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2� 15�8182 <br /> designa�ed a su�st�tute notice address by notice to Lender. Borrower sha��promptl�r not�fy Lender�f <br /> Borr�wer's�hange af address. If L�nder sp�cifies a procedure for report�ng Bflrrow�r's change�f addr��s, <br /> �hen Borra�er sha�� fln�y rep�rt a change of address through that speci�ed pro�edure. <br /> There may be on��r one des�gna�ed natice address under this S�cur��y �nstru�m.�n�at any flne t�n�e. Any na�ice <br /> to Lender shall be g�ven by del��ering it�r by mai�ing it�y firs�c�ass ma�� to L�nder's addre�s s�ated herein <br /> unless Lender has designated another address by notice�o B�rrow�r. Any nfl�ic��n conn�ction wi�h�his <br /> Security �nstrumen�shaii not b�deemed�o have�een giv�n to Lender until actua�ly received by Lender. If <br /> any natice requzred by �his Secur�ty �nstrum.ent�s a�so requ�red under Appli�ab�e Law, the Applicable Law <br /> requ�rem.ent will sa�isfy the corr�spond�ng requirern�n�und�r this S�curi�y Instrumen�. <br /> 'I�, G�rrerning Law; Se�erabi�ity; Rules of Gvnstruetion. This Seeurity �nstrument sha�l b�governed b� <br /> federa� �av�and�he�aw of the jur�sdicti�n in which the Property �s 1QCa�ed. A�1 rz�hts and���igat�ons <br /> contained in�h�s Se�ur�ty �nStrument are subje�t ta any requ�r�ments and��m�tations af App�icable Law. <br /> Applzcab�e Law might�xp�i�it�y nr imp�iczt�y al�o� th�par��es�o agree by contract ar it m�gh�be s�len�, but <br /> such s��ence shall n�t be�nnstrued a� a proh�bit�on agaznst agreement by contract. In the ev�n��ha� any <br /> pro��s�o�ar claus��f th�s Secur�ty �nstrunzen��r the N'�te cQnf�ic�s with Applicable Lativ, such confl�c�sha�� <br /> no�affect ather pr�v�s�ons�f t��s Securi�y �nstrum�n�ar the Note which can be given effec��vithout the <br /> c�nf�icting pro��s��n. <br /> As used in this S�curi�y Ins�rument: �a} vv�rds�f the mascu�ine g�nder sha�� xnean and include correspond�ng <br /> neuter w�rds or words of�he feminine gender; �b} vc�ords in th�s�ngular shall mean and�nclude the piura� <br /> and v�ce v�rsa; and �c} the vvord "may" gi�res so�e�i�scre��on�vithout an�obl�gatian ta tak�any act�on. <br /> "l 7. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shal� be g�ven ane copy af�he Note and af�his ��curity �n�trument. <br /> 18, Transfer vf th� Prvp�rty vr a Benefic�al �nter�st �n Bvr�vwer, As used in this Section �$, "�nt�rest in <br /> the Pr�per�y" means any Iega� ar�eneficial interest in the Prop�rty, including, bu�not ��mit�d�o, th�se <br /> benef�cia� �nteres�s�ransferred in a bond for deed, eontract for deed, �nsta��m�n�sa��s contrac�or escrow <br /> agr�em�nt, the in�en�of�ah�ch is the transf�r of title by Barrower a� a future da�e to a purchaser, <br /> �f a��or any part af th� Property nr any �nteres��n the Property �s sald�r transferred �or if Borrawer is no�a <br /> natural pers�n and a b�ne�z��a� �n�er�s�in Borrawer�s so�d or transferred}w�thout Lender's priar wrztten <br /> c�nsent, Lender ma�requ�re �mm�diate payment in fu�� of a�l sums se�ured by this S�curit� �ns�rumen�. <br /> Hov��ver, �his op��on sha�� no�be e�erGised by Lender if such e�ercise is prnhibited by App��cab�e Law. <br /> If Lender exerc�ses ��a�s opt�on, Lender shall give Borra�ver n�tice of acce�erat�an. The no�ice shall pravide a <br /> period of no��ess than 34 day� fr�m�he date the notice is�i�en�n accordan�e w�th Sect�on �S vvithin which <br /> Barro�ver�rnus�pay a�l sums s��ured by th�s Secur�t� �nstrument. �f Borrovver fails�a pay these sums pr�or to <br /> the expirati��.af this periad, Lender rnay inv�ke an� r�me���s perm�t��d by�his Securit� �nstrument w�thout <br /> further nati���r demand on Bnrr�wer. <br /> '19. Bor��►n►er's Right ta Re�nstate After A�celeration. If Borr�wer me��s��rtain cond�t��ns, B�rrower <br /> sha�l have th�r��ht ta ha�e e�forcem�nt of this Security Instrumen�d�scnntznued at any time priar to the <br /> earliest of: �a} fi��days befare sale of the Property pursuant ta any power af sal�cflntained in this Securi�y <br /> �nstrument; �b} such ather period as Applicab�e Law m�gh� speC�fy far�he termination af Borr�wer's r�ght to <br /> reznstat�; ar�c} entry of a�udgmen��nfarcing th�s SeCuri�y�nstrument. Those c�ndi�i�ns are that Borro�ver: <br /> �a}pays Lender a�� sums�,rh�ch then v�au�d be du�under this Securit� Instrument and�he Nate as if no <br /> ac��lerat��n had occurred; �b} cures any default af any other cavenar�ts or agreements; �c3 pays a���xp�ns�s <br /> incurred�n�nforcing th�s Security Instrument, including, but no�lin-�ted to, reasona��e att�rneys` fe�s, <br /> proper�y �nspection and�aluat�on fees, and�ther f�es incurred for the purpose of pr�t�ct�ng Lender's in�erest <br /> NEBRASKA-Si�g6e�ami�y-Fannie MaelFreddie Ma�UNiF�RM INSTRUM�NT �orm 3D28 1I01 <br /> VMP� VMP6�N�y(13fl2} <br /> Wai€ers K{uwer Fin�ncia[Ser�ices Pag�1�af�7 <br />