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2� 15�8182 <br /> ��. Borrowe� N�t Released; Farhearance By Lender Not a Vlla�rrer. Extension of�he t�me for paymen�or <br /> n�od�ficatian of amnrtizat�on of the sums secured by this Secur���r �nstrumen�granted by Lender�o B�rrower <br /> or any 5uccessor�n�n�erest of Borrov�er sha�� no��pera�e�o rel�ase the liabili��af Borrower or any <br /> Successors in�nterest of Borrawer. L.�nder shall not be requir�d ta�ommence praceedings agains�an� <br /> Suc�essor�n�nterest of Borrovver or ta refuse to extend time for paymen�or�th�rv�rise modify amor��za�ion <br /> of the sums secured by this Securi���nstrun�ent b�r�ason of an�demand made b��he or�ginal Borrower or <br /> any 5uccess�rs in In�erest of Borr�wer. Any forbearance b� Lender in exer�ising any right or remedy <br /> inc�uding, withou�iimitat��n, I�ender's accep�ance of pa�men�s from�hird p�rsons, entit�es or Succes�ors �n <br /> �n�er�s�of Barrower or in am�un�s �ess�han the amount�hen due, shall n��b�a wai��r of or preclude the <br /> exercise of any r�gh�or rem�dy. <br /> 'i 3. Jaint and Ser►eral L�ab�l�ty; Co�signers; Success�rs and Ass�gns Bound. Borrower covenan�s and <br /> agrees tha�Borrower's�b�igati�ns and Iia�i�it� shall'�e jain�and se�vera�. H�we�er, any Barrower wh� <br /> co�signs th�s Se�urity �nstrumen�bu�does no�execu�e th�No�e�a "co-s�gner"}: �a� is co-s�gn�n�fhis <br /> Se�ur�t� Instrumen��nl��o m.or�gage, grant and con��y�he co-signer's int�res�in the Property under�he <br /> terms of th�s S�curi�� Instrumen�; �b} is no�p�rsonally abl�gated to pay the sums secured b}�this Securi�y <br /> �ns�rum�nt; and�c� a�rees�hat Lender and any other Barrovv�r can agree�o extend, m.od�f�, forbear ar make <br /> an�a�commoda��ons v�r��h re�ard �o the t�rms of th�s Securi�� �ns�rument ar�he Note without the co-signer's <br /> consen�, <br /> Suhject to the provisions�f Sec�ion �8, an� Successor in�n�eres�of Borrower who assumes Barrov��r's <br /> abligat�ons under th�s Security �nstrument in wr�ting, and�s appra�red b� Lender, sha�� ��tain all of <br /> Barrov�er's righ�s and bene�ts under th�s S��urity Instrument. Borrower shai� no�b�releas�d from <br /> Borro�rer's obl�gat�ons and Iiab�l�ty under th�s Secur�ty Ins�rument un�ess L�nder agre���o such releas�in <br /> writin�. The co�enants and agreements of th�s Securit� Instrumen�sha�� bind�except as pro�ided in Se�t�on <br /> 24} and benef�t the success�rs and assigns of Lender. <br /> �4. Loan Charges. Lender may char�e B�rrower fees for services performed�n connec�ion with Borrow�r's <br /> default, for the purpose of pr�tecting Lender's in�erest �n�he Proper�� and righ�s und�r this Security <br /> �nstrumen�, �nclud�ng, but not Iimit�d to, a�torneys' fee�, proper�y inspection and�raluation fees. In regard t� <br /> an�nther fees, the absence a�`express au�hor��� in this Secur�t� Instrumen�to charge a spec�f�c fee to <br /> Sorrower shall not be�onstrued as a prohibition an��e Charg�ng of such f�e. Lender may n��charge fees <br /> �ha�are e�press�y prahibited b�r�his Securi�y Ins�rumen�or by Appl�cab�e Law. <br /> �f�he Laan is sub�ect t�a law which sets ma�imum inan charges, and that law �s fina�Iy�nt�rpre�ed so that <br /> the in��res�or other�oan charges coiiected or to be co��ec�ed in cont�ec�i�n with the Loan exceed the <br /> permit�ed�imi�s, �hen: �a} any such laan charge shall he reduced by�he amoun�necessary ta reduce the <br /> charge to the perm�.t�ed Iimit; and (b} any sums a�ready collected from Borrower which exceed�d permitted <br /> �imits wi��be refunded�o Borrawer. L.ender ma�choose�o make th�s refund b�reducing the principal �wed <br /> under the Note�r�y mak�ng a direc�paymen��o Borr�wer. �f a refund reduces principal, the r�duct�on w��I <br /> be treated as a partia�pr�pa�rm�n�vv��hout an��r�paymen�charge�whether or not a prepaymen�charge�s <br /> pr�vided for under the Not�}. Sarravver's a�cep�ance of any such refund mad�by direct pa�ment to <br /> Borrower wi�l cans�i�ute a�raiver�f any r�gh�flf action Barro�rer m�gh�ha�e arising out of su�h�ver�harge. <br /> '15. N�tices. A��not�c�s �xw�n by Bnrrower or Lender�n conn�ct�on v��th this Secur�ty�ns�rument must b�in <br /> v�ri�ing. An�notic�ta Borrow�r in�onnect�on with�h�s Security �nstrumen� sha��b�d�e�med to ha�re been <br /> g��en�o B�rrow�r when mai�ed by f�rst class mail or wh�n actually d�li�er�d�o Borrower's n�tice address if <br /> sent by o�her means. Not�ce�� any one Borrow�r sha��c�ns���ute no�ice to a�l Borrovvers uniess Applicab�e <br /> Law express�y requires atherwise. The no�ice address shal�he the Pr�per�}� Address uniess Borrower has <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amiiy-Fannie Ma�IFreddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUM�NT �or�n 3flZ8 11a1 <br /> VMP Q VMP6�NE;ti 30�f <br /> Watters K#�wer�inanciat Ser��ces Page 1 9 of 17 <br />