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2� 15�8171 <br /> �EE�] �F T1�UST <br /> . <br /> Loan No: g'i�D95'I 3 � �ntlnu� Pa�e � <br /> prohibi�ing Len��r�rom seeking a defici�ncy�udgment against the Trusto�to the e��ent suGh activn is perm�tted hy <br /> la`rv. E�ectian by Lender to pur-sue any remedy shall no� exclude pursuit ofi any o�her remedy, and an election to <br /> mak� expenditures or to take action to per-�orm an vbf`igation �f Trustor under this Deed v�Trus�, after Trustor;s <br /> faiiure�o per-form,sha[[ not a�fect Lender's righ��o declare a default and exerc�se its�em�dies. <br /> Request for N��ice. Trustor, vn �ehaff of Trustor and Lender, here�y reques�s that a copy of any Notice vf De�ault <br /> and a �opy o�F any Notice of Sa[e under this Deed of T�usrt be mailed to them at�he addresses set forth in th��irst <br /> paragraph ot this �eed��Trust. <br /> AttorneysT Fees: Expenses. �f Lender institufies any suit or ac�ion to en�vrce any o� the ��rms o� this Deed o� <br /> Trust� Lender shall be ent�t3e.d to reeover such sum as the court may adjudgs reasonable as a�torneys' fees a�trial <br /> and upvn any appea[. Vllhether or not any court ac�ivn is in�ol�ed, and �v the exten� not prohibited by Iaw, all <br /> reasvnable expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's vpinion are neGessary at any time �or th� protect�on of its <br /> interest or the enforGement of ifis rights shall become a par�of�he lndebtedness payabfe on demand and sha[[ bear <br /> �nterest a�the Note rate�rom the date vf the exp�nditure unti� repaid. Expenses co�ered by this para�raph inc[ude, <br /> withaut limitat�an, hawe�er subj�cfi ta any fimits u.nder applicab�e �aw, Lender's attorneys` fees and Lender's [ega� <br /> expenses, wheth�r ar nat there is a lawsuit, including a��arneysr fees and e�epenses for bankruptcy proceedings <br /> {including effQrts tv modify or�acate any au�tamati�stay or injunction}, appea[s. and any anticipated pos�t judgmen� <br /> collec�ion ser�ices, the cos� of searching recards, vbtaining tifl� reports {inc[uding for�c[�sure reports�, sur�eyors` <br /> reports, and a�praisa! fees, titIe insurance, and �ees for th� Trustee, to the extent permi-��ed hy applicable law. <br /> Trustor als�v►rill pay any cvur�casts, in additivn to all athe�-sums prvvided by[�w. <br /> Rights of Trustee. Trustee sha[I have all of�he rights and dufiies v�Lend�r as set forth in this section. <br /> P�WERS AN❑ �BLIGATI�NS �F TRUSTEE. The�o1[ow�ng pra�isi`ons refating�o the pawers and obfigations o�Trust�e <br /> are part vf this Deed of Trust: <br /> Pvwers of Trustee. ln addi�ion ta all pow�rs o�Trustee a�-isEng as a matte�of 1aw, Trustee shall ha�e�he power to <br /> take the fo[[ov►ring actians with respect to the Property upan �he writken request o�Lender and Trusto�: ta} join in <br /> prepar�ng and filing a map or pla� af �he Real Property, including the dedi�ation of sfireets or vther rights �to the <br /> pub[ic; {b} �ain in granting any easemen� or creating any r�striction on the Rea[ Praper�y; and {c} join in any <br /> sub�rdination or oth�r agr�emen�t affecting this Deed af Trust or�he interesfi v�f Lender under�his Deed of Trust. <br /> Trustee. Trustee sha[� meet a[E �uali-Ficatians required for Trus�ee under app[icab[e [aw. Cn addition tv the rights <br /> and remedies set forth abo�e, wi�h respect tv all or any part of the Property, �the Trustee sl�all ha�e the right to <br /> forec[ase by noti�e and safe� and Lender shall have the righ�k to foreclose by ludicia[ farec[asure, in ei�her case in <br /> a�cordance wi�h and to the�Fu[[extent pr�vided by applicable law. <br /> 5uccessvr Truste�. Lender, at Lender's option, may�ram time�o time appvint a successor Trustee to any Trustee <br /> appoin�ed under this D�ed vf Trust by an insfirum�nt executed and acknowledged by Lender and �ecorded in the <br /> office of the r�cvrder of Hall County, 5�ate ofi Nehrasl�a. The insfirum�nt shalf contain, in addi�ion to all ��her <br /> matters r��uired by state law, the names of the original Lender, Trustee, and Trusfar, the book and page �ar <br /> �ompu�er sys�em reference� this [Jeed of Trust is recorded, and the name and address vf the successar <br /> trust�e, and the instrument shal[ be�xecuted and acknowledged E�y all the bene�Ficiaries under this D�ed of Trust or <br /> their successors in interest. The suceessor trustee, withou� c�n�eyance of the Property, sha[[ succeed to all �he <br /> �it[e, power, and duties conferred upon th�Trustee in this Deed o�Tru�t and I�y app[icab[e law. This procedure�or <br /> substitution of Trus�tee sha[[go�ern to the excCusion of all o�her pro�isions�rar subst�tuti�n. <br /> NDT�CES. Any not�c� required to be gi�sn under this Deed of Trusfi, inc�ud�ng v►ri�hout limitation any noti�e o� defau[t <br /> and an� no�ice of sale sha[[ be given in writing, and shal[ be effecti�e when actua�fy de�ivered, when actually recei��d <br /> by teEefacsimile �un�ess vtherwise required by Iaw�, when deposi�ed with a nati�na�fy rec�gnized o�ern�ght couri�r, vr, i� <br /> mailed, when depvsited in the L]nited Sta�es maiI, as fir��class, cert��ied or registered mail pastage prepaid, direc�ed tv <br /> the addr-esses shown near fih� beginning of this Deed of Trust. A[[ copies �� notices of��reclosure from th� holder of <br /> any lien whi�h has priorify o��r this ❑eed of Trus� shall be sent to Lender's addressr as shawn near th� beginning a� <br /> this Deed vf Trust. Any party may change its address �For notiCes under �his Deed o� Trust by giving to�-rnal written <br /> noti�e tv �he o�her parties, specifying that th� purpose of the not'rce is �o change the party's address. For notice <br /> � purposes, Trustor agrees to keep Lender informed at all times o�F Trustar`s curren�address, LJn�ess otherv+rise pravided <br /> or required by [aw, if there is mor�than one Trustor, any no�ice given by Lender tv any Trustor �s deemed ta b� natice <br /> given-t�a[[Trustors. <br /> IVIlSCELLANEDUS�RDV15fDNS_ The�o�fovving misce[[aneous pro�isions are a part o�this Deed o�Trust: <br /> Am�ndments. This Deed o�Trust,�ogether with any F�e[a�ed D��uments, canstitutes the enfiire understanding and <br /> agreement vf�he par�ies as to the ma�ters set�forth in this ❑eed of Trust. Nv alt�ration of or amendment to this <br /> D�ed o�Trust sha�[ be e�€ective unless gi�en in writing and signed by�he par�y vr parties sou�ht to be charged or <br /> bound by�he a�teratian or amendment. <br /> Annua[ Reports. �f the Properky is used for purposes other than Trustor's res.idence, Trustor shall �urnish to <br /> Lender, upon reques�r a certified sta�e.ment a� net �perat�ng incvme recei�ed from the Prvper�y during Trustar's <br /> pr�vious fiscal year in such -�orm and detail as L�nd�r shall require. "Net aperating income" shal[ mean a�! cash <br /> receipts�rom the Property less a11 cash�xpenditures made in cannec�ion with the vpera�ion af the Property. <br /> Caption Headings. Caption headings in this Deed fl€ Trust are for e�n�enience purposes only and are not to be <br /> used fiv interpret vr define�he prvvisions of this Deed o-�Trust, <br /> N[erger. There shaf[ be n� merger o�the interest or estate created by�his De�d nf Trust with any other interest o� <br /> esta�e in the Prnperty at any time held by or far the benefit of Lender in any capaci�y, wi�hou�th�written cansent <br /> v�Lender. <br /> Gaverning Law. �his Deed of Trust will be governed by�Federa! [aw applicable �o Lender ancfr to fhe exfent not <br /> preempted by�edera!iaw,�he Iaws of tha Stafe vf Nebrask�withaut�egard to i�s con�licts a�f faw pro�isions. Th�s <br /> �]eed of Trust C�as been accepted by Lender in fhe S�a#e of Nebraska. <br /> Choice vf Venuxe. [f there is a lawsuit, Trustor agrees upon Lender's request to submit to the jurisdiction o�F the <br /> courts of Hall County, S�ate of Nebraska. <br /> Join# and 5everai Liabiiity. All obligations af Trus�or under this Deed ❑�Trust sha�l be joint and se�era[, and all <br /> re�erences t� Trus�or sha[[ m�an each and e�e�y Trustar, This means fihat each Trustor signing belaw is <br /> respvnsible�or all obligations in this Deed o�f Trust. <br /> No Vllai�er by Lender. Lender shall not be deemed to ha��waived any rights under this Deed of Trust unless such <br /> wai�er�is gi�er�in writing and signed by L�nder. No delay ar omEssion on the part o�Lender in exercising any right <br /> sha�! operate as a waiver of such right or any vther right. A wai�er by Lender o�a prv�ision of�his Deed af Trust <br /> sha�l not prejudice or constitute a wai�er of Lender`s righ� oth�rwiss tv demand strict cvmpliance with �ha� <br /> p�ro�isi�n vr any other pro�ision o� this Deed o� Trus�t. No prior wai�er by L�nder, nor any course o� dea[ing <br /> betw��n Lender and Trust�r, shall constitute a wa��er af any of Lender's �-ights or o� any af Trustor's ob[igations <br /> as tv any future transact�vns. Whene�er the consent ofi Lender is requir�d under�his Deed of Trus�, the granting <br /> v� such consent by Lender in any instance shal� not cons�itute continuing c�nsent to subsequen�instances where <br /> such consent�s required and in all Gases such consent may be granted or v►rithhe[d in the sole discreti�n o�Lender. <br />