2� 15�8171
<br /> DEED �F T�LJ�T
<br /> L�an Na: �'I��9513 ��ontit�ued� Pa�e �
<br /> C`redit�r or Ear�feiture Proce�dings. Commencement o� �vrec€osure or for�ei�ure pro�eedings, vtirhether by �udiciai
<br /> proc�eding, se1�hef p, repossession or any othe�methvd. by any credifior af Trusto�-or by any gv�ernmental agency
<br /> against any p�vperty securing �he Indehtedness. Th�s includes a garnishmen� of any of Trus�tor's accoun�ts�
<br /> including deposit accounts, wrth L�nder. How��er, this Even� of De�ault shall no� app�y i� there is a govd �ai�h
<br /> dispute b}�Trustor as �o the Walidi�ty or reasonableness ot the �faEm which is fihe basEs o�the credi�or or�orfeiture
<br /> proceed'rng and i� Trustor gi�es Lender wr�tten nati�e of the creditor or forfeiture pro�eed�ng and deposi�s w�th
<br /> Lender mvnies �r a sure�y�ond f�r�he creditor or€or-�ei�ure proce�din�, in an amoun�de�erm�ned by Lender, in its
<br /> sa[e discretion, as being an�dequate res�rv�or bond�or�he dispu�e.
<br /> B�each of D�her Agreement�. Any breach by�rustor under the terms o�any o�her agreement between Trustvr and
<br /> Lender_that is nflt remedied vtri�hin any grace period prvvided therein, inc!€�d�ng wi-�hou�t [im�tat�an any agreement
<br /> concerning any indeb�edness❑r o�her obliga�ion of Trusfiar t� Lend�r, whether existing no�v or�ater.
<br /> Even�s Af�ecfiing Guarantor. Any of the preceding even�s occu�-s vtiri�h respect�o any guarantor, endarser, surety,
<br /> vr accommodation party of any of the �ndebtedn�ss or any guarantar, endorser, sure�ty, ar accommoda�ian party
<br /> dies ar bec�mes Enc�mpetent, or re�okes or disputes fihe va[id�ty of, or Iiabili�y under, any Guaranty v� the
<br /> lndeb�Cedness.
<br /> Adverse Change. ►a► material adverse change occurs in Trustor's financia[ conditEon, or Lender be��eves �he
<br /> praspect o��aaym�nt nr per-�armance af the Indeb-�edness is impaired.
<br /> �nse�urity. Lender�n gaod�a��h belie�es itself�nsecure.
<br /> �iIGHTS AN� F�EI[�IEDIE� aN DEFAULT. If an EWent of I7�fauEt occurs under this Deed o�TrustP at any t�me thereafter,
<br /> Trus�ee o�Lend��m�y exer��se any ane or mvre of the�oilowing righ�s and remedi�s:
<br /> ��c��era�E�n Upan Def�u�t�Ad�ii#aana� Remedies. �f any.E�ent of ❑efaul�accurs as per�he�erms of the Nate
<br /> secured� h�reby, Lende�may declare a!( Indebtedness secwred by this Deed a�r Trust to be du�and payable and
<br /> the same sha(I thereupon become due and paya�I�v�ri�hQu�any presen�ment, demand,pratest or natice o�any
<br /> kind. Therea�ft�r, Lender may:
<br /> �a� E��ther in per�on or by agent, wi�h or wi�hou� br�nging any ac�ion or p�oceeding, or by a r�ceiver
<br /> ap�ainted by a court and wi�havt regard �a�he adequacy o�i�ts securE:ty, en�er up�n and take possession
<br /> of th� Property, or any part thereof, in i�s own name or in�he name o�T�ustee, and do any acts which it
<br /> deems necessary or desirab�e tv preserve�he�a[ue, marketabili�ty or rentabilEty a��he Prop�rty, Qr part v�
<br /> � �he Praperty or interest �n�h� Property; inc�eas�the income '�rom the Prop�rty or protect the secur�ty of
<br /> the F'raper�y; and, inrith �r withQut takir�g possess�on o� the �'�ope��y. s�e �o� or v�h�rv�rise c�[[e�� �he
<br /> ren�s, issues and prvfits of�he Prop�r�y, �nc�uding thvse pas�t due and unpaid, and �pp1y the sarne, fess
<br /> costs and expenses o�F ape�ation and �.o�Iection a�tvr�eys' fees,ta any indebtedness seGured by this Deed
<br /> o� Trust, a[[ in such order as Lender �nay determ�ne, The en-tering upan and taking p�s�essian af th�
<br /> Property, the col�ection of such ren�Cs, issues and prafits, and t�e app�ica�ion therea� shall nofi cure or
<br /> � vv�i�e any defaul�ar notice o�F defau[t under�his ❑eed a�T�-ust or �n�aiida�e any act done in response�o
<br /> such defaul�or pursuant to such natice of d��au�t; and; notvvithstanding the continuance in pvssession of
<br /> the Praperry or the collection, receip� and app�iGation o� rents, issues ar pro�Fits, Trustee or Lender sha11
<br /> � i�e en-�ifi[ed �o exercis� e�ery �igh� provided fiar in th� Note or�he Re�ated Documents �r by!aw upon th�
<br /> oc�u�-rence o�any e�ent af default, including�he right fio exercise�he powe�-v#sa��;
<br /> tbj C�mmence an action�to forec[ose this Deed of Trus�t as a mortgage, appoin�a reGe��er or spe�E�i�a��y
<br /> en�orce any a�the coWenants h�reo�; and
<br /> 4c� De[iver t�Trustee a wri��n declara�ion o-�defauft and demand�or sale and a wri��en notic�o�defau[�
<br /> and e[ec�ion to cause Trustor's in�eres�in�he Property tv be so[d, virhiGh nv�ice Trustee sha�! cause to be
<br /> dufy�iled for re�ord in�he appropriate offices of the Coun�y in wh�ch�he Property is located; and
<br /> �d� 1Nith respec��a a11 0�-any par�t of the Persona[ Proper-�ty� Lender sha�f have all the ri�hts and remedies
<br /> o��secur�d�parfy under the Ne�raska E�niforrn Commercia[ Code.
<br /> Fvreciosure hy.Pnwer nf Sa1e. lf Lender��ec�s to f�rec�as�.by exercise o�th� Power of Sale herein con�ain�d,
<br /> Lender shall notify Trustee and shai� depos�� w�th Trustee�his Deed of Trust and the N�te and such receipts
<br /> and e�idence af exp�ndi-�ures made an�secured hy this Deed o�Trus�as Trustee may require.
<br /> �a� Upon receipt o�such notice�rom Lender, Trus�ee sha�[ cause ta be recarded, pu�fished and deli�ered
<br /> t� Trustor such No�tice of De�au�t and No�ice of Sa[e as �hen required by �aw and hy th�s Cleed a�T�-ust.
<br /> Trustee sha[[, withaut demand on-Trusto�, after such time as may then be requ�red by law and after
<br /> r�cordation of such Na�ice of Defaul�-and after Not�ce of Sa[e having been gi�en as required by lar�r, sell
<br /> the Property at the time;and p�ace o� sa�e fixed by i� �n such NotiGe a� Sale, ei�her as a who�e,�or in
<br /> separate lots or parcels ar items as Trustee sha�i deem expedient, and in suGh flrder as it may determine,
<br /> at pubfi� auction tv the h�ghes� �idder for�ash in lawful money of the �nited States payab[e at�he time
<br /> vf sale. T�ustee shal� de��ver �a su�h purchaser vr purchasers thereof its gaod and sufi�icient de�d or
<br /> deeds con�eying th� p�-operty s� sa[d, bu� without any co�enant or warranty, express ar impiied. Th�
<br /> recitals in such deed o� any m���ers or facts shall be conclusive proof o#the truth�ulness thereot. Any
<br /> persfln,including without Iimi�a�ion Trustar,Trustee.or L�nd�r. may purchase at such safe.
<br /> {b� As may be perm�tted by Iaw, a�ter deducting all �osts, �ees and expenses o� Trustee and of thi�
<br /> Trus�, Enc�udEng casts o�ev�dence af title �n connec�ion with sa[e,Trustee sha[� apply the proc�eds of sa�e
<br /> �to paymen�o� {if al!sums expended u;nd�r�the�erms of this Deed o'�T�ust o�-under�he terms o�f�he Note
<br /> not �hen repaid, inciuding but nat,[imited �o accrued interest and �ate cha�ges, t�i} alf ofiher sums fihen
<br /> secur�d herebyr and {iii�the remainder, i�any,�o the pe�-san vr persons l�gally enti-�fed thereto.
<br /> �c} Trustee may in the manner prav'rded by Iarrv postpone sa�e o�a�1 or any portion of�he Pr�perty.
<br /> Fiemedies Na� Ex��us�ve. Trus�ee and Lender, and each of them; shall be enti�led �a enfarce payment and
<br /> performance of any indebteciness or obliga�ions se�ured by this Deed of Trus�and to exercise aI[ rights and powers
<br /> under �his De�d of T�ust, under the No�e. un.d�r any ���he Re�ated Documen�s, ar under any oth�r agr�em�nt or
<br /> any laws n�Wv ar herea�t�r in force; no�with�stand�ng, some or alf of such �ndebtedness and abi�gations secured hy
<br /> this Qeed v�F Trust may n�v� or hereaft�r he o�herwise secured, v�rhe�her by martgage, deed of trust, pledge, ��en,
<br /> assignment ar otherwise. Nei�her �he a�cep�ance a� this Deed �� Trust nor its en�orcement, whe�her by cou�t
<br /> ac�ian or pursuan��o '�he power o�sal� ar a�th�r p�wers �ontained in �his ❑eed o�Trus�t, shafl prejudice or in any
<br /> manner affec� Trus�tee's ar Lender's right�o �ealize upon or enforce any other s�curity n�� or hereafter hefd by
<br /> Trustee or Lender, it being agreed�hat Trustee and Lender, and each of them, sha�E L�e en�itfed�o enforce this Deed
<br /> ��Trus�k and any a�her secur€ty naw ar hereaf�er h�Id by Lender or Trustee in such arder and manner as �hey or
<br /> either of them may in their abso[ute d�scretion determine. No remedy conferred upon or reserved ta Trustee or
<br /> Lender, �s in�ended �o b� excf usive v# an�other remedy in this Deed a�F Trust or by lav�r p�ov�ded or permitted, but
<br /> ea�h sha�i be eumulative and shall be in addition to e�ery ather remedy gi�en in this Deed ❑f Trus� or novv or
<br /> h�rea�ter existing at law or in equity or by�statu�e. E�ery power or remedy gi�en by the Note or any o�f the fte[ated
<br /> Dacu.ments �o Trus�ee or Lender or t� which �i�h�r of them may �e o�herwise en�i�led, may be exercised,
<br /> concurren�ly or independentfy; ��om time to t�me and as often as may b� deemed expedient by Trustee vr Lender,
<br /> and ei-�her of them may pursue inconsi��ent remedies. Nothing in this Deed a-F Trust shall be cons-�ru�d as
<br />