> Lender ma}�,at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount(a)suffici��.�to permit L�nder to apply the <br /> Funds at the tirne specified under RESFA, and�b)not to exceed th�maximum amou�nt a lender�an <br /> unc�er 1�.ESPA.�.ender��a���stzmate the amount�f Fun.ds due on the basis of curre�t�ata and reasanable <br /> estixna�es of expenditures t�f future Escro�v�t�ms or otherwise in accordance�vith Applicable Law. <br /> FHA�eed of Tn�st With MERS-NE 913Df�014 <br /> Bankers SystemsTM� VMP� VMP4N(NE}(15�}.�4 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Fina�cial Sen+ices Pege 5 af 17 <br /> q�334fa843�39 �Z3 334 D517 <br />