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2� 15�8182 <br /> in�he Property and rights under this Se�urity Ins�rurnen�; and�d} �akes such a�t�on as Lend�r ma� <br /> reasonab�y r�quire to assure that Lfender's int�res�in the Praper�y and rxghts under this Securi�y �ns�rument, <br /> and Borrower's ob��gation ta pay�he sums s�cured by thi� Securi�� Ins�rument, sha�� continue unchanged. <br /> Lender rnay require that Borrov�er pay such r�ins�at�men�sums and expenses in one or more of the f�llovving <br /> forn�, as se�ec�ed by I.ender: �a}cash; ��} mane��rd�r; ��}certi�ed check, bank ch�ck, treasurer's ch�ck ar <br /> cashier's check, prav�ded any such check xs dravwn upon an�ns�itution whas�depos�ts are�nsured by a <br /> federa� ag�ncy, ir�strumen�a�i�y or en�i��; or�d} Ele�tronic Funds Trarisfer. Up�n re�nsta�em�ent by B�rrower, <br /> fhis Security�nstrument and�bligations secured here�y shall remain fix��y effect�ve as if no ac��I�rat�on had <br /> o��urr�d. �owe�er, th�s right ta re�nstate shall not apply in�he case of acce�eration under S�ction 1$. <br /> ��. Sa[e of Nate; Ghan�e af Loan Ser���er; Notice of Gr�evance. The Note or a part�al �nteres� in the <br /> No�e���gether with this Secur�ty �ns�rument} can be saXd�n�ar mare times�vithou�prior no��ce to <br /> Barrower. A sale might resu�t �n a change in the ent��y �known as�he "L�ar� Servicer"} �ha��o�iects Per�odic <br /> Payn�.ents due und�r the Not�and this S�curi�y Instrumen�and performs ather mor�ga��laan serv�cing <br /> �b�iga�ions under th�Note, this Securzty �ns�rum�nt, and Appl�cabie Lav�. There a�sa nught be one or more <br /> changes of the L�an Ser�icer unre�a�ed�a a sa�e of the N�te. �f there is a change of�he I.aoan Servicer, <br /> Borrower v���l be gx�en v�rritten no��ce of the chang�which v���� s�a�e�he name and address�f the n�u� Laoan <br /> Ser�icer, the address to vvhi�h payments shou�d be made and any other infor�ma�i�n RESPA requir�s in <br /> connectian with a not�ce of�ransf�r of serv�cing, �f�h�No�e is sold and thereaf�er�he Loan is serviced�y a <br /> Loan Ser�icer other than�he purchaser of the Note, �he n�ort�age�aan ser�vicing obliga��ons ta Borro�uer v�r�l� <br /> remain vvi�h the L.oan Servicer or be�ransferred to a succ�ssor Loan Ser�icer and are not assumed b��h� <br /> No��pur�haser unless a�herwise prov�ded by the Not�purchaser. <br /> Neither Barrower nor Lender may commenc�,jfl�n, or be�oined�o any judicia� action�as either an <br /> individuai litigan��r the member af a class3 that ar�ses fr�m�he�ther par�y's actions pursuant�o�his <br /> Securi���ns�rumen�ar�hat a��eges tha�the other par�y has breached any pro�v�sion of, or any duty flw�d�y <br /> reason of, �h�s Securit�r �nstrum�nt, un�i� such Borrower or Lend�r has no�i�'�ed th�o�her party �with such <br /> notic�g��en in corn.pliance w��h the requiremen�s of S�c�ion I S}of su�h a�leged breach and affnrded�he <br /> �ther�ar�y her�to a r�asona���p�riad a���r th�g��r�ng of s�uch notice��take corrective action. �f Appl�ca�b�e <br /> Law provides a time perifld wh�ch mus�elaps��efore cer�a�n action can be�a.�en, that�im�p�r�od wil��e <br /> deemed�a be reasonah�e for purposes af this paragraph. The natice of acce�eration and oppar�unity ta cure <br /> given to Borrov�er pursuant�a Sect�on 22 and the notice of accel�rati�� g�ven to Borr�wer pursuan��o <br /> Sec�ion I g shall be deemed to satisfy the notice an�oppar�uni��ta �ak�c�rrecti�e action pro�isions of this <br /> Sectian��. <br /> 2�, Hazard�us Suhstances. As used �n this S�ction 21: �a} "Hazardo�cs 5'r�bstatzces"are those substance� <br /> de�ned as�o�ic�r hazardaus substances, pollutan�s, ar wa�tes by En�ironrn�n�a1 Law and the foilow�ng <br /> subs�ances: gasal�ne, kerasene, other flamumab�e�r��xic pe�roieum produc�s, �o��c pest�c�des and herbicides, <br /> vo�a�ile s�ivents, materials c�ntaining asbestos or formald�hyde, and rad�aa���ve materzals; �b} <br /> "Efxvirojxrr�ejztal La��v"means federal lav�s and laws of�h�jurisd�ct�on where the Praperty is �ocated tha� <br /> re�a�e�o hea�th, saf�ty or en��ronmen�a�pro�ecti�n; �c} "Er�Wiror��nQnta� �'lear�up"inciudes any respon�e <br /> ac�ion, remedial ac�ion, or remo�a� action, as defined in EnW�ronmental Law; and�d} an "��rvirort��2e�2tal <br /> �ondx�ior�"means a condi�ion that�an caus�, contribu�e�o, or othervWis��rigger an�nv�ronm�n�a���eanup. <br /> Borrower sha�I not cause or p�rm�t�he presence, use, disposa�, starage, or re�ease of an� Hazardous <br /> Subs�ances, or threa�en�a re�ease any Hazardous Substances, o��ar�n�he Proper�y. Borrower shall n��d�, <br /> nor allov� any�ne eise�o do, anything affec�ing the Proper�y �a� that �s in via�ation of an�r�nvironm.en�a� <br /> Lav�, �b}wh��h creates an En�vironmental �ondition, or(�} wh�ch, due��the presen�e, use, or release of a <br /> Hazard�us Substance, creates a conditi�n that ad�ersely aff�cts the�a�u�af the Proper��. The pr�ceding two <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Famiiy-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UN�F�]RM 1N5TRUMENT �orm 3�28 II01 <br /> VMP Q VMP6[N�j[1302} <br /> Walters Kluwer�i�anc�at 5er�ices Page 13 of 17 <br />