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2� 15�8182 <br /> for the repairs and rest�rat��n �n a s�ngle pa�m�nt or in a serzes of pragress payments a� th�work is <br /> comp�e�ed. �f�he znsuran�e ar��ndemna�ion proceeds are not suf�c�ent ta r�pa�r ar restore�he Praperty, <br /> Borrower i� n�t r�l�eved of Borrflwer's obligation far the�omplet�on of such repair ar restarat�on. <br /> Lender or its agent may make reasonab�e entries upan and inspect��ns of�he Proper�y. If��has reasonable <br /> �ause, Lender may inspect the inter�or of�he impra��men�s an the Praper��. Lender sha�� g�v�Borr�wer <br /> notice at the time of or prior�o such an in�erior inspect�on spec�fy�ng su�h reasonab�e cause. <br /> �. BvrrQwer's Lvan App�ication. Borrawer sha�l be zn defauit �f, during the Loan appl�cation prac�ss, <br /> Borrov�er ar any persons or enti�ies acting a�the d�rect�an of Borrov�rer or w�th Barrow�r'�knov��edge ar <br /> c:onsen�gave ma�erially false, misleading, or�na�cura��infarmati�n�r statements to L�nder�or fai�ed ta <br /> prov�de Lender with material �nf�rma�i�n) in connec�ion with �h� Loan. Material repres�n�a�ions �nc�ud�, bu� <br /> are nflt limi�ed t�, repr�sentations concerning Borr�wer's��cupancy of th�Proper�y as BQrrou�er's princ�pal <br /> residenc�. <br /> 9. Pr�tection af Lend�r's Interest in the Property and Rights Und�r this Security lnstrument. �f�a} <br /> Borrnwer faiis�a perform the c�venants and agreem�ents c�ntained in�h�s�e�urit� Ins�rumen�, �b}there is a <br /> le�a�pr�ceeding tha�might significan��y affect Lender's interest�n the Property andlor rights under this <br /> S�curity Instrumen� �suCh as a proceedzng in bankrupt�y, probate, far condemnation ar forfezture, for <br /> enforcemen�of a�ien wh�ch may a��a�n pr�ority flver th�s �ecur��y �ns�rumen�or�o enforce�aws ar <br /> regulatians}, or�c} Borrower has abandon��.th�Proper�y, then Lender may do and pay for wha�ever is <br /> reasonabie�r appropr�ate to pra�ect Lender's znterest in�he Property and rights under this Se�uri�y <br /> Instrumen�, �nc�ud�ng prfltecting andl�r assess�ng the�a�ue of the Proper�y, and s�curing andlor repa�r�ng <br /> the Prflp�r�y. Lend�r's actions can �nc�ude, bu� ar�no��imi�ed�o: �a} pay�ng any sums s�cured��a��en <br /> wh�ch has priarity�ver this Se�ur�ty�nstrument; �b} appearing in cour�; and �c�pa�ing reasonab�e a�tQrneys' <br /> fees ta protec� i�s inter�st in the Property andlor righ�s under�his Secur��y Instrumen�, xnc�udxng �ts se�ured <br /> position�n a bankruptc�r prac�eding. Securing the Proper�y includes, but is na�I�m��ed to, ent�r�ng the <br /> Proper�y ta mak�repa�rs, chang��acks, replace or baard up doors a�d wind�u�s, dra�n�vater fram pipes, <br /> eiim�nate bu��d�ng or other�ode vialations or dan�erflus cond�t�ons, and ha��u��li�ies�urned�n ar�ff. <br /> Althaugh Lender may ta�e action under this Sect�on 9, L�nder�oes na�have ta do so and is not under any <br /> duty ar ab��gation ta d�sa. It is agreed tha� Lend�r�ncur� n� liabil�ty for n�t taking any or all ae�i�ns <br /> authar�z�d under this 5ec�ion 9. <br /> Any arx�ounts disbursed by Lender und�r�his Sectiar�9 sha��become additianal deb�of Borrotiver secured b� <br /> �hi� Securi�y Instrument. These amoun�s shall b�ar in�erest a��he Note ra�e fram the date af d�sburs�ment <br /> and shal�be payable, w�th such �nterest, up�n na��ce from Lend�r to B�rr�v�er reques��ng payment. <br /> If this 5ecur�ty �nstrum�nt�s an a leasehnid, Borrower shail compiy with a�i th�provisions flf the�ease. �f <br /> Barrower a�quires fe�titie to the Property, t�ae leaseho�d and the fee title s�a�I nat merg�un�ess Lender <br /> agr�es�o the merger in writing. <br /> 'I�. Nlvrtgage Insuran�e. �f Lender required Mortgage�nsurance as a con�ition of mak�ng th�Loan, Barrower <br /> sha�l pay the premium� requ�red to main�ain the Mortgage�nsuranc�in�ffect. �f, �ar any reason, the <br /> Mor�gage �nsurance coverage required�y Lender ceases to be a�a��abie from�he mor�gage�nsurer that <br /> pr���ously pra�ided such�nsurance and Borro�er was required to make s�parately designated payments <br /> taward�he premiums for Mor�gage�nsurance, Barrower shall pay th�pr�miums required�o obtain co��rage <br /> su�stan�ially equivalent to the Mor��age�nsurance pr�v�nus�y zn�ff�ct, at a cos�substantial�y equivalen�to <br /> the cost�o B�rr��uer of the Mor�gage�nsuranc�pr�v�ous�y �n effe�t, from an alterna�e mor�gage�nsur�r <br /> seiected by L�nder. �f substant�al�y e�uivalent M�r�gage�nsurance coverage is not a�a��ab�e, Borrower shaii <br /> NEBRASKA-5ing[e�amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac 11Ni��RM INSTRUM�NT Fvrm 3028 1!D� <br /> VMP Q VMPS{N��413�2} <br /> WvEters K�uwer�inan�ia�S�r�i�es Page 8 c�€�7 <br />