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2� 15�8182 <br /> �ontinue�o pay �a L�nder the amaunt o�`the separa�el� des�gna�ed payments t�a�w�re due when�he <br /> � <br /> insuranc��average c�ased�o be �n effect. Lender wi11 acc�pt, use and retain thes�pa�ments as a <br /> non-refundable lass reserve�n l�eu of Mor�gage�nsuran��. Such�oss reser�e shail be non-refundable, <br /> no�wi�hstanding�he fac�that�he L�an is ul�imately paid in fuli, and Lender shall not be requ�red to pay <br /> Borrov�aer any interest or earnings on such loss r�serve. Lender can no �onger require lass reserve payments <br /> if Mortgage�nsurance Coverage �in th�amount and for�he peri�d tha�Lender requires}prov�ded by an <br /> insurer selec���by L,ender aga�n becames ava��ab�e, is obta�n�d, and Lender requires separately des�gnated <br /> payments�o�xrard�he prezr�jiums f�r Mor�gage�nsuranGe, �f Lender requxred Mortgage �nsurance a� a <br /> cond�tion of�naking�he Loan and Borr�wer was required ta make separately desxgna�ed paymen�s �ov�►rard the <br /> pre�n.iurns for Mortgage Insuran�e, Borra�nrer shall pay the premiums r�quired�o rnaintain M�rtgage <br /> Insuran�� �n effect, or to pra��de a non-refundable�oss reserv�, unt�� Lender's requiremen� for M�rt�ag� <br /> Insurance�nds in accordance w��h any written agreement be�v�reen Borr�wer and Lender pro��ding for such <br /> term�nation or unti� termination�s required by Applicabie Lav�. Noth�ng in this Se��ion ��affe��s <br /> Borrower's ob�igation to pay interest at�he rate provided in the Note. <br /> Mor�gage�nsurance reimburses I.ender�ar any entity�hat purchases the Nate} for cer�a�n�asses �t may �ncur <br /> �f Borrov�er does no�repay �he I.�an as agreed. Borrower is nat a party�o�he N�or�gage�nsurance. <br /> Mar�gag� insurers ev�aluate th��r�atal r�sk on a�l such �nsuranc�in force frorn t�me to time, and may�n�er <br /> into agre�ments urith other part�es�hat share or mod�fy the�r risk, or reduce�o�ses. Thes�agr��m.en�s are on <br /> terms and conditions tha�are satisfactory to the mort�age�nsurer and the other par��r �or parties} �o�hese <br /> agreemen��. These agreements may requ�re th�mor�gag�insurer to mak�pa�m.ents us�ng an� sour�e of funds <br /> that th�mor�gage insurer may ha�e a�aila��e �vWhich rnay inclu�.e funds ob�ained from Mor��ag��nsurance <br /> premiums}. <br /> As a result of these agreemen�s, Lender, any purchaser of the N��e, ax�other�nsurer, any re�nsurer, any other <br /> enti��, or any af�l�a�e af any of the foregoing, may rece�ve�d�rectl�or�nd�r�ct�y} amounts tha�deri�e from <br /> �or might be charac�er�zed as} a portian of Borrow�r's paymen�s for Mortgage Insuranc�, �n exchange for <br /> sharing or modify�ng the m�rtgage �nsurer's risk, �r reduc�ng l�sses. �f such agreement pro�ides�hat an <br /> af�i�ia�e of Lender takes a share af th�insurer's r�sk in exchange for a share of the premiums paid to�he <br /> insurer, �he arrangement�s often term�d "capti�e re�nsurance." Fur�her: <br /> �a} Any such agreements will not affect the amounts�ha�Borrower has agreed�o pay for Mor�gage <br /> Insurance, �r any o�her�erms of th�L�an. Such agreemen�s ►wi�i not increase the amflun� <br /> Borrower wi�� owe for Mortgage Insurance, and�hey��v�l�not ent��le Borro��ver to any r�fund. <br /> �b� Any such agreements wi��not affect the righ�s Borrower has�if any -w��h re,�pec��o the <br /> Mortgage Insurance under�he Homeo��ners Pro�ec�ion Act of 1998 or any other Iaw. These righ�s <br /> may include the right to rece��e cer�ain disC�osures, �o reques�and o�tain cance��a�i�n of the <br /> Mortgage Insurance, to have the Nlor�gage Insurance termina�ed au��maticai�y, andlar to recei►ve <br /> a refund af any�Vlortgage Insurance prem�ums that were unearned a�the t�me of such <br /> cancellatian or�ermina�it�n. <br /> '1'1. Assignment of Miscellaneous Praceeds: Farfeiture. A�� M�scellaneous Proceeds are here�y assi�n�d�o <br /> and sha��be pa�d �a Lender. <br /> If the Proper�y is damaged, such Misceilaneaus Pr�ceeds shall�e applied �a res�ora�ion or repa�r of the <br /> Pr�perty, if the restora�ion or repair is economically feasi�ie and Lender's security is not lessened. Dur�ng <br /> such repaxr and restoratia�period, L.�nder shai�ha�e the r�gh�to ho�d su�h N��sce��aneous Proceeds unt�� <br /> L�nder has had an opp�r�uni�y to inspect such Praperty to ensure�h�work has b�en camp�e��d to Lender's <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle�arn�iy-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UN[�QRM INSTRUMENT Farrr�3D28 11�1 <br /> VMP� VMP6(NEy�13Q2} <br /> Wolters Kiuwer Financia!5er�ices �age 9 vf 17 <br />