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2� 15�8211 <br /> The Funds sha11 be he�d in an instituti�n�rho�e deposits are�nsur�d by a fed�ra�agency, instrurnenta.��ty, <br /> or entity(including�,end�r, if L�nder is an instituti�n wha�e deposrts are sa insured}ar in any F�dera� <br /> Home Loan Bank.Leader sha��app�y the Funt�s to pay the Escrow Item�no later than the time speci#"ied <br /> under RESPA. Lender�hall not charge Bor�rower f�r h�iding and app�ying the Funds,annuatty analyzing <br /> �he escro�v acc4unt,�r ver�fying the Escrow Iterns,ualess Lender pays�orro�ver i.nterest on the F�u�ds <br /> a�d App��cabte Law permits Lender�o make�uch a charge.Un�ess an agreement is made in wxitin�or <br /> Appticabl�Law requires interest to be paid on�he Funds,Lender sha11 not be required to pay F3orrower <br /> any�nter�st or�arnings on the Funds. Borrower aad Lender can agre�in vvr�t�ng,howe�er�that interest <br /> shal�be paid on the�unds. Lender sha11�ive to B�rrower,�vithout charge,an annual accounting of th� <br /> Funds as r�quued by RESPA. <br /> If ther�is a surplus of Funds he�d in escro�v,as defined under RE�pA,I�ender shali account ta B�rrower <br /> for the excess funds in accordance�vith RESPA. If there is a shor�ag�of Fund�held in escrow,as defined <br /> under RESPA,Lender shall natify Borrawer as required by RE�PA,and Borrower shall pay t�Lender <br /> the amount necessary to mak�up the shartage in accordance wi�h RESPA,but in no more than 1� <br /> monthly payments. If there is a deficienc�af Funds held in�scro�,as defi�.ed und�r RESPA,Lender <br /> sha11 not�fy Borrower a�r��uire�by RESPA,and Borro��r shal�pay to Lender the amaunt necessary to <br /> make up the deficiency in accordance�ith RE SPA,�ut in no mare than 1�month�y payments. <br /> Upan payment in fu�i of a1i sums secured by th�s Security Instrum��t,Lend�r shall prom�tly refund to <br /> Borrawer any Fuads held by Lender. <br /> 4. �h�rges;Liens.Borrower shall pay all taxes, as�essments,charges, #`ines, and impositions attributab�e <br /> to t�e Property tivhieh can at�a.�n priorxty over���s Secur�ty�nstr€�.ment,�ea�eho�d pa�rrnents or�rou�.d <br /> rents on the Prop�rty, if any,and Community Association Dues,Fees,and As�essments, �f any, Ta the <br /> extent t�a#these i�ems are�scrow�tems,Borrower sha�1 pay them in the ma�n�r pr�vided in Sec�ian 3. <br /> I3orro�ver�ha�l promp��y discharge�.ny lien which ha��riori�r over this�ecurity Instrument unless <br /> Barrower: (a}agrees in vvriting to the payment af the obligation secured by the lien in a manner <br /> acceptab���to Le�der,b�.t o�.�y sv�ong as�arra��r�s perform�ng such agre�rr�ent; �bj cor�t�sts th�l�en in <br /> g4od faith by,or def�nds against enforcement of the���n in, legal proceedings vvhi�h in I�ender's apinion <br /> op�ra.t�to prevent the e�farcement of the�Ye�.t�hi�e th�s�pr�ceed�ngs are pendYng,�ut on�y unt��s�c�. <br /> pro�eedings are concluded;or�c)secures from the holder of the�ien an agreement satisfactory to Lender <br /> subordinating the�i�n to t�.is SeGurity Instrunlent, �f Lender determin.e�tha�any part af t��Pr�p�rty is <br /> subject to a lien�vh�ch can atta�n priority over this Securi�ty Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a <br /> notice identifying the iien. Within I�days of th�date an whic��hat notice is given,Borrower shaY� <br /> satisfy the�ien or take one ar more of the actions set farth a�ave iEn this S�ction 4. <br /> 5. Praperty Insurance.Borrower sha1�keep the i�mpro�emen��now existing or her�after erected on the <br /> I'roper�r insured against��ss b�f�re�ha�a�ds inc�uded�ith�n t�e terrn"extended cov�ra�e,"and an� <br /> other hazards inctuding,but not lim�ted to,earthquake�and floods,for which Lender requires insurance. <br /> 3'his insurance sha��be maintair�ed in the amounts[inciudin�deduct�b�e�eve�s�and for t�e per�ods that <br /> Lender requir�s.What Lender requires ptusuant to the preceding�entences�an change during the term af <br /> the Laan.The insurance�arrier providing�he insu.rance sha1l be chosen by�orrow�r subject to L�nder'� <br /> right to d�sapprave I3orro�ver's choice,�vhich right shall not be exercised unreason.abl�r. Lender may <br /> requue Borrower t�pay,in conneetion�vith th�s Loan.,eith�r: (a}a one-time�harg�far fload zone <br /> determinati�n,certification and tracking sexv�ices;or(�)a one�-time charge f�r flood�one d�t�rmination <br /> and certif�cation se�-�rices and subse uent charges each time rema in s or similar chan es�cGur�hich <br /> FHA peed oi Trust With MERS-NE g�'3�/�p��. <br /> Bankers 5ystemsT�++ VMP� VMP4NtNE}(154�).44 <br /> WQlters Klwver Financial Serv�ces Page B of 1? <br /> q�334�843739 0233 334 qGl7 <br />