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2� 15�8182 <br /> All �nsurance policies requ�red by Lender and rene�va�s of such pa��c�es sha�� be sub�ec��o L�nder's right�o <br /> d�sapprove such p�licies, �hal1 include a standard�nar�gage clause, and shal�narne Lend�r as mortgagee <br /> andl�r as an add�t�onal Ioss�ayee. Lender shall ha�e�he righ�ta hold�he po��c�es and renewa�c�r�i�cates. If <br /> Lender requires, Borrower sha11 promp�ly give ta Lender a�I receipts of paid premiums and renewa�no���es. <br /> �f Borrower abtains any form of�nsurance coverag�, n��fl�herwise r�qu�r�d Uy Lender, for damage to, ar <br /> destruct�on of, �he Proper�y, such policy shall inGlude a standard martgag�clause and shall name Lender a� <br /> mor�gag�e andlor as an addi�i�na� �oss payee. <br /> In the e�ent of�oss, Borrower shall give proxnp�nntice t�the �nsurance carrier and L.end�r. L�nder ma� <br /> make pr�of of��ss xf not made pramp�l��}� Barrower. Unless L.�nd�r and Borrovv�r�therwise agre�in <br /> wrzt�ng, any insurance prflceeds, whe�her or not�he underl�ing insurance was required by L�nder, shal�be <br /> applied to res�ora��on or repa�r of the Proper�y, �f the restoration or repair is ecanomical�y feasihle and <br /> Lender's s�curity is not le5sened. During su�h r�pair and res��ration period, Lender shall hav�the r�ght to <br /> hold such �nsurance proceeds until L�nder has had an apportunit� to insp�c�such Proper��t�en�ure�h� <br /> work has b�en�omp�e�ed to Lender`s sa�isfac�ion, pro�id�d�hat such insp�c�i�n sha��be under�ak�n <br /> prampt�y. Lender may disburse praceeds for the repairs and restoration in a single payment or in a series of <br /> progress paymen�s as�he vvark is compl���d. Un�ess an a�reemen� is made in�r���ng or Applicab�e Law <br /> requires int�res�to be paid on such �nsuranc�proceeds, Lender shal�n�t be requ�red to pay Borrov�er any <br /> int�r�s�ar earnings�n such proceeds. Fees fflr pu�li� adjust�rs, or other�h�rd par��es, r��ained by Borrower <br /> sha�l no�be pa�d ou�of�he insurance proceeds and sha�I�e the sole ab�iga�ion�f Borrower. If the restoration <br /> �r repair is not ecanomica�Iy feasible or L,ender's security u�ould be l�ss�ned, �he insurance pr��ee�is shal��e <br /> applied to�he sums secured by this Security In�trument, vvhether ar not then due, v�ai�h the excess, �f an�, <br /> paid to B�rrower. Such insurance proc�eds sha11 be applied in the arder pro��d�d f�r�n Sect�on 2. <br /> If Borrou�er abandons�he Proper��, I.ender may �i�e, n�go��ate and s����e an� availab�e insurance claim and <br /> re�a�ed matters. �f Borrower does not respond w��hin 34 days to a n�tice from Lender tha�the insurance <br /> carrier has offered to s�ttle a�Iaim, �hen Lender ma�nego��ate and se�t�e the c�aim. The 3�-da�per�od will <br /> be��n v�hen�he not��e�s given. �n ei�her e�ent, or if Lend�r acquire��he Proper�y under Sect��n 22 or <br /> o�herv�ise, Barrawer hereby assi�ns to Lender ta} Borrower's r�gh�s �o an� insurance proce�ds �n an amount <br /> not�o exceed�he amaunts unpaid under�h� Note or�his Securi�y Instrument, and �b} an� a�h�r of <br /> Borrawer's rights (�ther thar��he r�gh�t� any refund�f unearned premium�paid by Borrower}under al1 <br /> insurance po�ic�es covering the Prop�rt�, insofar as such r�ghts are appl�cable���he cov�rage�f�he <br /> Propert�. Lender may use the�nsurar��e praceeds either�o repa�r or res�ore the Prope��or�o pa� amaunts <br /> unpaid under�he Note or this Secur�t� �ns�rumenr, vwhether or n�t then due. <br /> C. Decupancy. Borrower shali occupy, es�ablish, and use the Proper�y as Borro�ver's principal residence <br /> w�th�n 6�days after�he execution of this Securi�y Instrumen� and shal� cflnt�nue�o occupy the Property as <br /> gorrovver's pr�ncipal res�d�nce for at�east flne�ear af�er the da�e of occupancy, unless L.�nder o�her�vise <br /> agrees in vvr�ting, wh�ch consent shall no�be unr�asonably withheld, �r unless ex�enuat�ng cir�ums�ances <br /> e��st which are beyond Borrovver's�antrol. <br /> 7. Prese�r►at�on, N�aintenance and Protectian of the Property; [nspections. Borrower sha11 not d��troy, <br /> damage or impair the Property, a�low �he Proper�y to de�eriorate ar��mm�t wast�an fhe Proper�y. �heth�r <br /> ar nat Borrower is residing in�he Froper��, B�rr�w�r sha�� main�a�n the Proper�� in order to preven��he <br /> Proper�� fr�rn d��erior��ing or decreasing in value due t� xts�ondition, Unless �t is det�rmined pursuant�o <br /> Sec�ion 5 �hat repair or restorat�on is nat economically f�asib�e, Borra�rer sha�l promptly repa�r the Prop�r�y <br /> �f damaged t� a��id further de�er�oration or damage. �f insuranc�or condemnation praceeds are pa�d in <br /> connecti�n with damage t�, or the�aking of, �he Property, Borrower shali be respon���le for repairing ar <br /> res�oring the Prnper�y �nly if Lender has released pro�eeds for such purposes. Lender may disburs�proc��ds <br /> NEBRASKA-SingE��amily-F�nnie Mael�reddie M��UNI�ORM INSTRUM�NT �arm 302$11�i <br /> VMP� VMPfitNEy[13D�} <br /> Wolt�rs Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Pag�7 of'�7 <br />
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