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2� 15�8182 <br /> sen�ences sha�� nat appty�� the presence, us�, or s�orag�an th�Proper�y of small quantities af Hazardaus <br /> Subs�ances that are genera��y r�cogn�zed t�be apprapr�ate to norma� res�dent�a� uses and to maintenance�f <br /> �he Pr�perty ��nc�uding, but nat��ma.��d�o, ha�ardaus substances �n consum�r products�. <br /> Borrow�r sha��pramptly give Lender wr����n not�ce of�a} any investzgat��n, c�a�m, den�and, lawsuit or other <br /> act�on by any gavernmen�al ar regulator�agen�y or pri�ate par�y inv�iving the Prapert� and any Hazardaus <br /> Sub��an�e ar�ai Law of which Borrower has ac�ual know�edge, �b} any En�ironmental <br /> �ondi�ion, inciuding bu�n���im�ted ta, any spilling, �eaking, discharge, re�ease or threa�of release af any <br /> Hazardous Substance, and �c} any conditian caused by the presence, use or release of a�azardous Subs�an�� <br /> vvhich advers��y affects the�alue of the Proper�y. �f Borrower Iearns, or is noti�ed�y an�r�o�ernmenta� or <br /> regulatary author�ty, or any pri�ate par�y, �hat any removal�r ath�r remedia�ion of an�r Hazardaus Subs�ance <br /> affecting�he Prflperty is n��essary, Borrower sha��pramp�ly take a�� necessary rem�d�a� act�ons �n <br /> accordance wzth �nvironmenta� Law. Nothzng here�n sha�� crea�e any�b�iga�ion�n L�nder for an <br /> Env�ron�nental �leanup. <br /> Nar���lniform Cvvenants, Barrawer and L�nder c�venan�and agree as fnl�ows: <br /> Z�, Acce�erativrt; Remedies. Lender sha�� g�ve n��ic��v Borro�ver pr�or�a accelera��on fal�oj�ing <br /> Borrow�r`s breach af any cvvenan�or agr�enr��n��n�h�s Security Instrument �bu�no� prior�a <br /> acc��era�ian under�ec�ion 18 uniess App�icab�e Law prov�des o�herwise}. The noti�e shall specify: �a} <br /> �he defau�t; �b} �he actian require��a cure the defau�t; �c} a da�e, nat les5�han 30 days fram�he da�e <br /> �he na�ice�s given�a Borro�ver, �y wh�ch�he defaul�mus�be cured; and �d} �ha�fa��ure�a cure�he <br /> defau��on or before�he da�e spe�ified in the no�ice may resu��in accelera�ian of the sums secured by <br /> �his Secur��y Insxrun�ent and sale of the Property. The nvtice s�a�I fur�her inform B�rr�wer�f the <br /> righ���reins�a�e af�er acce�eration and the r�gh��a br�ng a court ac���n �a asser�the non-ex�stence of a <br /> defau��ar any�threr defense of Borrvwer tn a�ce�era��on and sa�e. IF�h.e defau���s not cured on or <br /> befor�the date specif�ed in�h�e no��ce, Lender at��s apt�on may r�qu�re�nr�media�e pay�nen�in full of <br /> a��sums secured by�his Securi�y Instrum�nt w�thvu� fur�her demand and may invok��h�pow�r vf sal� <br /> and any other remed�es permi��ed by Appiicab�e Law. Lender sh�ll be en�it�ed�o collect a��expenses <br /> �ncurred in pursu�ng tihe remedies pro��ded in this Se��ian 22, includin�, but no�l�m��ed to, reasQnab�e <br /> attorn�ys' fees and cos�s of��tle evidence. <br /> If the power of sa�e�s�n�ok�d, Trus�ee shall record a natice of defau�t in each c�un�y�n which any <br /> part of�he Property�s�ocated and shal�maiZ copies of such no��ce�n�he manner pres�ribed by <br /> App�icab�e Law to Bnrrower and to the o�her persans prescr��ed by App��ca�Ie Lavv. Af��r�he tzme <br /> requ�red by Appli�able La��v, Trustee shal� g�ve pu�lic no�ice of sa�e to�he p�rsons and in the manner <br /> pres�r�bed by App�ieab��Law. �rus�ee, withau� d�mand on Borrflwer, shall�ei�xh�Proper�y at pub��c <br /> auctian�o�he hxgh�st h�dder at th��ime and place and und�r the terms designated�n the no���Q of�a�Q <br /> in one or mare parce�s and�n any ord�r Trus�ee d��erm�nes, Trustee may pos�pone sa�e af a�� �r any <br /> parcel af�he Property by public announ�ement at�he��me and p�ace of any pre�ious�y scheduied sa�e. <br /> Lender or i�s designee rnay pur�hase th�e Proper�y a� any�ale. <br /> Upon rece�p� oF paymen� of�he price�id, Tru��e�sha�� deli�er�o�he purchaser TruStee's deed <br /> conveying�he Property. The reci�ais in the Truste�'s deed shall be pr�ma fac�e e��denc�of�he�ruth af <br /> the s�a��men�s made�here�n. Trus�e�sha��app�y the proc�eds of�he sa�e�n th�fo��awing order: �a} to <br /> aIi c�s�s and expenses of exerc���ng th�power�f sale, and�he sa�e, �nc�uding the paymen� of�he <br /> Trus�ee's f�Qs ac�ua��y incurred and reasonab�e a��orney5' fees a� p�rmi�ted by App�icab�e Law; �b) t� <br /> a�l�ums se�ured by�his Security Instrument; and �c} an�excess�a the person or persons�ega��y <br /> en�i��ed�o it. <br /> N�SRASKA-Sirtgle Family-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNt�ORM 1N5TRtJM�NT Fvrrn 3�2$11Q'� <br /> VMP� VMPfi4N�j[1302j <br /> Wolters KIt�wer Financial 5erviGes P�ge 7 4 af'�7 <br />