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� 2� 15�8171 <br /> �EE� �� �r�us�r <br /> Loan No: 8'!€��1�513 {Co�`�[tlul�d� Pa�e 7 <br /> 5e�erability. lf a cou� of compe�ent�urisdictian -�€nds any proWision vf this Deed of Trust�o be illegal, invalid, or <br /> unenforceabfe as�o any persvn or circumsfiance, �ha���nding shall not make the afFending prvvision illega[, inva[id, <br /> pr unen�or�eab[e as �a any ather person or circumstance. lt feas�b�e, the offending pro�ision shall be c�nsid�red <br /> modified so tha� i� becom�s legal, va��d and en�arceab�e. l�the affending provisivn Ganna�be so modi�fied, it sha[� <br /> be considered deleted fram this I���d of Trust. Unless o#herwise required by law, the i([ega�ity, invalidity, ar <br /> unenforceabili� of any provis�on of-�his Deed o�Trust sha�! n�t af�ect�he �egality, �al�d�ty or enforceabifity of any <br /> ofiher pravisian o��this ❑eed o�Trus�. <br /> 5uccessvrs and Assigns. Subject�o any limitations statgd in this Deed o�Trus� on transf�r of Trustor's inter�st, <br /> this Deed o�Tr�ast shall be binding upon and inure tv �f�e benefiit of�he parties, their successors an�i assigns. 1� <br /> ov�rn�rship of the Pr-oper�y becom�s vested in a person other�han Trustar, Lender, wi�hout noti�e �a Trus�or, may <br /> dea� wi�h Trusto�'s suc�essars wi�h reference to this De�d af Trust and�he [ndebtedness by way��forbearance or <br /> exrtension�rv�thou�releasing Trus�ar�rom fih��b�igat�ons of this Deed of Trust ar i�abi�ity un�er the Indebt�dness. <br /> Tirne is��the Essence. Time is of�he essenGe in�he per�armance of�his Deed of Trus�. <br /> �l�lai�e Jury. All parties ta�his De�c! of Trus�hereby wa�ve th� right fia any�ury tria! in any a��tion, proceeding, or <br /> counfierclaim brought by any p�r�y against any other party. <br /> l�ai�er o� Hvmestead Exemptivn. Trustor hereby releases and v�raiv�s a!! r�ghts and benefi�s of the hvmes�ead <br /> exemption laws of the State a�Neb�aska as to all fndebtedness se�ur�d �y this Deed o€T�-ust. <br /> DEFINITI�NS. The-�ollo}rving capitalized wards and terms shal� have the �Following meanings ervhen used in this Deed of <br /> T�ust. LJn��SS SpEGl�1C8II�I S�a�ed �D th�' COn�t'anf, all references to dalfar amounts shall mean am�un�s in lavufu[ money <br /> o� the Llnited States of America. 1Nords and �terms used in the singula� sha�� include the plural, and the plural shall <br /> �nc�ude the singular� as the contex� may �-equire. Words and �erms not vtherwise de�ined in this ❑eed a� Trus� shali <br /> ha��the meanings attributed t�suGh terms in�he Unifvrm Comrnerc�a[C�de: <br /> B�neficiary. The ward "Benef�ciary" m�ans Equitable Bank,.and its successors and assigns. <br /> Bvrr�wer. The v+�ard "Ba�r�ower" means RDDNEY J �[EHL and SUSAN C DIEHL and includes a[I co-signers and <br /> co-make�s s�gn�ng the No�e and a[[their succ.essvrs and ass�gns. <br /> Deed vf Trust. The words "Deed af Trust" mean this Deed of Trus� amang Trustor, Lender, and Trus�ee, and <br /> inc[udes without ��mitation afl assignment and securi�y in�erest provis�ans re�ating to the Personaf Property and <br /> Ren�s. <br /> Default. The wo�d "�e�au�t" means�he Defau[t set f�rth �n this Deed v�Trus��n the sectian titled "Default". <br /> Env��vnmental Laws. The words 'TEn�ironmenta[ Laws" mean any and a�� state, federal and [ocaf statu�es, <br /> regulations and o�-d�nances re[ating ta the protection o� h_uman heaIth ar �he environment. �ncluding without <br /> limi�ation the C�mprehensiv� En�ironmenta� Respanse, Compensation, and Liabili�y�ict of 198D, as amended; 4� <br /> U.S,C. Section 9G�1. e�seq. �"CERCLA"}. the Super-�Fund Amendme�tts and Reau�h�ri�ation Act a� �986� Pub. L. <br /> No. 99-49g {"S�4RA"�,the Ha�ardaus Materials Transportation Act,49 �.5.�. 5e�tion �gD�, et seq„the Resource <br /> Canser�a�ian and Reco�ery Act. 4� U.S.�. Section �9��, et seq., o�other app�icable state or fed�ral la�nrs, rules, <br /> or�-�gu�atians adopted pursuant thereta. <br /> E�rent of Q�fau1�. The�vords "E��nt���e�auit" mean any o��he e�en�s o�d��au�t set farth in�his Q�ed of Trus�in <br /> �he events a�de�Fau€t section of this Deed af Trus�. <br /> Guaran�y. The word "Gua�anty" means�h�guaran�y�ram gua�antar. endors�r, surety�or aGcommoda�ion par�y to <br /> Lend�r, incfudin�w�th�ut��m�tatian a guaran�y af alI or part af�he N��e. <br /> Hazardaus Subs�ances. The words "Hazardous Substances" mean materiafs tha�, because a� their quan�ity, <br /> concentra�ion or physica�, chemica� or infeetiQus chara�ter�stics, may �ause �r pose a presen� or po�en�ial hazard <br /> to human h�al�h or�he en�ironment vRrhen imp�-vpe�-ly used, �r�a�ed, stored, disposed of, generated, manufactured, " <br /> transported or otherwise handled. The words "Hazardous Substances" are used in their very hroades�sense and <br /> incfude v+rithou� �imitat�on any and a�� hazardo�s ar toxic substances, materia[s or waste as defined �y or ��sfed <br /> und�r�he En�ironmen�aC Laws, The�erm "Hazardous Substances" a�so inciud�s, v�r�thaut f imi-�ation, petro�eum and <br /> petroleum by-products o,r a:ny�'frac�t�o�n thereo-��and asbestos. �_ <br /> . . � � <br /> ; <br /> Improvements: �"he word°��`]mp�`�irements" r�eans aIl existing and fu�ture improvements, hui[dings, structures, <br /> rnabi�e hames-affixed-'on:.�he`,�F�ea� Proper�y, �acilities, additEons, replacements and ather construc�ion on the Real <br /> � ,.. .. ,. �. <br /> Property. �,� ,o �. ,... . ., ...,.. . <br /> [ndehtedness. The v+rord "[ndeb�edness" means a[� principa�, inter.esfi, and o�her amounts, cos�s and e�cpenses <br /> payable under the Note or R�lat�d Documen�s, together wi�h all r�newals a�, ext�nsians o€, mod��ications of, <br /> consolida�ions o�and substitutfons -�ar the�Nate or �eiated �]ocuments and any amounts expended or ad�enced by <br /> Lender to dischar�e Trustorrs obl�gations��r expenses incurred by��Trustee or Lender t� enforce Trustor's <br /> ob�igatians under this Deed of Trust, �together �nrith inter�st on such amounts as pravided in this Deed o� Trust. <br /> Speci�ical�y, rrvithout �im3tation, Indebtedness inGludes the future advances set �orth in the Futu�-e Ad�ances <br /> pro�is�on, �agether �rvi�h a�l interes� thereon and �[� amoun�s �ha� rnay be fndir�c�[y secured by the. <br /> Cross-�o�iater�li�a��on provision of this aeed o�T�rust. <br /> L�ncier. �'h�v�rard "Lender" mear�s Equitab[� 8ank, its successors and assigns. <br /> No�e. TF�e vu�rd "N�t�'e means �h� promissory n�te da�ed IVo�ember 3�, �D7 5, i� th� or�g�n�l �ar�.nc�pai <br /> �m[]utl� �f $�7�p��d.a� firom Trus�or�o Lender, �agether with all renevtirals a�, �xtens��ns of, mada�ications <br /> o�F, re�inan�ings a�, consvlidations of, and substitutions for the promissory no�e Qr agreement. <br /> Personaf Propert�r. The wo�ds "Persanaf Proper-�y" mean a[� equipnnent; �ix�ures, and other articles o�F personal <br /> p�operty no�v ar herea�ter owned by Trustor, and now or hereaf�er attached a� affixed to �he Real Property; <br /> together vvith a!I accessi�ns, parts; and additions tfl, aE! replacements o�, and all substi�utians �or, any Qf such <br /> property; and together �nri�h ali proceeds {inc�ud�ng wi�hvu� limi�at��n all insurance pro�eeds and re�unds af <br /> premiums} �rom any sale or o�her disp�sition of th� P�opert�. <br /> �roperty. The inr�rd "Property" mean� �v11eG�ively�he Rea� Prvp�rty and th�Persona� Pra�erty. <br /> Re�l Prope�y. The �r►rords "fieal Prvperty" mear�the real propertyr in�erests and rights, as �urthe�described �n this <br /> ❑eed��T�ust. <br /> F�e�ated Documents. �he �rords "�efated ❑ocumen�s" mean a�f promisso�y no�es, credi� agre�rr�en�s, loan <br /> agreemen�s, enWiranmenta� agreements� guaran�ies, securi�y agreements, mortgages� de�ds af �rust, security <br /> deeds, colla��ral mar�gages, and ail ather instrumen�sr agreements and documents, �hether no►nr �r hereafter <br /> ex�st�ng, ex�cuted in connection with the lndeb�edness. <br /> Ren�s. The w�rd "Rents" means all present and future ren�s, r���nues, in�vme, issues, royal�ies, prafits, and <br /> ather b�ne�its d�ri�ed�rom the Property. <br /> Trustee. The �nr�rd "Trus�kee" means Equi-table Bank {�rand lsiand Region�, whose address is ��3-��5 N Locust <br /> St; PD Box �6Q, Grand ls[and, NE 6SS42-��C�and any suE�st�tute or succ�ssor trus�ees. <br /> `frustar. �he wo�-d 'rTrus�or" means F��DNEY J DIEHL and SUSAN �D1EHL. <br />